Wendy and Rin

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Rin stumbled through the dark hallways. After his fight with the pink haired salamander he had run off leaving Rin by himself. He had sat there doing nothing for a long time, think about who to believe. He had decided that the salamander was right. Everything he had told him did make sense in his head. His uncle had never been the kind and caring person, if he was honest he wouldn't really put it past him to kill his own brother. Even so why would he have saved him? Why go to all the trouble? Maybe he thought he could use him for something. He was probably right, Rin had believed everything his uncle had told him. He believe that his sister was evil but deep down he had always known that it was a lie. He just never admitted it to himself until now. Admitting it seemed like he was betraying his uncle and Rin had learnt from witnessing others do that that it wasn't a good idea. His uncle was scary and merciless in the way he dealt with traitors. He would kill without a second thought, if you weren't strong enough you were kicked out of the guild in a heartbeat. Even so his uncle was still his uncle and he had been the one to teach him his magic. He one to make him as strong as he is today. But he was the one that killed his parents and now he was after the life of his sister too. No Rin wasn't going to let that happen. His sister was stronger than his uncle, that he was positive of. Would she even see him as her brother? Even after all the dreadful thought he had had of her? Rin got to the basement and walked down the steps, he stopped at a cell and inside was a young girl with blue hair and two cats. The girl had clearly been crying but even so Rin thought that she was beautiful.

"Hey!" He called out making the three look up at him. "Are you Yuki's friends?"

"Yes we are." Said the girl, her voice was soft and gentle. Rin grabbed the key next to the cell and unlocked the door letting them out. The three didn't move even though the cell was open.

"Are you guys coming or not?" Rin asked.

"Who are you?" A white cat asked.

"A talking cat huh? Cool, I'm Rin. It's a long story and that's all you need to know for now. We have to go before anyone comes."

"Go where exactly?" The other black and white cat asked.

"To help Yuki and your friends. A couple of other people from your guild have come. Currently they are running around looking for you and Yuki. I can take you straight to her though, I know where she is."

"But your a part of this guild so why would you help us?" Asked the white cat.

"Like I said it's a long story and one we don't really have time for. Let's just say that the salamander opened my eyes to the truth for me."

"Salamander? So that's Natsu then." Said the blue haired girl. She looked at the two cats. "If Natsu trusts him then we should too."

"But you don't know that Natsu does trust him. All we know is that the two fought and Natsu clearly won from looking at him." The black and white one said and the white cat nodded in agreement.

"But this is for Yuki. There is a slight chance that we can help her, we can't just sit here in this cell and do nothing while Natsu and the others are out there fighting to save us." The cats looked at the floor. Rin watched the girl with interest, she was so brave despite the fact that she was about his age. The girl turned to Rin again. "I'm Wendy, the white cat is Carla and the other one is Jade."

"Nice to meet you all now we have to go. Follow me." He said before walking back the way he came with the three following him. He was about to turn the corner when Jake stepped put in front if them. Rin jumped back and put and arm in front if the three girls to protect them.

"Rin, you betray us so easily." He said folding his arms and looking down at the four children in front of him.

"I betrayed you? Uncle was the one that has been lying to me for the past 13 years."

"Lie to you? You believe what the pink haired salamander said over your own uncle? Over your own family?"

"Don't talk to me about family like that. If Master wasn't controlling you then you would have left your sister a long time ago."

"True but my sister is evil. She has a black heart, she is not someone I want to be related to."

"Well I never knew my sister, I want to met her and make up my own mind about her. If you get your own way I will never meet her. My uncle took my parents away from me and now you plan to take my sister. I'm not going to let that happen."

"Ignorant child, if that is the way you wish to play it then I have received orders to take you down..."

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