Natsu VS the skin mage

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Natsu ran down the hall, he smelt a scent he didn't recognise. It smelt like a boy, a young one too but it smelt familiar too.

"I hear your the famous Salamander that blows up towns and things right?" Said a boy as he appeared from just around the corner. He had black hair and bright blue eyes just like...

"Yuki. Why do you smell like Yuki?" Natsu asked the boy.

"Do I really smell that much of my traitorous sister?"

"Sister? Yuki's brother died before he was even born." Natsu said remembering what the Master had told the guild. Yuki had written it to him within her letter. The guild had been really shocked to find out that Yuki did in fact have a brother, but the letter said her Mum was 8 months pregnant when she died. Her brother was never born so how could he be stood before him now?

"Indeed my Mother was killed before I was born but Uncle, the Master of this guild saved me. He cut me out if the womb, he saved my life and because of that I owe my life to him. Not all of what Yuki has told you is true. She was the one to kill our parents. When the dragon blood awoke within her she went crazed and murdered both of our parents herself, before running away. The lie she has told you is not true. You have been lied too." Natsu was getting angrier and angrier by the minute. Yuki would never do anything like that, anyone could see that from just taking one look at her. If this guy really was her brother then he knew she would not approve of him beating him up but he really had no other choice.

"We are not the ones that have been lied to. If your Uncle is the Master of the guild then it was him that killed your parents not Yuki."

"Don't you dare talk like that about my Uncle. I am his successor, I am the one that will rake over this guild when he retires and to do thatI have to prove myself worthy. I have to take you down."

"I'd like to see you try kid."

"I'm not a kid. I am Rin, Black Vipers skin wizard. Magic that allows me to change the properties of my skin making me imposable to beat. A fire wizard like you can not harm me. Fire skin." Rin's skin erupted in red hot flames.

"Those flames look tasty." Natsu said as he began to ate Rin's fire. Soon it was all gone and Rin stood there like he was before completely shocked.

"You ate my fire. What kind of wizard are you?"

"I'm a fire dragon slayer. Wizards like us are very rare and very powerful, we have the ability to eat our own element. Unlikely for you my element is fire so that spell will not work while I'm around." Natsu charged towards Rin when he wasn't expecting it. "Fire dragon: iron fist." He said punching him in the face. Rin spat out blood from his mouth and stood up again. This guy was fast and powerful, but he had to defeat him.

"Iron skin." He said as his skin became iron. He charged towards Natsu with his fist pulled back. He brought his fist forward but Natsu stopped his punch with one hand.

"Your sister has spent years searching for this guild to get revenge for all three of you. She had no idea that you are even alive, she thought you died along side your parents." Natsu's hand exploded into flames and Rin's iron skin began to melt because his flames were so hot. They were beginning to burn his skin but Natsu threw him backwards letting him go. No one had ever been able to stop him so easily, he hadn't put a single scratch on this guy and what was worse is that Rin could feel that he was getting more and more powerful. Was that because he was getting angry? Could what he be saying about his sister true? Rin stood up just as Natsu charged at him again.

"Water skin." He said at the last moment and Natsu went straight through him as his body was now made completely of water. Natsu turned back around to face him. "I hear Yuki joined a guild and replaced her old family with a new one."

"That's not true at all. Fairy Tail is a family yes and Yuki is a part of that family but no one can ever replace your family. No one can. If we really replaced you then Yuki would not have come here. She came here to get revenge for you and your parents, she is here to make sure the person that killed you pays for what they have done. She didn't do this for Fairy Tail she did this for you, the family that was taken away from her."

"THAT'S A LIE!" Rin screamed as his skin became solid glass. Thousands of swords made of glass appeared and shot in all different directions. The ground beneath the two's feet cracked and rocks flew everywhere. The swords of glass and the rocks piled on top of him. Everything was still for a second and Rin could feel something wet trickle down his face. Tears!?! Why was he crying? He never cries, this didn't make sense this guy seemed to be getting to him. There was movement in the pile of rumble and Natsu appeared. He stood on top of the rumble and glared at Rin.

"He has you brainwashed really well kid, but Yuki is a kind and caring person who would never turn her back on her family."

"Really? Because I'm pretty sure that's what she did to you."

"Yuki did that to protect us. I'm not saying that I agree with what she did but an idiot can see that she left to protect the people she loves. I can only imagine the pain it must have caused her to walk away, to think that she will never see any of us again." Natsu charge took a stance and tilt his head back. "Fire dragon roar." Masses amount of fire came from his mouth and shot towards Rin. He was burned to a crisp and he slid to the floor but this time he did not getting back up.

"Before you judge your sister take a long hard look at her because when you do you will see that she is a caring person that will welcome you with loving arms."

"But Uncle raised me. He taught me everything I know why would he tell me my sister is something she is not?"

"Because he wants you to hate your sister. He has been hunting her just as long as she has been hunting him. He wants the dragin blood that runs in Yuki's veins for himself."

"No, no he told me that he was going to destroy it once he had it in his hands."

"Then I guess he lied to you again. Anyone can see that he will not do that. He is the master of a dark guild and if my past experiences speaks for anything it's that people like him, people that killed their own family right in front of their 5 year old nephew, will do anything for power."

"Yuki...Yuki saw them die?"

"She tried to save them but you Mother told her to run. She wanted to help them but there is nit much a 5 year old could do against a guild master. Go and meet your sister and make up your own mind about what she is capable of..."

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