The arrival of the ice dragon slayer

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The picture is what Yuki looked like now!


The whole guild rushed at Yuki and Jade.

"I think you angered them." Said Jade.

"Good it will make this fight a little more interesting for me." Jade's wings and appeared and she flew up to the ceiling of the guild hall. She would always watch from far away. She knew it was dangerous to stand in Yuki's way and also this way she can swoop down and save her if anything goes wrong. Yuki took her stance, the one Ur taught her to use. Even though she now used her ice dragon slayer magic much more than the ice make magic she still always took this position before a battle, it just felt natural and right to her. She tilted her head back.

"Ice dragon: Roar." She shouted. A massive storm of ice shards flew out of her mouth. The sharp ice cut at her opponents and they all froze. They all became incased in ice and stayed completely still.

"Very impressive." Said the voice of the master of the guild. He appeared out of no wear right where he was before she roared. "But teleportation magic is faster than any spell you can use."

"Tch, your a teleporter huh? That fits you just well, always hoping out of the way, never really fighting your enemies. Your pathetic, stand there and fight me." The master disappeared and Yuki felt a presence behind her.

"Yuki!" Jade shouted and whipped her out of her way just in time. Yuki just missed meeting the fist of the master.

"Thanks Jade." She said. The master was no wear to be seen.

"Teleportion magic isn't the only magic I can use. The magic of inviability is very useful to but neither of those are going to get me up there so which one is avoiding the fight now."

"You have a point. Jade."

"But Yuki..."

"Don't worry I've got a plan. He won't be going invisible again trust me." She whispered. Jade put Yuki down on the ground and fly back up to the sky.

"So cold!" She heard from beside her. She saw the blonde haired girl and the blue haired child shivering but surprisingly the black haired man and the scary armoured red head weren't shivering. The red haired lady had armour on so that could have been keeping her warm but the guy was topless. The cold in the room didn't bother him at all. The guy was watching her with a cold stare. Could he be...could he be an ice wizard? Thought Yuki.

"Alright I'm on the ground now but your not here." There was a moan from the pink haired guy as he sat up.

"You are a fool for thinking I would fight you fairly."

"Actually I predicted you wouldn't come out but I thought I would give you a chance. Guess it's on to plan B then." Yuki took to her stance again. "Ice dragon: snow storm." The air became even colder and the snow covered the ground. Snow fell slowly from the ground. The master laughed and Yuki heard a crunching sound behind her. She moved her head slightly so that she could see behind her.

"What was that meant to do?" He said and Yuki smiled.

"It was to tell me where you were hiding." She said jumping in the air. "Ice dragon: claw." Ice formed over Yuki's hands, they resembled that of an ice dragon's and they were so strong they could cut through armour and swords. Yuki came down on the invisible master and slashed at him with her claws. She kept slashing until eventually the man she was attacking came into view. She stopped and watched as he fell to the ground, covered in cuts and looking weak. Yuki's claws disappeared and Jade returned to her side. Yuki tuned and walked towards the captured people. The blond and the child were still shivering.

"Um, I'm sorry about that. It gets cold when I use my magic."

"You are very powerful." Said the red haired one.

"Thank you." She went around the back of the red haired one and touched her restraints. They froze immediately and the red haired broke them with ease. Yuki was rather impressed with her strength, this was someone she was not to mess with. She held her hand out and a sword appeared in her hand. She then proceeded to cut her other comrades free. Jade came and stood by Yuki's side.

"Nice work there." Yuki said and Jade smiled and nodded at her.

"You too partner." The pink haired guy that was looking dazed shot up.

"WHERE IS HE? I'M FIRED UP NOW." His hands burst into flames as soon as he was free from the restraints.

"Nastu be quiet. This woman saved us." Said the red head.

"But we never would have needed saving it flame brain hadn't just charged in like a flaming idiot." The guy frowned at him.

"What did you call me you ice pervert?" The two banged heads and stared shouting insults at each other.

"Ice pervert?" Yuki questioned the blonde.

"Yeah the black haired one is Gray he is an ice make wizard. The other is Natsu who you already recognised as a Fire dragon slayer. The blue cat is Happy and the other is Carla. The armoured one is Erza, she used requip. This is Wendy the sky dragon slayer and I'm Lucy a celestial wizard."

"You all seem like a lively bunch. I'm Yuki the ice dragon slayer and this is Jade, my partner..."

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