Chapter 18: On his lap

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Someone different; Drake

'I see forever in your eyes.'

      Just when I thought it was getting better, Xavier had to text me at the worst time. Literally when I say this, it's the worst time. It's not the first time Antonio had heard his name come out of someone's mouth, this would have to be the second.

If he weren't smart then he wouldn't notice but I think he noticed alright, his light eyes now went darker than before. His pupils went dilated, the smirk that was once on his face went dull. Like it dropped along with my heart.

Once Ty said it in Spanish, Walker had to get up and say "Xavier." Which made me and not only me but Antonio mad also, I don't know what to do. He is still hovering over me with my upper half on his lap.

Almost like he didn't want me to get out of his death grip he has on me, it wasn't rough and it wasn't soft it was just in the middle to know that he wasn't going to let go of me. Everything was fine until Walker said it in English.

I'm acting like Antonio didn't know Spanish but still come on, he didn't know who X-man was. It was like a very bad code name.

I blink slowly, really don't know what is going through his head right now. I wish I did. His deep voice cut through my thoughts. "That's not the first time i've heard his name, now is it love?"

He says to me and only me. Like his whisper was in a deadly tone and almost seemed harsh. "Hm?" He questions me. With his angry face still looking deeply into mine. Antonio wants an answer and I don't have one to give him at this time, I wouldn't know the answer to it either. I shake my head no, which is the truth it's been twice he has heard the name.

Antonio chuckles, and lets out a little snicker. He sucks on his tongue and ran it along his teeth again. I'm very confused right now. If I knew what to do I would've done it, where is everyone else. They don't see this right now either?

I really want to kick Walker where the sun doesn't shine, but I don't feel like he deserves it. Wasn't his fault that we ended up like this, it was mine he didn't know that Xavier was a secret to begin with.

A small chuckle came from Jess, "He was my Ex." What a great lie Jess. Right now all i'm focus on is getting away from Antonio's grip on me, while Jess and Walker are talking to Diego and Ty. They are trying to ask who he really was because they aren't dumb, they've been through Jail and almost back.

I took a deep breath still to be carful that a man is still on top of me, looking down at me still and our noses about to touch. "C-can I get up please?" I ask him looking into his blue eyes that seemed to calm down a little bit.

It almost looks like he is debating something, "Why." Antonio asks me, I really don't know why. Maybe it's because we are in a lunch room showing PDA and people are probably asking questions and wondering why I am still on his lap. Emily and them are plotting their revenge on me. I can feel it.

Swallowing the lump in my throat, "My lips are dry." My lips aren't dry I was just biting them a lot and they looked dry enough or to the point it feels dry when I run my tongue along the bottom part of my lip.

"I'll kiss you." My face drops, his smirks re appears almost like he forgot about the Xavier thing, why would he think that he could kiss me and my lips would just go back to normal? I mean is it bad that I kind of want him to kiss me.

Imagining his lips on mine, just makes me have butterflies in my tummy. He was looking at my lips between my teeth right now, i'm a little bit nervous. I hope no one is looking but for some reason I don't find a reason to actually care that they would be.

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