To get to know me?..

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Yuki sat at the entrance of the cave looking up at the stars and thinking about everything that had happened in the last week. She had found a new family, people she could trust and rely on and a place she can call home.

"Hey you alright?" Yuki heard Gray asked. He was stood like right next to her.

"Yeah I'm okay."

"You were kind of spacing out there." He said sitting down at the entrance cave next to her. "It's been more than a couple of hours and you didn't wake me up."

"Guess I lost track of time." She said looking back up at the stars. "The blizzard has died down and I'm getting a whiff of monster that way." She said nodding behind them.

"We can find it easily tomorrow then."

"Yeah but by the smell it is huge. I'm starting to think you coming with us was a good idea after all." Gray smiled to himself.

"That's what family is for."

"So tell me, when did you join Fairy Tail?"

"When I was 8. After Ur died, I came across the guild and decided to join. That was when I met Erza, Mira, Lisanna, Elfmen, Cana and the others. Natsu joined after me and then Happy was born a year later."

"You guys have been together since children then?"

"Yeah about a year ago Lucy joined. Then Wendy and Carla came after them. Gajeel and Juvia were actually part of another guild called Phantom Lord before they were in Fairy Tail, but they went to a war with us. When Fairy Tail won the magic council ordered the guild to disband."

"Are you and Juvia actually going out?"

"What? No, no she just thinks we are. No matter what I tell that girl she just doesn't stop. I've tried letting her down gently and harshly, I just don't think she is getting the message." His answer served as a rather strange relief for Yuki.

"You can admire the girl persistence though."

"I guess. Do you use both types of ice make magic?"

"Yeah, I mean I don't use it much but I know how. Don't you?"

"I can but I prefer static. Lyon does dynamic, it's just a matter of preference I guess."

"I could never decide which I like more. Static is much more versatile but dynamic is faster, but it depends on the mage using it really. Where is Lyon now?"

"He joined a different guild called Lamia Scale. We still see him but not a lot."

"He sounds like someone I would like to meet." As Yuki said this they heard a loud roar in the distance. "It looks like our prey is waking up."

"Yuki...the dark guild that killed your said you didn't know where they were. How do you expect to find them?"

"Honestly I have no idea but I will find them." Anger boiled up inside Yuki. Her fists clenched and her face became one of thunder. "But when I do find them, when I find out who killed them, they are going to wish they were never even born." Gray placed a gently hand on her shoulder.

"Yuki?" At his touch Yuki can back to her senses and calmed down.

"Sorry, moment of darkness."

"You have them quiet a lot don't you?" Gray said taking his hand away from her.

"I don't want to but every time I think about them and what they did...everything kind of goes black in my mind, I forget who I am for a second."

"When you find them, will you let me help seal your darkness?"

"If you really want to when the time comes then I have no objections to it, but you might change your before that time comes." Yuki stood up and walked away from Gray to go and sleep for a few hours before sunrise. Gray watched her leave then turned to look back up at the sky.

"Me changing my mind is not likely. You are a mystery to me Yuki and one I want to figure out..." He said to himself, as if she was still there. What he didn't know was that Yuki, with her enhanced hearing heard every word.

"Want to know me? That might be dangerous for you...Gray."

The melting of a frozen heart (Gray love story)Where stories live. Discover now