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𝐈 𝐀𝐌 𝐇𝐎𝐑𝐍𝐘 like I want to have sex , no correction I am going to have sex I am going to the club tonight to get some dick and get my sleeping then maybe even get drunk and hopefully stumble upon someone and take them home. 

Once I have sex then maybe I will be happy and feel better, every night I've been fingering myself since Ezra fingered me and its not doing the same pleasure as his were, I groan out I'm horny all the time its actually infuriating.

One thing I have noticed about myself is I have fingered myself almost every night. Which is unsual for me.

I walk into my closet and put on my favorite black dress 

I throw on some lipgloss and let my hair do it's own thing.

I put on my heels and grab my keys and wallet shoving them inside my bra.

I walk out to the living room and both of the them turn their heads and look at me from head to toe.

"Where you going ". Ezra asks

"To get laid " .

"Why". Milo ask

"Because " I say.

"Because why". Ezra says

"I'm leaving now" I go to walk out the door.

And I feel Ezra's presence behind me. Him being this close isn't helping my situation.

"Ezra back up please".

He doesn't move and I move from under him and walk near the couch.

I have had enough of this

"Ezra and milo what is you problem I'm a grown women I can do as I please without an explanation".

"We don't want some random man in our home". I hear milo say

I scoff

"If that's what your worried about then I will go back to his house."

"No " Ezra says

"What do you mean no".

"I'm leaving "

"No,no you're not hope".

"Please let me have my freedom I have so much sexual buildup and frustration that it fucking drives me crazy and when y'all do the things y'all do it makes it worse.
So I'm leaving the faster I get this out of my system I will be fine."

My chest heaving up and down from frustration.


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