The mountain

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The three walked through the town, everyone seemed to be inside there houses and there was no one on the streets. Rumble was everywhere on the streets, building had been crushed but still no one to be found. Yuki walked in between both Gray and Jade. Gray had put on a t-shirt and a long short coat and Yuki had even put on some shoes, though she was very unhappy about it. She was swaying slightly and looked like she was about to puke.

"I'm never getting on another god damn train again." She said weakly.

"We have to get back to Mongolia using a train genius." Said Jade.

"You guys can I'll walk back. It'll only take me a couple days." They came to the town square where there was yet more rumble and a large building in front of them. The roof of the building was smashed in and it looked a mess.

"So this is where the mayor lives right?" Asked Gray.

"Yeah he should be waiting for us in there. Yuki snap put of your state we are about to meet our first ever client. I don't really want to remember it with you looking like you're going to throw up."

"And you think I do." Said Yuki attempting to stand up straight. Her head still felt a little woozy but she was okay so the three entered the mayor's house.

"So good of you to finally come." Said man a snaggy face, dirty blonde hair and blue eye. The three were sat down on a leather sofa facing the mayor and his butler who stood in silence behind him. "The job is to take down the monster."

"Do you have any idea where it might be?" Asked Yuki.

"Unfortunately all we know it that it is hiding deep in the snowy mountain above us. It comes down from there every time it attacks, many good men from the village tried to go up there and slay the thing but they haven't come back...none of them have."

"So we really do have to find the monster and kill it." Said Gray. "The cold won't be problem for us, we are both ice wizards."

"Good, that's good. Yes you do have to slay the monster but please don't take this lightly. The monster has gotten bigger every time it has descended upon is. It has not attacked for about a week, it's size is going to be astounding. This is why I have decided to entrust the fate of the monster onto the mages of Fairy Tail."

"Then we will be sure to save you and your town mayor." Said Yuki as they all stood up to leave.

"I thank you greatly for this." The mayor said as the walked out of the room...

The three trudged up the mountain, the further up they got the thicker the snow began and the louder and stronger the wind became. they had been wondering around for a while but no sign of a huge monster. Yuki was getting more and more annoyed with her nose. She could smell the thing but with the wind she couldn't tell which direction it was coming from. Gray was walking a little ahead of the two and Jade was slightly behind Yuki, shivering in the cold. Gray and Yuki might have been ice mages but Jade was not and the cod mountain was doing her now favours. Yuki noticed that Jade was shivering all over and took of her jacket.

"Here put this on." She told her partner. Jade smiled her thanks and wrapped the jacket close around her. Unfortunately there wasn't much else Yuki cold do. She was an ice wizard after all, holding her close would probably just make her colder. The needed to find a cave or something to camp for the night and start a fire for Jade. Daylight was fading and the stars were starting to appear, it would be very dangerous to be out at night.

"Gray!" She called and he turned around and came to her side so her could her her over the wind.

"What's wrong?"

"We need to find some place to rest. It's getting dark and we shouldn't be out at night and we need to start a fire for Jade she is freezing."

"Okay, I think there might be one up ahead." He continued walking and about half an hour later they had found a cave. It was very small but it was enough to keep them out of the wind while they slept. Yuki went and found as many sticks as she could. She found a lot considering they were in a cave, it was enough to cook dinner and maybe some breakfast but not enough to keep a fire burning all night. Jade was still shivering even with Yuki's jacket on so Gray took off his white coat and placed that over her too just as Yuki came back with the fire wood. She saw what Gray had done and thanked him for it.

"So is that all the firewood you can find?" He asked.

"Yeah there isn't a lot but there is enough for breakfast and dinner. Jade can stay by the fire then to warm up but at night she is gonna have to wrap up warm." Yuki placed the sticks in the middle of the cave and sat down with two of the sticks. Jade was watching and smiled weakly.

"Kind of ironic that two ice wizards should need to make a fire." Yuki smiled and began rubbing both of the sticks together. She knew if she rubbed them together fast enough and generated enough heat she could create a fire. She had done it before but only like once or twice. Her and Jade would often sleep in a hotel in a some town, they never really camped outside. Yuki rubbed the sticks together as fast as she could but nothing was happening.

"If Natsu was here this would be so much easier." She said as Gray sat down next to her. Eventually Yuki managed to make a pretty good fire and she cooked the fish and they ate dinner. The fish was something that made Yuki think of Happy. He loved fish and he would probably be upset that they were having fish without him but they needed to eat and this was what Yuki managed to pick up just before they left. After dinner Jade went to sleep next to the fire which was still burning but it was slowly going out.

"You go to sleep Gray. I'll keep watch and let you know if anything comes this way."

"You sure?"

"Yeah course I am." Yuki said taking off her shoes and socks.

"Wake me up in a couple of hours and we will swap." Yiki nodded and walked to the front of the cave and tried to ignore the fact that Gray was stripping down to go to sleep...

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