Yuki and Rin

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"Rin, are you okay?" Wendy asked him as they made their way down the dark guild halls. Rin had his arm around Wendy's neck, leaning on her for support. Wendy had done what she could to save him but his wound would deep and she wasn't strong enough to heal it all together. It would take time but he wasn't in danger of death. He was just in a lot of pain. Lucy and the three cats were on his other side, waiting to catch him if he fell from Wendy's grasp.

"Yeah, I'm okay." He lied clutching at his side. In truth he was hurting much more than he let on but he didn't want to seem weak. He didn't even like the fact that he was having to lean on Wendy for support. "The main hall should be just around the next corner." He told them as then turned the corner. They all stopped moving and Rin looked up to see a red headed girl that he didn't recognised and Storm, the white witch of Black Viper. They were both badly cut but Storm looked like she would collapse at any moment. The other red haired girl was still standing strong despite the cuts on her body. She was wearing red trousers and a bandage covering her chest area and Rin noticed the blue guild mark on her arm. She was a Fairy, made sense. Rin thought, these people don't seem to give up at all.

"Erza!" Lucy called with a smile on her face. Everyone seemed happy to see her but Rin's eyes were fixed on Storm. Everything about her felt different, she felt timid and shy when usually she would be insulting him about something.

"Who's this?" Erza asked looking at Rin.

"This is Rin. He's Yuki's brother." Wendy explained. Erza's eyes widened thinking exactly the same thing that everyone else had, that was impossible. She seemed to compose herself and her face went back to the stern expression it was before.

"I'm Erza Scarlett." She introduced herself.

"Yeah, I've heard about you. The titania of Fairy Tail."

"Rin where is my brother?" Storm asked stepping forward interrupting the two.

"He's around the corner, unconscious. When he wakes up whatever spell Uncle had on him will have been completely broken, he's be fine though."

"But he'll leave me..."

"But you don't have to be alone. The offer to join Faiy Tail still stands." Erza told her. Wendy and Lucy glanced over at each other with wide eyes. When had that happened?

"Yes I understand that and I thank you greatly but I cannot give up on him just yet. I have to face him. I can't imagine what he will say but whatever it is...I will hear it. Then we will go from there. Find out where we're going."

"I understand but if you do ever find yourself alone my offer will still stand."

"Thank you Titania." She bowed her head to her and then looked over at Rin. "I know that I have never been much of a guild mate but I want you to know that I have always had respect for you. You're a strong mage and I wish you will and I hope you get to be with your sister have all these years. For now though, this is goodbye."

"Bye Storm." Rin said as she walked passed them, heading towards her brother. There was a small silence when she left, everyone thinking about the change she had made. In a short hour it seemed everything about her had been reborn.

"Where's Natsu?" Happy asked. 

"I don't kno-"

"Where the hell were you flame brain?" She was cut of by a male voice coming from the room around the corner.

"Looking for Yuki the same as you and where are you're clothes?" Replied a just as angry voice.

"Well it looks like we found our answer." Carla said making Wendy and the others smile. Rin's heart rate speed up, this was it. His sister was just around the corner. Wendy glanced at him from the side, noticing his worried look.

"What's wrong Rin?"

"Do you think...she will accept me?" He asked her.

"Of course she will." Lucy said.

"Yuki will be delighted to have her brother back." Erza told him then Jade, Yuki exceed stepped forward.

"I would know better than anyone. I'm Yuki's best friend, I've been with her since the day I was born. She had been searching for this guild for the last 8 years. Looking to take them down, to avenge the family she lost. She knows that revenge wasn't the right way to go but she had to do it, she had to 'seal her darkness' as she put it. She often talked about you. I think that because she knew her parents, she had memory of them it was just a little easier for her to accept that they were gone but she lost you before she even knew you. She often talked about what you might look like, she was always wanted to meet you and until today we both thought that was impossible. So of course she will accept you." Jade told him. Rin smiled warmly.

"Okay, let's go." He said and they all turned the corner. They were face with a massive circular room but it was covered in ice. Some blue but most of it was blood red. Rin saw four figured in the room. One was his Uncle, frozen completely in a large block of pale blue ice. The pink haired salamander called Natsu that he had lost in a fight to not that long ago, he was arguing with a dark haired boy that didn't have a shirt on. Behind them though there was a girl. She was attempting to put on a tight fitted outfit back on without my luck. Rin saw himself in her, she had brown hair, crystal blue eyes, pale skin and a slim figure.

"Yuki!" Jade called out to her friend making the three un frozen figures look towards them. Yuki smiled when she saw her friend and then her eyes travelled along the rest of the group and froze when she saw Rin. She looked him up and down, as if recognising him.

"Are you...?" She trailed off and slowly took a step forward. She stopped walking when she was right in front of him a few feet away, her eyes were widened as she looked at him.

"Yuki this is you're brother, Rin." Jade said.

"Rin..." She repeated softly and a smile played on her lips. Her eyes welled up and tears began to fall down her face, she didn't bother to stop them as she knelt down at his feet and threw her arms around him. Rin froze for a second and them took his arm from Wendy to hug his sister. The two held each other with everyone else watching in silence, the only sound that filled the air was the sound of Yuki's soft sobbing.

"Yuki...I'm sorry." Rin said after a little while. Yuki pulled away to look at him wiping away her tears.

"You have nothing to apologise for. If anything it should be me apologising to you for leaving you alone like that."

"No that's not you fault. You thought I was dead but I had such bad thoughts about you Yuki. I  believed everything Uncle told me, I hated you when I hadn't even met you."

"That's okay. Of course you would have believed Uncle, everyone wants to believe what their family tells them and it did look like I had abandoned you. Whatever you thought about me I don't hold against you. If anything that hate might have kept you safe. Who knows what Uncle might have done if he found out you were sympathising with me. Either way you're safe now and I promise that we'll never be apart again. I'll protect you Rin...I'm so much stronger now...nothings going to hurt you."

"Hey Yuki don't forget about us." Said Natsu with a goofy smile. Gray came up behind her and place a hand on Yuki's shoulder.

"Yeah you don't have to protect him alone." Yuki smiled up at him.

"Rin, this is my family...and I would be delighted if you would join my guild and share this new life with me." A tear fell down Rin's face as he smiled.

"I'd love too..." 

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