The strange pair

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They walked down the path all expecting an attack but none came. The path had trees all around it so if they were attacked the other party would have the element of surprise and they could attack from anywhere they wanted. No attack came but they were being watched. A woman with long white hair, red eyes and a black dress stood high in the trees watching them, keeping out of sight. Next to her stood a man with white hair just like hers and red eyes too and he too wore all black. The boys concealment magic kept them both from being discovered by the fairies below.

"Should we attack them, Sister?" He asked her.

"No not yet but Master will be very interested too know what his niece has been doing don't you think? Little Yuki in a guild." The woman smiled evilly. "Do you not know Yuki that by doing so you have dug your our grave? We will report to Master but I assume we will want to take action, we need to test the girl, see what she is capable of. Only then can we decide how to go about getting what we want from her."

"What about the others that are with her?"

"They should be no problem. They are only Fairies Jack. They are nothing compared to the power our dark guild holds."

"Sister the red head at the front, I believe she is the Titania." This caught the woman's attention and she watched the red head pass by.

"Really, this woman is the Titania. She looks pathetic, if we have any luck the man eating thing up ahead will eat them for us." Then the two siblings turned and left to report their findings to their Master.

"Are we nearly there yet? I'm starving." Whinged Natsu.

"We are nearly there yes but there will not be food there." Erza told him. "Look I can see the town from here." She said pointing ahead. The forest soon ended and they were exposed to the bright sunlight. In front of them they could see a town with a large wall but around it. It was sat at the base of two pointed mountains and there were yet more mountains behind it. After a lot more walking they finally reached the gate but it was locked. Natsu was the one to charge as it.

"Fire dragon: iron fist." He shouted punching the gate. The whole thing erupted in flames and with a hard kick from Natsu it came crumbling down. They all continued on their way making their way through the town. It was a pretty town and there was very little damage down to the buildings but the emptiness of it was creepy.

"We need to find a drainage pipe and go down it. The monster is in the sewers after all. If we split up it will be a lot quicker." Erza said looking around. They all nodded and began to split up. Jade and Yuki went to the right. Natsu, Happy and Lucy went to the left. Erza carried on straight and Gray went back to the large wall to look for one there.

"This place is creepy." Said Jade to Yuki.

"Yeah it is. Hard to believe there is a man eater octopus beneath our feet though. Hey Jade...back in the woods did you sense anything?"

"No why? Did you?"

"I don't know. I'm confused by it, I was sure that for a second I felt a presence. Like we were being watched but then it was gone in an instant. Just like that, I couldn't hear anything weird, smell anyone else or see anything but still it was there."

"Maybe you should have told the others."

"I don't know I think it is probably me just being paranoid. I mean if no one else felt it then I don't see why only I would. Natsu senses are just as good as mine if not better."

"Yuki all the years I have known you, you have never been wrong about these things. So this presence what did it feel like?"

"It's hard to explain I mean it was hardly there at all but it felt strangely familiar but not in a good way. It made me feel angry for reasons I can't explain."

"Could it have been the thieves that are said to attack on that road?"

"If it was then I would have known, Natsu would have known too. Unless they are mages but that shouldn't matter because I can still sense mages...unless..."

"Unless what?"

"Unless it was concealment magic." Yuki stopped walking, coming to a conclusion. "Do you think that it could be the same wizard that uses concealment magic to hide the dark guild that we have been searching for all these years? I always thought that we were the ones hunting them but if they were there...if they were watching us then that means that is goes both ways. They are hunting me too, if their doing that then I have something they need. Perhaps something they couldn't get from my parents."

"But if they were hunting you then they would have found you by now. You don't use concealment magic to hide yourself."

"That's true but Jade think about it. You and I have never been in one place very long. We were always moving around, they might have been right on our tail this whole time."

"And now that we have settled down in Fairy Tail, the same place. They are finally catching up with us." Jade finished realising what her friend was saying.

"Exactly and if that guild is really after us...after me...then we could be putting everyone at Fairy Tail at risk."

"What do we do then? Do we leave the guild? Keep on moving, draw them away from the people we care about?"

"That seems like the best option but that is not something I want to do. We have finally found a place where we belong, a place to call home and a family. I don't want to give that up."

"Yuki, if we want to protect them then we have no choice. We have to leave."

"You don't have to come. You can stay with our family, they are only after me. You don't have to leave them too." Jade's eyes teared up at Yuki's words.

"Yuki..." She said as a tear rolled down her check. "Yuki I will not leave your side. Wherever you go I will come too. Yes I will miss Nastu and the others but I have known you my whole life. You were the one that took the time to hatch me from my egg, you were the one to always protect me. Your not just my sister Yuki, you are my best friend, my partner in crime. No matter what happens I can bare it if you and I are together." Several tears rolled down Yuki's cheek and she bent down with her arms opened and Jade ran into her arms. The two held each other and sobbed.

"Jade...leaving them...just like I left Ur and's going to be the hardest thing we ever have to do..."

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