They're Here!

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     A few months have past now and summer break is just around the corner. Katsuki and Hitoshi had just left for school leaving Izuku at home to sleep, and just like the doctor asked it was Mitsuki's turn to stay with Izuku. Once Izuku woke up the 2 were just watching some movies and all of a sudden Izuku was hit by some sharp pains. "Oww" he hissed.

"What's wrong" Mitsuki said rushing infront of him.

"Must be some Braxton Hicks thingys"

"Alright, let me know if it gets worse"

-20 minutes later-

Izuku had gotten up to get a sandwich, and after he finished and was just about to cut his sandwich. A wave of sharp pain. He dropped the knife, which hit his shin. He screamed and Mitsuki rushed in. "Izuku!" She saw what happened. "It will be ok, I'll call an ambulance!"

"911, how can I help you?" The operator said.

"Yes my son in law has a knife sticking out of his leg!"

"It will be ok can you give me your address? ...  Alright an ambulance is on the way"

"Thank you!" Mitsuki said before hanging up.

"I'm hungry"

"Ok I'll get you your sandwich" Mitsuki said giving the sandwich to Izuku.

- A Few Moments Later -

*Knocks on the door*


*3 people rushed in with a stretcher*
"Ma'am, can you step back please?" One said

"Wait is he eating?" Another said.

"He is 9 months pregnant, so he is hungry all the time" Mitsuki said.

- Once They Got To The Hospital -

"Katsuki!" Mitsuki said after Katsuki picked up.

"What happened?" Katsuki said with lots of worry.

"I'll let you know when you get to the hospital! Now get here QUICK, Izuku needs you"

   Mitsuki never called Katsuki by his first name, so this had to be serious. So without a single word he rushed out of the school and ran as fast as he could to the hospital.

"What's wrong?!" Katsuki asked.

"Izuku cut himself, I think the doctor said he needs 15 stitches. He is in room ***, go now"

"Izu! I'm here that a sandwich?" Katsuki said.

"Want a bite?"

"You are more concerned about a sandwich then having a big cut in your leg?!"

"You forget I'm carrying YOUR pups? Who are also ALWAYS hungry!" Izuku said and took another bit of his sandwich.

"Ok, ok"

*Another sharp pain and Izuku hissed*

"What was that, are you ok?" Katsuki said with concern.

"And all done" the doctor said "wait what's that?"

Izuku liked down and said with a gasp "my water broke!"

The doctor then got an operation room ready for the c-section, and pushed Katsuki out. It took about an hour for the triplets to arrive, and the entire time Katsuki was having anxiety, thinking of things that could go wrong. No matter what Mitsuki said, she couldn't get him to stop pacing. Hizashi and Shota were called at the beginning, although they weren't able to get off of work early so they were going to be there after the birth.

"Is there a Katsuki Bakugo here?" The doctor came out and asked making Katsuki stop pacing.

"That's me"

"Congratulations, your pups and boyfriend are perfectly fine and healthy. They are just resting"

"Can we see them?" Katsuki asked.

"Of course, I'll lead you both to their room"

" *Gets to there room and See's Izuku sleeping* cute" Katsuki said.

"My grandbabies are finally here!!!" Mitsuki said not trying scream.

Katsuki walked up to the cribs that were by Izuku's bed and picked up one of the, while Mitsuki did the same. Hey both admired the triplets quietly since they wanted Izuku to rest. It was a long day for him and rest was the perfect thing for him right now.  Liked promise Mitsuki made a group call with Hizashi and Shota. While they were on the video call, Izuku woke up and watched everyone be so happy about his new babies.

"I want to hold my children now" Izuku said lifting his bed to a sitting position.

   Katsuki and Mitsuki both handed Izuku his babies and sat by the bed. A new family, the triplets, the new parents. They were over joyed but at the same time scared of what the future may hold for them. It was something new for them both, but with the help of their parents everything should be just fine.

"Do you guys have names for them?" Mitsuki asked.

"I have one. Her name will be Natsmi Kyra Bakugo" Izuku said.

"I chose Nikkō Hunter Bakugo, but we haven't found another" Katsuki said.

"How about you choose the last one Ma" Izuku said.

"Really?" She asked.

"Of course"

"How about Tsuki Taiyo Bakugo?" Mitsuki suggested.

"I like it" both Katsuki and Izuku said at the same time.

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