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"You first Katsuki" Shota said and tossed the ball to Katsuki.

" *Throws the ball as far as he could without a quirk* There" Katsuki said with a smirk.

"650.8 meters, now for real. Stop fooling around" Shota said and threw the ball at Katsuki again.

"Wait that wasn't with his quirk?!" Mina yelled.

"No he is just a show off" Hitoshi said.

" *Throws the ball with explosions* DIEEE!"

"150,000 meters" Shota said shocked and Katsuki smirked. "Ok, Kirishima"

-Kirishima: 82.0 meters
-Hitoshi: 75.7 meters
-Mina: 245.6 meters
-Denki: 150.6 meters
-Momo: 111.9 meters
-Uraraka: 999.9 meters

       The rest of the week Shota would fight and pick on Katsuki and Hitoshi to the point where it was normal for everyone. That was only because Izuku wasn't there to stop them. They may fight and make fun of each other, but it certainly wasn't a factor of Katsuki's and Hitoshi's grades.

     It's was now time for Izuku to start class, and class 1A had no idea about him until lunch time. At lunch, Izuku was in the classroom finishing up the work he missed. While Izuku was in the classroom, Katsuki went to the cafeteria with the bakusquad. "Where's you lunch, Bakubro?" Kirishima asked.

"Don't worry about it" Katsuki snarled. 'where is the nerd?'

"But you need to eat" Jiro said.

"Fuck off" Katsuki said right before calling some one. "Hey...where are you?...No you can finish it later!...I don't care, you always have after school to finish it...not right now, just get to the cafeteria!..yes, bye" Katsuki hung up and looked at the group who was shocked.

"You- when- WHO?!" Kirishima said.

"So he is doing homework!" Denki said.

"Where else would he be?" Hitoshi said.

"What are you guys talking about?" Mina asked right before a green haired boy appears with 2 boxes. "Who are you?"

"Oh I'm Izuku... Aizawa" he said not wanting to let them know he is married to Katsuki just yet.

"That's who we were talking about" Denki said.

"Why are you here? Aren't you like a 1st year in middle school?" Jiro asked which made both Katsuki and Izuku burst out laugh. "Whats so funny?"

"I'm a second year here" Izuku said in between laughs.

"YOU'RE A SECOND YEAR?!" Mina and Kirishima yelled at the same time.

"Lower you voices. And ya he is" Hitoshi said.

" *Moves over a bit allowing Izuku to finally sit* I'm hungry, can I have my food now" Katsuki whined.

"That looks like the box your lunch comes in every day" Mina stated.

"Ya, I make the lunches everyday since they are always whining about how horrible the cafeteria food is" Izuku said and open his lunch.

"Who is they?" Jiro asked.

"Oh, Kacchan, Toshi, Denks, and Nieto. I make all of our lunches"


"He was just dumb enough to forget to bring his lunch to school, and plus we don't whine like you claim" Hitoshi said.

"SHUT UP!" Katsuki yelled.

"Its true!" Denki added.

"ENOUGH!" Izuku yelled which got the attention of everyone. "Will you three please try to get along!"

"Fine" the 3 said together.

"Thank you, hey where is Nieto? I thought he would be here"

"Didn't Monoma get held back for a few minutes?" Asked Jiro.


"Oh ok" Izuku said and got to eating his lunch.

"Are you really Mr.Aizawa's son?" Mina asked after finishing her food.

"Oh ya! He adopted me after my mom died, that why I usually go by Midoriya-Aizawa"

"Wait Midoriya as in that big company?!" Kirishima asked kinda shocked.

"Ya, the nerd just became the CEO since he is finally eligible" Katsuki said and took another bite of his food.

"So much info!" Mina said.

"Sup" Nieto said and sat on the other side of Hitoshi.

"Hey Nieto" Izuku said with a smile.

"I forgot that today you were back at school"

"You saw me only a few hours ago. I gave you your lunch and said that I would see you at lunch. How did you forget?"

"I don't know" Nieto said.

"Hehe dumb blonde" Katsuki laughed quietly.

"Hey! Your a blonde to you know, dumbass" Hitoshi defending Nieto.

"Katsuki! Toshi!" Izuku said and finished his food.

"Sorry" Katsuki apologized and continued eating.

"Sorry, sir" Toshi said straightening up.

   Everyone else burst put laughing because all it took to make Katsuki scared was Izuku calling him by his first name. It was also the first time they have seen Katsuki say the word sorry. They also found it funny because they now know what the big bad wolf is scared of and if needed they would use it to their advantage. It was also funny because Hitoshi called Izuku 'sir' and straightened up in his seat.

"I have to ask, why haven't we seen you before?" Jiro asked.

"Oh umm...due to a personal thing I was given permission to stay at home for a week" Izuku told them

"Oh ok"

    After school Izuku and Katsuki went home immediately to see the triplets, making sure that they would be good if they both continued going to school. Of course the 3 were fine, just missed their parents.
They picked them up from Mitsuki's place and went home. "Can I hold my niece please?" Denki said holding his hands out.

"Sit down first" Izuku said.

" *sits down and grabs some pillows to make it more comfortable for Natsumi* ready!"

" *chuckles and hands him Natsumi* here you go, be careful"

     Izuku placed Nikkō and Tsuki into their play pen so that he could start cooking dinner for everyone. Shortly after that Katsuki came downstairs after his shower to play with the triplets.

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