Chapter 22: Please. +

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(Spare time)

Enjoy!!! Lol


Antonio drove me home, and since it's Friday. Toby would be home but when we pulled up he wasn't in the driveway, I guess he found something to do on his night. My father was home but he was working so he is in his office locked away doing work.

Also trying to take down Luca's company.

Jane is still working in the office, it's 2:30pm and I just got home. I sent dad a text saying I was going into my room and didn't come in because I'm going to study.

"Thanks for the ride." I say as Antonio pulls up into the street, and his loud car comes to a stop. I got out of the car, and I saw him take off his seat belt also. Then forgetting his house is like right there.

Shutting the door, and grabbing my book bag. I go to the doorstep and let myself in. Closing the door and it not shutting, I see a foot at the floor of the door.

"Antonio, go home." I say to him opening the door more so I can see his handsome face, he shakes his head.

I groan, it's him or him coming through my window and letting in some air that doesn't need to be in until night time. Opening the door more so his body could step through, I shut the door and lock it behind me.

He grabs my book bag from my arm and holds it, and I give him a little nod and kick off my shoes.

I'm so tired.

Lazyly I walk up the stairs to my room, sometimes I wish my father could get an elevator in the house so I don't have to walk up the stairs everyday. This very amazing day had to come to a slight end, but it's not going to be as bad because I have my favorite boy with me.

Opening the door to my room, I threw the keys on one of my night stands, and Antonio put my bag on my desk. I know I have to study but my bed looks comfy.

Antonio jumping on the bed and shaking it, doesn't make it any better with his nasty black socks, and his gray nike sweats. With his white hoodie.

I want to look comfy, having my head look up at the ceiling for 2 seconds. I groan.

Ana you have to pass the test tomorrow, get your booty on that chair and do some practice tests, if you can pass two of them you can go to sleep.

I thought to myself, taking out my computer and sitting in the chair. I put my leg up and bent it to rest my chin on it. There is a mirror on my desk so I can see Antonio playing with a couple strains of his hair and watching his phone.

Click on one of the practice tests, I start to do it.

30 questions later.

I hit submit after looking over the answer's I clicked, I tied my hair up into a mid high ponytail and had my glasses mid high on my face.


Yes! I even got the extra credit question right. I took the longer test, so I could just go to sleep after this one test. It had two tests combined but just in one section instead of two. It just made more sense to me if I did this one.

Slamming my computer shut, I walk over to my bed and slap myself on the bed. Antonio didn't go to sleep, he waited until I was done to take a nap with me.

Midway my father said he was going to check on Jane and the company, that was at 3:30. He texted me and I said okay, and don't come into my room after because I know after I wake up from my nap, I will do one more practice test again.

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