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𝐈 𝐒𝐋𝐄𝐏𝐓 𝐓𝐄𝐑𝐑𝐈𝐁𝐋𝐄 Yesterday, I had a series of intense dreams that left me feeling both confused and aroused. Throughout the night, I found myself waking up multiple times, only to realize that I was actually lying on my bed. Each dream felt incredibly real, and I experienced an overwhelming sense of warmth and sensitivity. It was as if I was actually having hot, sweaty sex.

Upon waking, I was drenched in sweat and felt a surge of discomfort throughout my body. I noticed that my appearance in the mirror was not what I was expecting. My face was pale, and my body ached. I felt exhausted and on the verge of tears.

As I walked to my front door, I heard a knock. "Yes, give me a second," I responded, my voice tired and weary. I walked to the bathroom and quickly washed my face and brushed my teeth. I composed myself before making my way towards the door.

Opening it, I was greeted by Milo, a friend from down the hall. "Hi Milo," I said, trying my best to maintain my composure. "Are you sure you're okay?" he asked, concern evident on his face.

"Yes, why?" I questioned, trying my best to hide my discomfort.

"Because yesterday it sounded like you were moaning," Milo replied, his eyes shifting between colors. I felt a mix of embarrassment and confusion wash over me.

"Oh, did I say anything by chance?" I asked, feeling my face heat up.

Milo nodded, confirming my worst nightmare. "You were asking to cum and other things," he said, his voice filled with a mix of curiosity and embarrassment.

I stood there, speechless, unsure of what to say. "I don't... know what to say to that," I said, feeling a mix of shame and confusion. "But I'm really, really sorry."

Milo's eyes softened, and he gave a small smile. "It's okay," he said, his voice soothing. "Just take care of yourself and make sure you're okay."

With those words, Milo turned and left, leaving me alone in the apartment to process the events that had just unfolded. The incident left me feeling disoriented and unsure of my behavior. Maybe, I thought, I just need to get out more. I'm on the verge of breaking down crying.

I open my door and put my silky robe on and walk back over to my bed pulling off my sheets and blanket. I walk into the laundry room and put my comforter in and start the washer.

I back into my room and grab my comfy clothes making my way to the bathroom I'm taking a bath. Adding my normal essentials to my bath I get in and close my eyes.

The exhaustion of the weeks of exotic sex in my dreams  is finally taking taking its toll on me.  The dreams are becoming more vivid and to be frank I'm not sure how much longer I can take it sense I've moved I feel they have been getting worse.

The hot water swallowed me whole melting my body into the tub ,eyes heavy with exhaustion. A soft content sigh slipped past my lips the strain of my body melting away. The pains dissolving by the minute , slipping further away tears run effortlessly down my cheeks and into the water creating small ringlets.

My hand covers my mouth to conceal my light sobs. My head slips under the warm water attaching itself to face; licking away my tears.  The sound of my muffled heartbeat feels the empty silence. The question bouncing around in my restless brain. 

 Do I move out or.. before I can come to a finalization. I feel someone pull me out of the water gasping for copious amounts of air. Ezra and Milo come into view as Ezra holds my arm and milo behind him.

Milo passes Ezra my towel and I stand up not caring for my temporary state of nakedness, taking the towel from his hand. I wrap it around my breasts stepping onto the bath mat. Watching as they both exchange glances as if they are speaking to each other with their eyes. I stare ;catching their attention "Why are y'all looking at me like that " I said with irritation evident in my tone.

"Hope we were knocking on your door and your weren't answering...so I unlocked the door with a key and came in and saw you under water. " . Milo said his voice coated in tiredness.

My face pinched together , biting my tongue I cleared my throat. " So y'all thought because I didn't answer y'all that it meant something was wrong so you decided to unlock the bathroom and disturb my peace for what reason" my voice was stern.

"yea no this isn't going to work , there's something seriously fucked here  ". I gently push past them and walk into my room. My thighs rubbed together causing my swollen pussy discomfort making me more sensitive. 

I rub shea butter into my body swell as deodorant changing into my pjs , I  sit down on my bed applying products to my hair from ends to roots while brushing it through. Parting my hair quickly and messily doing two quick braids before wiping my hands into my towel.

I walk to the laundry room and pull my comforter from the dryer , I'll thank whomever switched it for me , throwing my towel into the dirty pile that built from the hamper.

I drop it on my bed and make my way to the kitchen and cook chicken Alfredo for dinner . Once I was finished cooking I cleaned the kitchen washing my dishes, grabbing my wallet from my purse I put $ 500 for my rent plus $100 dollars for my food onto the counter,  set my plate in front of my face and eat it.

I finish eating and wipe my mouth , sliding off the seat I hold my plate and bring to the sink washing it off and drying it I place it on the drying rack and dry my hands off before walking to my room.


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