Telling Our Parents

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   The newly engaged couple definitely was getting more stares now, since they don't know their backstory and think that they are rushing through things. Not a thought crossed there minds until they finished their food.

"OH GOD! Kacchan, how are we going to tell my dad. Remember the no loud blonde rule?" Izuku yelled.

"I'm sure he won't actually do anything, just get upset that you are even more like him" Katsuki said.

    Izuku was clearly happy, but there was that hint of anxiety that was showing. It didn't help that the people at the restaurant were all starting at them. Since they finished their food and Izuku was on the bridge of having a panic attack they decided that just dinner was enough and go home. Having their own house was really good in these instances, because it helps calm them down whether they are anxious, to excited, or angry.

"You ok now, love?" Katsuki said.

"I think so" Izuku said while snuggling more into Katsuki's chest.

"So you think that we should tell our parents during the big dinner next Sunday? That way everyone is their and it might be easier for your anxiety too"

"Maybe, and we can tell everyone about the pregnancy. Since I told Papa we wanted to tell everyone when we thought the time was right."

Time Skip a week later
    The week was pretty normal, with work, school, and the occasional almost anxiety attack. So much stress, not about whether Katsuki's parents would accept the news, but if Shota was going to be ok with it.

"Teddy Bear, let's go!"

"Coming!" Izuku yelled while finally finding the right pair of heels to match his outfit.

    They make their way to the bus stop to get to the new restaurant they found. After a few bus swaps they finally make it to the restaurant and met up with their parents. "Brat, and Izuku!" Mitsuki yelled giving them both big hugs.

"Missed you too aunty" Izuku said with a smile.

"Hey, old hag."

"Can we just sit down and look at a menu now?" Shota said.
   Everyone then sat down and ordered their food.

"So..." Izuku started and then paused before continuing with comfort from Katsuki. "We have 2 things to tell you guys. And please don't go crazy dad."

"And why exactly would I go crazy?" Shota asked.

"Because of the no loud blonde rule you made"

"Hey, I accepted that you are with Katsuki!"

"Yes, yes you have. I am proud of you for that, but I don't know how you'll react to this since we are still young."

"Ok, then carry on" Masaru said, wanting to know what the boys had to say.

"Well I may or may not have gotten Izuku pregnant" Katsuki said a little nervously.

"OMFG!!! SERIOUSLY!!" Mitsuki yelled

"Honey calm down, your yelling again" Masaru said.

"Sorry, but I finally get my grand baby!!!"

"Carebear! Your not gonna do anything to Katsuki right?" Hizashi asked Shota.

"Katsuki, you gonna go to UA?" Shota asked.

"Umm...ya?" Katsuki said confused. Shota just have him an evil smile.


"Dad! No!" Izuku protested. "But anyways the other news is that...we...are...engaged!" Izuku said happy and nervous about how everyone was going to react.

"Great, I am gonna get a nefew or niece and an angry pomeranian as a brother-in-law?!" Hitoshi said.

" *giggles* yup" Izuku said, forgetting Katsuki was right there for a minute.

"How many times do I have to tell you guys that I am not a pomeranian!" Katsuki yelled at everyone while they were laughing at his reaction.

   Everyone got and finished their food, with the great news about the new baby and the marriage proposal, their entire family were all going to try and make sure that Izuku won't stress and be safe. It annoyed him that there was alot of attention on him, but what could he do they were only looking out for him.

Izuku's POV
    Now that everyone knows about us, I can't help but wonder how they are going to treat me since they know I am pregnant. Especially Kacchan, but honestly I think he will be more protective. But if you knew Kacchan that is something that should be the first thing to cross your mind, since there is no way that he would let me get hurt. Kacchan is easily the best alpha I could ever ask for.

   The weekend went by in a flash, now I have yo face those idiots at school. I haven't told anyone that I have a quirk, so the only one that knows at school is Kacchan and Toshi. I its something that I am glad I did and something I regret doing. Because I get bullied for being "a quirkless loser" but at the same time when I become a hero I can prove to everyone that you can be a hero without a quirk. I will train hard and at the same time be the best mother ever.

   *wakes up* 'I should go make breakfast before Kacchan wakes up...Maybe I could surprise him with breakfast in bed!!!'

I go downstairs, making sure that I don't wake Kacchan, and start making the food. I finally finish 20 minutes later and put the food on a tray, and carefully brought it up to the bedroom.

'Good Kacchan is still sleeping... hehe' I thought and had an evil smile on my face. "KACCHAN, SOMETHING IS WRONG!!!" I yelled trying to sound worried.

"*jolts up* WHATS WRONG?" Kacchan yelled back.

*walks over to the bed* "what's wrong is that you're still sleeping" I said with a small giggle and placed the food on the bed and then hugged Kacchan. "Did I scare you?"

"Of course you did-" his gaze trailed off to the food on the bed. "Ooo you made breakfast!!!"

"Yup, breakfast in bed" *smiles*

   We both started to eat.

Out of POV
   After the boys finished their food, they got ready and left for school. It's like it was planned, because the people who bully Izuku for being so called quirkless, were all lined up at the gates waiting for them to arrive. They were pretending to be minding their own business, hoping that Katsuki would leave for a minute. Thankfully Katsuki could clearly see what they were planning and held Izuku closer.
There was no way that Katsuki would leave Izuku alone in the morning, since it seemed like they had more energy in the morning then the afternoon.

    The day goes by smoothly, everyone left Izuku alone, that was until last class and the teacher took Katsuki the principles office, because he was acting up again. Then while Izuku was writing in his hero analyzing book, and the bullies walk over to him.  "Looks like your guard dog left" one of them said.

"I wonder what a quirkless loser like you could do now" Another said.

Izuku didn't hear any of them since he was zoned out.

"It seems like the loser is ignoring us. I think he needs a punishment." One said while slamming his hands on the desk which startled Izuku.

"O-oh h-hi" Izuku stuttered.

"Where's your guard dog?"

"G-guard dog?" Izuku said confused. "You mean  Kacchan? I think he had to go to the principles office"

"OMFG your stupid! Of course we know he left, what you gonna do now? Huh?" One said.

"Mind my own business" Izuku said wanting to get back to his notebook.

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