A welcome home

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Gray walked into the guild hall before Yuki and Jade. Yuki was not feeling too good because they had just been on the train. She was having a hard time with her motion sickness in these last couple of days. Everyone welcomed then back as they walked towards the bar. Juvia was already clinging to Gray's arm.

"Gray my love, why would you leave without saying goodbye? Juvia was so lonely."

"Juvia I just went on a job, I don't need to tell you everything I leave the guild hall." Juvia caught sight of Yuki as she walked past. Jade had gone to talk to Carla and Pantherlily. Juvia let go of Gray's arm and went up to Yuki.

"Love rival!" Yuki sighed, feeling too sick to deal with Juvia's personality right at that moment.

"Juvia is was completely innocent, nothing happened. I don't want to be your love rival aright? Trust me you can have Gray all to yourself, I don't want him like that." Gray, who had been listening to the whole conversation felt a little sad that Yuki had said that. The reason why puzzled him but he would never let it show.

"That's exactly what a love rival would say." Juvia replied. Yuki sighed again and walked away from her.

"There is just no winning with you is there." She said as she sat down at the bar. Mira was behind it cleaning cups and making drinks for people as usual.

"So how did you first job go?" She asked.

"It was good yeah."

"Hey Yuki." Yuki heard from behind her. It sounded like the voice of Natsu and sure enough he appeared by her side at the bar moments later, with Happy along side him.

"Hi Natsu."

"I heard you and that ice pervert took down a huge monster."

"Wow news travels quickly round here. Yeah we did."

"Did it taste of fish?" Asked Happy and Yuki frowned at him.

"Happy we killed the thing, we didn't eat it so I would know." Then Yuki remembered that she had two spare fish that they didn't eat. "But speaking of fish..." She rummaged in her back pack and pulled out a small package. "Here for you." She said handing it to Happy. Once Happy had opened it up his whole face lit up.

"It's fish, they look so tasty."

"Where's my food?" Said Natsu looking at Happy's fish.

"Sorry that's all I have." Yuki said as Happy and Natsu began to fight over who gets to eat the fish. Yuki then felt a rough pat on her hand and turned to see a rather pink face Cana stood next to her with a bottle of beer in her hand. She sat down on a stool and rested and elbow on the bar.

"Did anything happen between you and Gray while you were gone?" At her question Yuki's face began to heat up.

"No of course not. Why would you ask such a question?" Mira leaned in the bar and smiled.

"That means that something did. Your really cute when you blush." Yuki's blush deepened.

"Um, er, thanks I guess. So where is Lucy?" Yuki asked changing the subject.

"Oh she hasn't come into the guild today. She is probably at still home." 

"Just so you know Juvia has been a pain in the ass while you have been gone. She has been plotting ways to kill you." Said Cana taking a swig of beer.

"Wow that's harsh. Gray only came with me because she was annoying him." Yuki felt someone punch her rather lightly but with huge hands. It was Elfman.

"Hey Yuki taking down that huge monster was really manly. You a real man."

"Okay I know I'm not always very feminine but you do know that I'm a woman don't you? Not a man."

"Strong woman can be manly." He said before walking off. Yuki turned back to Mira and Cana. Happy and Natsu where still fighting over the fish.

"Guys look there are two fish. Just have one each that way everybody wins." Natsu and Happy looked at Yuki like she was crazy but then Natsu smiled at her.

"Hey your really smart Yuki." He said.

"I wouldn't really call that smart. I'd say it was using common sense." The two walked off just as Erza walked into the guild hall with a bag in her hands. She walked up to Yuki and placed the bag in front of her.

"Sorry it took so long the bakery ran out of them." She said as Yuki opened up the bag. Inside was a strawberry cake with a red Fairy Tail guild mark in the middle.

"Wow thanks Erza."

"It's for you and Jade. I get one for all the new members that enter Fairy Tail and think of it as a symbol of my apologies for punching you so hard when we first met. I assume that it doesn't leave a good first impression."

"Erza don't worry about it. I asked you to knock me out as far as I'm concerned you did a good job. Now Jade and I can't eat all this cake. I wonder if I can find someone to help us put with it." Yuki said knowing that Erza loved strawberry cake. Erza shyly looked at the floor.

"Well if you can't eat it all I can probably give you a hand. I mean that's family is for right?" Yuki laughed.

"Yeah of course it is."

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