A drunk Yuki

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The game went on for a good hour, the guild continued to cheer and Yuki had not yet passed out. Cana had drunk just as much but she was un fazed by it. She was still her normal self, the only difference being that her cheeks had a slight red colour to them. Yuki's her bright red and her speech was a little slurred.

"You know I'm surprised you've lasted this long Yuki." Said Cana over the noise. "Your one of the few people able to stand up to me after this long."

"I'm fullll of surrrrrprises Cana." Waving a drunk finger at her. Mira place another one down in front if her. Yuki looked down at it. "I think I'm gonna hurl." Cana laughed.

"If your gonna do that do it somewhere else. What's worse? This or motion sickness?"

"Motion sickness hands down. That makes you feel liiiikke yourr organs have swapped places."

"Having trouble speaking?"

"Of courrrse not I'm fine."

"Yuki can you count to five for me?" Said Mira.

"Um...1...does 3 come after that? I feel like 3 comes after 1." Cana laughed at her drunk friend.

"No 2 does."

"2? What's that? Is it a type of dragon?"

"No you idiot it's a number."

"Of courrrrse I knew that. Wait...what's a number?"

"Okay I think that's enough Yuki I'm taking you home." Said Gray picking her up. Juvia immediately glared at her but Mira held her back so that she couldn't do anything. Mira had witnessed the way the two had acted around each other the last couple of days. Whether the two of them knew it or not an idiot could see that the two were in love. She wasn't the only one that had noticed it either. The way Gray stood by Yuki's side through the whole game, the way Yuki let him pick her up without a fight at all.

"Gray don't be such a party pooper." She said resting her head on his shoulder.

"Yeah Gray the game isn't over. Neither of us has passed out yet." Said Cana.

"I don't care Cana not all of us have been drinking irresponsibly since we were 14." Gray replied getting seriously worried about Yuki.

"Ohhhh, Cana your gonna need an ice pack for dat burn. Wait...I'm an ice dragon slayer." In Yuki's hand appeared a ball of ice. "Here have this." Then it shot out of her hand and landed in the table next to Cana. The whole table then suddenly froze over and Yuki gasped. "Oh no I think my finger slipped." Everyone in the guild erupted in laughter. There were many still there now. Wendy, Carla, Happy, Lucy, Natsu, Erza had all gone home. Only a few remained those being Cana, Mira, Elfman, Lisanna, Macao, Wakaba. Gajeel was also sat in the corner of the room away from the action. Lily was still there too stood on the table with Jade were Yuki and Cana were having their drinking game. Juvia was naturally stood right next to Gray, she had refused to leave his side even though she was clearly tired.

"Okay, it's defiantly time to go. Jade you coming?" Asked Gray turn

"Yeah." She said saying good bye to Lily and following them out the guild hall. Gray carried Yuki out into the cold night air but being ice wizards neither if them felt it. It was dark and there was no one about. Jade was walking slightly next to the two. Gray didn't put her down even when they were out of the guild hall.

"Gray were are we going?"

"I'm taking you home, to bed. You need to sleep this off."

"Are you going to stay with me?" She asked in a childish voice. Gray's face went bright red at her question.

"N-no, I'm not." Yuki jumped out of Gray's arms and stood facing him.

"I don't want to go if Gray is leaving me. Let's go to the park instead." She grabbed Gray's hand and pulled him down the street. "Jade you come too." She called as Jade smiled and began to fly next to them to keep up. When they got to the park Yuki collapsed on to the floor and rolled onto her back to look at the stars. Gray stayed standing up looking around him awkwardly. He didn't know what to do, dealing with a drunk Yuki was hard but his mind kept traveling back to what she had said early. 'I don't want to go if Gray is leaving me.' Was that just the drink talking? Or was there some sense to that? When he came back to reality Jade and Yuki was talking about all the different stars together in hushed tones. Yuki looked up at Gray.

"Are you going to lay down or stand there all night looking like a weirdo?" Gray's cheeks tinged pink and he laid down next to Yuki.

"Are you okay now?" He asked her realising she had come to her senses a little more.

"Yeah, I is okay." She said making Gray smile. Still not quite herself. "Hey Gray do you think I'm weird?" She asked him.

"No, I think your different from everyone else but that's not a bad thing."

"Different...then I guess I have always been different. I was normal until I was 5, before my family died."

"Yuki...what exactly happened?"

"You really want to know that?"

"Yeah I do."

"When I was 5 I was kidnapped by the dark guild. My parents came after me and walked straight into a trap. My Father tried to hold them off but the was not powerful enough to keep them all at bay by himself and they were captured. I was placed in a dark cell by myself. I was desperate to get out and help my family but no matter how I screamed no one seemed to hear. That was when something happened that even to this day I don't fully understand. A weird light emitted from my body and the bars that held me prisoner were gone when it had died down. From then on it was like I had been awoken, I was smarter, more alert. That was when I became...different. I stopped being a 5 year old. My vocabulary was that of a much older person. I managed to find the room where they were keeping my parents. They were chained to the walls with a man stood in front of them. He kept asking 'where is it?' But my parents would not say. What 'it' was I have never known. I was careless and caught again. I managed to free myself but I was too late. My Mother told me to run and then I saw the Master of the dark guild run a sword through her heart and then my Father suffered the same fate." Jade and Gray both listened to Yuki in complete silence. It was shocking to hear Yuki's story, even if Jade had heard it before. To think she has suffered so much on her own was horrible.

"You said you Father fought back but both your parents were mages. Why didn't you Mother help him?"

"She tried but at the time she was eight months pregnant with my brother. That guild didn't just take my parents away from me...the also took my baby brother who I will never get to met."

"That's why you say that they killed your family and not just your parents right? Your including your unborn brother in there."

"Yeah of course I am. He would be 13 years old now, roughly the same age as Wendy. I wonder what kind of person you have to be to have the guts to kill a heavily pregnant woman and the Father in front of a five year old child. Maybe I don't really want to know but now these people are coming after me. To get that thing that they wanted from my parents. Something that I don't have and I'm putting my new found family in danger. It's a cruel world that we live in Gray...but there is still beauty in it...even when your feeling like the world is against you...if you look hard enough you find beauty in the simplest of things." Yuki yawed and her head fell to the side as she fell fast asleep. Gray picked her up very gently, resting her head on his shoulder and holding her tight.

"I think that your beautiful Yuki." He said very quietly so that Jade couldn't hear...

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