Family's Worry

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Katsuki's POV
     I know that Izu has this covered, especially since Natsumi, Nikkō and Tsuki are the light of his life. You know how angry he gets when someone touches his Eraserhead merch?! Ya this is 1000000% worse then that.

     It has been a few minutes since Izu dropped in, and so far he has been keeping his cool. I can see how much he is trying not to blow up so he doesn't scare the children. He is afraid that it would ruin the way they see him, I can tell. And of course I can't say anything right now to make it a little better, but I really want to. To tell him that will always see him as a hero, to tell him that they won't be hurt...anything to make some stress just float away.

"Outside!" Izu shouts at the LOV.

"And why would I do that?" Shigaraki said.

I can tell that Izuku's eyes are glowing a bright emerald green. "IM NOT FUCKING AROUND HERE! GET YOU ASS'S OUTSIDE BEFORE I DRAG YOU BY YOUR STUPID FUCKING HAIR"

I chuckle at that. Makes me proud that I have rubbed off on him. I walk over to the pups and huddle around them so Izu knows that I will keep them safe no matter what. As I do that I can see out of the corner of my eye, the LOV running outside. 'good they know he is serious' I thought.

Out of POV
    Izuku rushed outside after them. They all formed a circle around him, thinking that it might scare Izuku knowing what he got himself into. But that wasn't the case.

    Izuku first ran after Dabi, erasing his quirk. Dabi tried to get his fire to work, he frantically tried to light his hands but there was no luck. With one hit to the neck Dabi fell to the ground unconscious. One down 3 to go. Next was Toga; Izuku jumped and quickly knocked the knife out of her hand. This time Izuku got a few punches in before Toga also fell on the ground close to being unconscious. Twice was next, which was pretty easy. While Twice was fighting with himself about hitting and not hitting an omega, it left the perfect opportunity to knock him out. And finally, the fight Izuku had been waiting for. Shigaraki stood there frozen. He watched his crew get knocked out one by one. Then Shigaraki looked at Izuku, who didn't look like himself at all. He had an evil, demon like grin and had some ruble floating around him. 'not human' replayed in Shigaraki's mind.

This battle lasted longer then the others. But that is mainly because Izuku wanted him to suffer, there was no way that Izuku would let that slide.

The battle between them had went on for about 10 minutes, and also got the attention of bystanders. Izuku let Shigaraki hit him a few times so that he would know that it was more of a fair fight. After the fight, police arrested to LOV and took them to the station.
Izuku headed straight back into the building to see how Katsuki and the triplets were. "MAMA WAS SO COOL!" The triplets said in unison.

"Aww thank you, my babies" Izuku said and wrapped his arms around them with Katsuki already hanging off him.

"You let them hit you?!" Katsuki said looking at Izuku's face.

"Well it had to be a fair fight" Izuku responded.

"Mama even scared them!" Nikkō practically shouted.

"I no mess with Mama" Tsuki said which has everyone laughing.

"I would never do that to any of you" Izuku said reassuring them, and said with a giggle. "Well maybe your father"

"What? Why me?"

"Because you get to out of hand, Kacchan!" Izuku said, which had Katsuki quiet since he knew it was true.

"And daddy is always scary!" Natsumi added.

"That's he is princess"

   They chatted for a bit longer until Izuku's phone rang. "Well I'm dead" Izuku stood up and walked a little bit away from them and picked up the call. "Hi dad"

"WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT?!" Shota shouted to the phone. "First my students come in saying that Katsuki won't be in class, and then Hizashi tells me to watch the news?! WHY THE FUCK WOULD YOU GO AFTER THEM WITHOUT BACK UP?!"

"They had the children!"

"That is no excuse!"

"So if me, Toshi, or even Eri were in their situation. You wouldn't rush in to come save us" Izuku said that and Shota went silent.

"...I am and adult!"

"And I am a 3rd year, married, with pups of my own!"

"But you are still so young" Shota said softening his voice.

"I know you are just worried, but I am careful and wouldn't let anyone hurt my family"

"But you still could've asked for back up! Even if it was just my class.... they respect you so much that if you said jump off a cliff, they would"

"Wait actually?" Izuku said laughing a bit.

"It's a little scary to be honest" Shota admitted. "And now that you took down the LOV, I'm sure that is going to also make them a little bit scared of you as well"

" you think we should tell them more about us?" Izuku said with a hint of worry.

"It is completely up to you and Katsuki, but it might help their confusion"

"I think Kacchan does, so meet you at the dorms?"

"Sure, I'll see you then. Bye and BE SAFE FOR GOD SAKES" Shota shouted before hanging up.

     Izuku went back to Katsuki and the triplets, and they looked at him with a bit of confusion. None of them knew what he was saying but they knew that Izuku was kinda relieved after the call.

"What was that about?" Katsuki asked.

"Dad being worried that we came here alone"

"What Grandpa say?" Nikkō asked curiously.

Izuku looked at Katsuki and said "If you are ok with it, he is ok with us telling your class about us"

"Shit, really?!" Katsuki excitedly said.

"Language! And yes. He said that it would relieve the curiousity they have"

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