The Proposal

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Izuku's POV
  I wonder what Kacchan is up to, suddenly we have a date that wasn't planned a week in advance (because Kacchan like to have things as perfect as it can  get), and now he doesn't want me to come to the mall with him? I don't get it, he goes crazy if he goes to the mall alone.

   I guess I can't do anything since if he is doing this there is a good reason and he would never do anything to hurt me.

   With Kacchan out I decide that I should just go to work and try to finish some of the work that I fell behind in.
"Mr. Midoriya, the designers for the new car are requesting a meeting to show their designs next week. They want to know when works best" Izuku's assistant said.

"How about next Friday, that way I have time to relax afterwards."

"I'll see what time on Friday works best them" she said and then left.

    Izuku decided to get back to work. About an hour later, Katsuki went to the Midoriya Automotives knowing that Izuku would still be there.
"Look it Mr.Midoriya's mate! I wonder why he is here" someone whispered among the workers.

"Omg that guy is so hot!" Another said to themself.

"Oh my fucking God can you guys shut up and get back to work?!" Katsuki yelled getting annoyed with everyone whispering about him. And what get him top level mad was how some were saying that Katsuki deserved better than Izuku. How on earth do they think Katsuki deserve better? If anything happened and they split up (which that would never happen) Izuku is the one who should be given the world not me, he deserves better.

    Katsuki walks towards Izuku's office only to notice that there is a new assistant. 'What the hell happened to the other extra. I know she was a bitch and all, but at least she wouldn't question where is was going.'

"Who are you? You can't just walk into the bosses office!" The lady yelled at Katsuki.

'I have the best idea!' Katsuki thought to himself and mentally smirked. "Oh I'm sorry! I-I was just b-bring him some l-lunch" Katsuki made it look like his personality was the complete opposite of what is actually was.

"Give it to me then I will let the boss know someone dropped it off-" the lady was saying before Izuku walked out. "Sir, this person *looks at Katsuki with disgust* brought you lunch"

" *runs behind Izuku's back* lady scary Zuzu" Katsuki pretended.

"*giggles* oh you big baby, stop the act. You aren't fooling anyone" Izuku said and then glanced over at the assistant.

"Fine fine" Katsuki said while hugging Izuku from behind and nuzzling his head in Izuku's neck.

"I don't mean to be rude sir, but who is this guy?" The assistant said.

"He's my pomeranian of a mate"

"HEY! Teddy bear don't be mean!" Katsuki whined.

"Sorry sir for the confusion."

"No, it's ok he just like to cause problems" Izuku said and giggles, noticing that Katsuki somehow fell asleep in the hug.

"He is pretty good at acting tho, he actually made me feel bad for turning him down. But I will remember for next time who he is"

"Ya. You know, when people hear him talking like that they actually get scared" he said while stroking Katsuki hair seeing him smile in his sleep.

"So he is the complete opposite of that?"

"Yup! Well I better go, so that this pomeranian can sleep"

"*chuckles" Well have a good evening sir, and see you later"

"Of course, and you too" he smiled.

   2 days later, Saturday came around and both Katsuki ans Izuku were getting ready.

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  [That is what they are wearing on their date]

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  [That is what they are wearing on their date]

    An hour passes and Izuku is finally ready to go, while Katsuki had been sitting on the couch for about 45 minutes, since it only took him like 15 minutes to get ready.
"Finally ready to go! Come on before we miss our reservation!" Katsuki said before getting a good look at what Izuku is wearing "omg you sp hot and cute! How the fuck is it possible!"

"It's as possible as how you get so much more handsome and hot" Izuku said with a blushy smile.

At the restaurant
  Both go sit down and order their food and drinks. Since this isn't their usual restaurant they go to, they were getting lots of looks by other people there. The waiter even asked if they had enough to pay. They may be only like 13 but they were as well off as a 50 year old billionaire just by themselves, not with their parents money.

"Can you finally tell me why this date was planed in 3 days and not a week in advance like always?" Izuku asked not trying to come off as rude.

"You'll know soon enough" Katsuki smiled.

    15 minutes late their food came out and Katsuki waited till Izuku was about half way done his katsudon to ask a very important question.

"Izuku, you know that when ever you are with are like my home, a place where I know I belong and can be myself. We have been together since we basically came out of our mothers wombs" Katsuki chuckled. "You have been there for me at my worst and supported me on my crazy adventures. I am happy that we are going to have a pup together, but there is one this missing." Katsuki smiled at Izuku.

"What's missing?"

Katsuki got down and one knee and asked. "The thing that is missing is us getting married, so Izuku Midoriya-Aizawa will you marry me?"

"YES! Yes I will marry you" Izuku said and gave Katsuki his hand for the ring.

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