Team Natsu!

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The one called Erza managed to break up the fight between the two boys. They both seemed pretty scared of her. It was then that Yuki got a close look at the symbol on Gray's chest. She had seen that before she knew he had.

"This is Yuki, she is an ice dragon slayer and this is her exceed Jade."

"Exceed?" Said Jade.

"Exceed is the technically name for creatures like us." Explained Carla. "We are not from this planet we are from Edolas which is an alternate universe next to ours. It is a long story and one that I shall not share with you are this point in time."

"An ice dragon slayer. It would be interesting to see which magic is strong. Ice make or ice dragon slayer magic." Said Erza.

"The outcome of that match would depend on the mages themselves not the type of magic. Hikari told me that the first time we met."

"Is Hikari your dragon?" Said Wendy.

"She was but then she disappeared 7 years ago in the year 777."

"Yours too?" Said Natsu. "Igneel and Grandeeney disappeared then too."

"I assume they are your parents?" Natsu nodded at Yuki's question. "That mark, I have seen it before." She said pointing at Gray's mark.

"That's the mark of our guild, Fairy Tail." He explained to her. Something about the girl seemed familiar but Gray knew he had never met a girl so beautiful before he would have remembered. Her eyes were a stunning blue colour, not something you could forget easily.

"You should come back with us." Said Lucy. "You could join if you want."

"Join a is not something I have ever thought about. I don't know, I mean..."

"But being in a guild is great." Interrupted Natsu. "And Fairy Tail is the best guild you can join."

"We would be even better is we had another powerful dragon slayer like yourself in it." Said Erza.

"And it would be nice to have a female friend to talk to once in a while." Said Carla.

"Carla that's mean." Whined Happy.

"No it is perfectly honest. You and Lily forget that I am female and sometimes I like female company instead of always hanging around you two boys."

"Oh now, please tell me your not talking about Jade." Said Yuki laughing slightly. "If Jade was any less feminine she would actually be male."

"Hey I can be feminine if I want to." Said Jade.

"I don't think you can."

"Um Yuki are they going to be okay?" Asked Wendy looking at the dark guild members that were still frozen in ice.

"Oh no they will be fine. When I get more than a mile away the ice will melt, I could melt it now but then we would have to deal with them. I find this is a good way of teaching them a lesson without getting them serious injured."

"Last time she didn't just freeze them like that she put most of them in a hospital bed." Jade explained.

"No, those guys deserved it. Everyone in a dark guild deserve what they get."

"Guess you don't like dark guild then." Said Gray.

"Well does anybody really like then. Their sorry excuses for human beings."

"Is that why you track them all down?" Asked Lucy.

"Yes and no. I have been looking for a certain dark guild for a long time now. I know that it is somewhere around here but I just can't find it's exact location. There are a lot of dark guilds around this area though so it is taking a hell of a long time."

"Why one specific one? You wouldn't be looking to join them would you?" The question Erza asked was perfectly simple, but it enraged Yuki. Se glared at the floor, anger building inside her. She clenched both of her fists and began to shake angrily, the air around them dropped in temperate and it began to snow lightly.

"Join them? Oh no, what I have something very special in store for them. When I do find them they will pay for everything they have done. I didn't spend my whole life becoming as strong as I am to not find them. I will avenge them, they will all regret the day the took my family away from me."

"Yuki..." Said Jade rather sadly. She hated seeing her friend like this. She often had these dark moment, when it happens it is almost as if Yuki is gone and she has been replaced. At the sound of her name Yuki slowly began to calm down.

"I...I will seal my own darkness..."

The melting of a frozen heart (Gray love story)Where stories live. Discover now