The next job

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"Why do trains hate me so much?" Yuki asked as she leaned on Gray for support. They were in the neighbouring town walking to speak with the client that posted the request. Natsu was on Lucy's back which Yuki knew was probably not helping his motion sickness at all. Erza was walking at the front and Gray and Yuki were at the back with Jade and Happy walking next to Lucy and Natsu just in front of them. Yuki's head was rested on Gray's shoulder on top of her hands. Gray looked at her from the side.

"You look a little paler than normal." He said.

"Well leaning on you probably isn't helping but I think I'll fall over if I don't." Erza stopped suddenly and looked up at a house.

"This is were the client is living currently. Come on." She said knocking on the door. It was an old man that opened the door. He had white hair and a bent over back. His eyes were squinted as he smiled at them all. "Good morning Sir. We are from Fairy Tail, come to take you job offer you posted on our request job."

"Ahhh thank goodness you are here. Please come in and make yourselves comfortable." They all followed the man into his large house. Inside there was all sorts of fancy furniture and it smelt of homemade brownies.

"I can smell brownies." Said Yuki weakly. Gray lead her into the living room and placed her beside Natsu on the sofa. They all needed the two dragon slayers fit and ready to go for the fight ahead. Gray stood right next to the sofa, keeping a close eye on Yuki. The old man sat down on the sofa opposite Nastu and Yuki. All the others were stood up still. Jade and Happy were in front of Gray, Lucy was stood next to Natsu and Erza was stood behind the sofa watching the old man carefully.

"Sir, could you tell us anything more about the monster we will be facing." Asked Lucy.

"I'm afraid I do not know any more than the information I placed on the job request. The situation has become dire, the people are terrified, many lost family and friends to that thing. The mayor was also taken too."

"We assumed you were the mayor." Said Erza and the old man shook his head.

"No, I am simply and old man that goes by the name of Albert. The mayor was however a good friend of mine. I am the Mayor of this town that is why I have accepted the refugees but we cannot house then for long. There is a food shortage going around that is why I thought is I could hire wizards to eliminate the monster these people could go home. I am doing all I can for them but in truth I am just an old man that really needs to retire."

"We will do all that we can for you Sir." Said Erza.

"I thank you Fairy Tail wizards. Their is a path was connects the town towns, there are no trains to it you will have to walk there."

"That should not be a problem."

"Of course not but I should warn you that the path is often a place were many have been ambushed and robbed. I advise you to be careful."

"Thank you for the warning. We will be going now." Natsu suddenly jumped.

"Let's go kick some monster ass. I'm all fired up now." The old man looked a little shocked at his sudden enthusiasm. Erza went around the side of the sofa and began gently pushing Natsu in the direction of the door.

"You'll have to excuse of comrade." She said ad Yuki stood up feeling much better.

"Are you alright now?" Gray asked Yuki.

"Yeah I'm fine thanks. Glad we don't have to get on another train. Thieves I can handle but not trains." Gray smiled and they all left the building and set out for the abandoned town...

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