Boy or Girl?

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This month was the month that they would be able to find out what gender the baby was going to be. They had it all planned out, they were going to have a gender reveal party with all their friends and family. Izuku made his way to the school to pick up Katsuki for the appointment. Hizashi and Izuku went to the office and asked them to call Katsuki to the office.
"Bakugo Katsuki to the office please, Bakugo Katsuki!" The announcements said.

"Ooooo" Katsuki's classmates teased.

"Shut the fuck up!" Katsuki snapped at them while rushing out the door.

"What's his problem" someone said.

"When is there not a problem with him?" Someone else said.

Once the 3 got to the hospital, they all headed inside and sat in the waiting room. They sat there for a good 15-20 minutes before the doctor finally called them for the check up. "So how are we doing today?" The doctor asked.

"I'm doing great!" Izuku said with a smile.

"That's good, well I'll get you to lay down and pull up your shirt" the doctor said, once Izuku layed down and exposed his belly the doctor got ready to pull the jelly on his belly. "Remember that the jelly is going to be cold"

After the doctor looked at the ultrasound he could see what gender the baby is. "Looks like your babies are doing amazing, very healthy. Would you also like to know the gender?" The doctor asked.

"No, we want to find out with our families- wait, did you say babies?!" Izuku said.

"Babies?!* Katsuki joined in both proud and shocked.

" *Chuckles* yes, you are having triplets. It is quite surprising since you both are very young" the doctor said looking at the monitor again to confirm seeing 3 heads.

The 3 walked out. "3 babies, huh? You 2 are gonna be busy" Hizashi said.

"I didn't think I would grow up this fast" Izuku stated.

"Please stop growing up, that goes to both of you" Hizashi said.

"Yes Pops" Katsuki said with a chuckle.

"No promises, Papa" Izuku said.

"Alright, let's take you back to school Katsuki so that Izuku can go home and continue his work." Hizashi said while hopping into the car.

The three then went back to Katsuki's school, and Izuku walked him back to his classroom. No one knew that he was there other than the few people who were walking into the classroom. Once they got to Katsuki's classroom, Izuku kissed him goodbye. "Be nice, Kacchan" he said.

"I am always nice" Katsuki said acting hurt.

"Nice nice, not mean nice" Izuku said patting Katsuki's face and smiling.

"Fine last kiss?"

"Okay" Izuku then kissed Katsuki's cheek.

"...I think you missed"

" *Giggles* ok, ok" Izuku said then placing a kiss on Katsuki's lips. "There you go, now get going"

"But I don't wanna!!" Katsuki whined.

"Ok, but just know leaving now means no cuddles later" Izuku said knowing that would get Katsuki moving.

"I'm going" Katsuki said and walked into the classroom.

Time skip to the party
There weren't many people that were attending the gender reveal party, but the people who were, were the most important people in Katsuki and Izuku's life; Shota, Hizashi, Hitoshi, Mitsuki, Masaru, Denki, and Monoma. There were 3 balloons all lined up in the centre of the living room, which confused everyone but Izuku, Katsuki, and Hizashi. "Alrighty, BALLOON TIME EVERYONE!!!" Hizashi yelled and everyone laughed at how excited he was.

Katsuki gave Izuku the pin to pop the balloons, and when the walked up Katsuki covered Izuku ears. POP #1 goes off and blue glitter comes falling down, POP #2 this time it's pink glitter, and POP #3 with blue glitter. Everyone claps and congratulates Izuku and Katsuki.

"IM HAVING 3 GRANDBABIES" Mitsuki yelled while prancing the living room.

"Calm down hunny, you may be overwhelming Izuku" Masaru said holding Mitsuki down.

"Sorry Izuku, hunny" Mitsuki said.

"It's ok Ma, I know your just really excited" Izuku said and giggled.

The family finished up the party and Katsuki had to force Izuku to sit down while they cleaned up the living room, since at this point their parents left. Katsuki and Hitoshi finished as fast as they could to prevent Izuku from helping with the cleaning, although they had to stop a few times yet eventually got him to sit while watching the new All Might movie. "Thank All Might, he actually is focused on something other than helping with tidying up" Hitoshi said with a chuckle.

"Yup" Katsuki said while picking up some empty cups. "I'm also glad that we all don't have to live with our parents anymore, even if it means sharing the house"

"Ya, but it is better than nothing"

The 2 finished, there was more of a mess then it actually looked liked. They headed to the living room only to find out the Izuku was out cold cuddled up in one of Katsuki's shirts. Most likely due to the excitement and fighting about cleaning.

2 months later
   Izuku was buried so far in his homework that he didn't even notice that Katsuki and Hitoshi had arrived home. After Katsuki called a few time, he decided to go upstairs and check if Izuku was sleeping, and when Katsuki saw that Izuku was doing homework he went and took it away for Izuku earning a scream in return. "What did I tell you about doing your homework to long, you always get to invested in it and it causes you stress." Katsuki scolded.

"I'm sorry" Izuku whimpered not wanting his alpha to be mad.

"I know your just a nerd" Katsuki said with a chuckle and gave Izuku a hug. "We're home"

"Welcome home!"

"Now, I want cuddles and a movie!" Katsuki said like a little kid.

"Of course you do, let's go"

Katsuki and Izuku then went to the living room and put on a movie. Everything was so peaceful until they started to hear noises, which scared Izuku. After taking a second, Katsuki realized what the sounds we and who was making them. The sound was coming from Hitoshi's room... thinking about it now the 3 (Hitoshi, Denki, and Nieto) had all went to the room after getting home.

    The 2 continued to watch their movie, but with the volume all the way up to drown out the sounds. Soon enough Katsuki started cooking dinner, and by the time he was done Hitoshi, Denki, and Nieto were finished and came downstairs.

"Had fun?" Katsuki said not even turning to look at them.

"Ummm" Denki said with blush all over his face.

"When you 3 started, you scared the nerd."

"HEY! Don't expose me like that" Izuku whined.

"I told you, you guys were being to loud" Hitoshi said.

"Your fault" Nieto pouted beside a pouting Denki, which made Hitoshi laugh.

"Anyways dinner is ready" Katsuki said.

"YAY!!" Izuku yelled and waddled quickly to the dinning room.

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