The Biginning

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Izuku's POV

     Ever since we were kids I always admired and love Kacchan, he was my bestest and only friend I ever had. I don't know if he has the same feeling as me, but I love him as more than a friend. We may be young, but I know that what I feel towards Kacchan is more them a friends love; I would do anything to always have him in my life.

     I do have a quirk but because it is supposedly super powerful (which I don't think it is as powerful as the quirk doctor says) I haven't told anyone other than Kacchan and my mom since she was right there when I was told. I have a quirk erasing quirk which allows me to me to erase any quirk within a 15 km radius or up to 3 specific quirks at a time. I also have telekinesis which is 2,000 times stronger then my mom's.

     After my mom passed away in a villain attack, my dad has been trying to be the best dad ever. He is doing such a good job, when I was 8, I was left alone with my dad and we were both having a hard time adjusting to this new life. About 1 and a half years after the incident, dad and one if his close friends started getting close then soon they started dating, and this year on New Years day they got married. I now have a step  brother, hitoshi Yamada-Aizawa, and step sister, Eri Aizawa.

Monday - First Day of  Third Year of middle School (not in POV)

*wakes up and looks at the time*

  Izuku gets up and quickly puts on his uniform  then goes down stairs where the rest of his family was. "Good morning Dad, Papa, Toshi, and Eri" Izuku smiles as he sits down at the table and starts to eat his breakfast.

"Morning Izu" Eri said with a mouth full of food.

"Sweetie, don't talk with your mouth full. And good morning Izuku" Aizawa said calmly. No one is shocked anymore that Shota Aizawa has a secret soft side for his family, unlike at the beginning, it was a normal thing. "Hurry up and eat you 3 you have to leave in 5 minutes"

     With that Izuku and Hitoshi rush to finish their food and Eri does her best to finish and get ready for pre-school.

Izuku's POV

    The first day of school was alright, I mean if Kacchan and Toshi weren't there it would have been horrible. Everyone their think that I am a quirkless loser (besides Toshi and Kacchan obviously), but in reality I am most likely the strongest person in the school without using a quirk. Training with Dad, Papa, All Might, and Nezu really pays off.
Throughout the entire day I wad getting sly comments but others; they were saying things like "how does the loser have friends" or "that loser should just die and safe the trouble of someone needing to save him one day". They can be super mean sometimes, but thankfully I know my worth and they can bring it down.

Katsuki's POV

     Why is that when Izu says nothing about his quirk, people think he is weak and thinks he has no quirk. I mean I know why he hides what type of quirk he has, but he also hides how strong and scary he actually is.

     The nerd is the only person that I could never  mess with, he is definitely the cutest and scariest person I have met.
I also love the nerd, and would...WILL hunt anyone down to the ends of the earth if they ever hurt my Izuku. Izuku has a weird way that if he thinks that I am being a brat, he will and has stopped me from continuing. I know the nerd is the best and what many people can see it that the nerd had a specific smile that can scare you if you know what it means, but if you don't know what it means then it can easily be mistaken as a polite smile...

      AND HERE I GO AGAIN!!! Sometimes I think I talk more about that nerd then I think about myself. Atleast it shows how much I love my nerd, so I think this is the year I finally confess.

     As I think about it I haven't come out to my parents as gay, I am always to scared that they will reject me like lots of the stories I have read about other kids coming out to their parents. Maybe this is the year I will do that to.

Out of POV

      Months pass and this is the year that people's secondary genders are finally awakened. With this Izuku is sitting in class and he starts to get warmer little by little, it may come across as it being warm in the class room as it was almost summer and it was starting to get warmer. Izuku just brushed it off thinking it was nothing.

    The day went by and Izuku thought he had finally cooled down...that was until when Katsuki was walking with him then all of a sudden the feeling he had before came back and it was a lot worse then before.
"Hey Izu, are you ok? You are a tomato right now" Katsuki had said.

"Ya I'm fine"

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