Leveling Up

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1 1/2 months later
    The time had come for Izuku to go online, he had started showing and Katsuki started getting more nervous about something bad happening to Izuku. When Izuku was doing a knowledge test to see what grade he belongs in, he found out that he actually belong in first year of high school. Izuku didn't tell Katsuki what grade he had switched to, because he wanted to see Katsuki's reaction when be graduates.

   Today was the first day of Izuku's online classes, and now Katsuki has to adjust to his new school life...and Katsuki's classmates had to adjust to his new attitude as well. It was hard on Katsuki when Izuku wasn't there for reassurance, and hard on his classmates because Katsuki could burst in anger at any point of the day.  
Izuku tried his hardest at his hero work studies.

    A month have passed and now Izuku can't really hide his bump from his friends, so they thought that it was finally time to tell Denki and Monoma what they were being left out on. Saturday was the day they were gonna tell them.

"Hey Denks, hey Neito"  Izuku said and hugged them.

"Leaving me out again I see" Shinso said acting like someone killed him. Everyone burst out laughing at Shinso's actions.

"Saving the best for last?" Izuku said hoping it might make Shinso feel better.

"Good" Shinso said while giving Izuku a hug. "So why did you call us all here?"

Izuku went and sat beside Katsuki only to be pulled onto his lap. "Well, you know Toshi. But we thought that it was time to tell Neito and Denks"

"Tell us was?" Denki said in a questioning tone.

"Are you sure about this, Zu?" Shinso asked.

"Yes, and plus it's gonna be hard to hide  soon enough" Katsuki said for Izuku.

"Get to the point" Monoma said starting to get impatient.

"Well, you two know that you are basically my brother's in law, right?" Izuku said

"Ya" Denki and Monoma said in unison.

"Well..." Izuku started.

"Your gonna be uncles, is what the nerd is trying to say" Katsuki finished leaving to 2 shocked for a moment.

Time Skip (end of the school year)
Katsuki still had no idea about what grade Izuku is, so when Izuku always has his nose in a book and his notes he is confused. "Hey Izu? What's with all the books and notes?" Katsuki brought up, while hugging Izuku from behind.

"Just some studying" Izuku said while hugging back.

"Well you know you shouldn't be stressing with the pup on the way"

"I know, but this is pretty easy. It's just some end of the year test I need to take"

"Take a break soon through, okay?"

"Of course Kacchan, I know your already having a heart attack with me still doing school work"

"Only because I love you and need to protect you and our pup" Katsuki said and kissed Izuku's cheek making him giggle.

"I love you too"

   The week before the exams started Izuku studied hard which made Katsuki worried, but he knew that if it was because of a test there was nothing he could do to stop Izuku. Not only was exams on Izuku's mind, but finding out the gender of the baby was also on his mind. It just so happened that his appointment with the doctor was the day after his last test.

   Izuku had 3 exams this year, which were Language Arts, Math, and History. Each started after Katsuki left for school and ended in time so they could go for lunch. Katsuki and Izuku agreed that during the last week of school they would switch with going out for lunch and staying at Katsuki's school.

After Izuku finished he headed straight to the school, but on his way over he was stopped by someone. "Hey cutie, where you headed all alone?"

"Oh, I'm going to go see my fiance" Izuku said with a smile and started to walk away.

"Hey!" The person ran to catch up. "What's with the waddle?"

"I waddle?" Izuku asked.

"Well, ya. Your also a bit fat" the person said with no shame at all.

" *Turns around with a look of disbelief* EXCUSE ME!!  WHAT DID YOU JUST CALL ME?" Izuku burst out with an angry mood swing.

"Fat!" The person said.


"No" the person said with a grin, doubting what Izuku could do since he looks small and weak.

   Izuku had started to charge at the guy with with his quirks activated and also protecting his stomach. Izuku could stand with people calling him a nerd or useless, but one of 2 things he couldn't stand was insulting his looks with a baby on the way.

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