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"What punishment best suits for this loser today?" One bully said to the others.

"Idk" one said. "Yo dumbass? You hungry?"

"N-not r-really" Izuku stuttered.

"I think you are" one said with a grin. "Ready for a nuckle sandwich?"

That's when all 4 bullies started to try and punch Izuku, but Izuku just went back to writing more notes in his notebook. Izuku was using his quirk as a shield, since there was no way that they would let him just ignore him and would just lead to more problems. "What the fuck, who is using their quirk?" One of the bullies said and everybody shrugged.

While the bullies were busy trying to break the barrier around Izuku, they didn't realize that Katsuki had walked back into the classroom. Katsuki knew what was going on since he had got to the office, so needless to say he was beyond angry. He walked behind the bullies and simply said in the calmest way "What are we doing?

Without looking they said "trying to get to this quirkless loser, but someone is trying to stop us"

"Oi stop! But good job protecting yourself baby" Katsuki said making his way to Izuku.

"KACCHAN!!!" Izuku yelled and stopped using is quirk so that he could hug Katsuki.

"Teddy bear, you ok? They hurt you?" Katsuki asked while glaring at the bullies.

"They couldn't, someone helped me" gives Katsuki a look saying he used his quirk.

"But they aren't getting away with anything" Katsuki turned towards the bullies and had a very dark hora. "Nobody messes with MY boyfriend and gets aways with it" and with the he rushed after the bullies and Izuku stopped them from getting to far with his quirk.

    Hiding Izuku's pregnancy was easy to hide for now but would certainly get harder as he gets closer to the due date. They planned on taking him out of school at about 3 month, and by then they be able to know the gender of the baby. Although they planned on taking Izuku out of school in 1 and a half months, something was going to make that day come sooner.

Izuku's POV
    I was just walking through the park trying to clear my head from the stress at work, and someone came up to me. He kinda looked a guy from the grade above me.
He came up to me and said "Hey pretty omega!"

"H-hi" I said timidly.

"What's a precious omega like you doing put here alone."

" I not a-alone"

"Well I don't see anyone with you" the guy said. "So why don't you come with me, since it smells like you are going into heat soon. I mean, I couldn't help your horny ass though"

"I'm not going into heat anytime soon" I said starting to get mad at the guy.

"Oh what happen? Little guy getting mad he is going into heat soon?"

"You don't know who I am and what I could do to y-you"

"What could a poor tiny guy do to me?" The guy looked mad and kinda confused at my statement.

"I am N-NOT P-POOR!" I yelled, which got the attention of Kacchan who was buying my food across the street.

" *Comes running over to see a random guy annoying Izuku* Dude! Get. Away. From. Him!" Kacchan yelled.

"Or what, you dumb blonde?" The guy said which put Kacchan on the last straw.

   Kacchan was still holding me right as he didn't want to let me go, especially to that guy, that creepy, stupid guy.

"I don't care what you say about me but you leave HIM alone" Kacchan said.

   The two started going back and forth with the insults, and I had enough, I was hungry and mad, I was hangry. "ENOUGH!!! YOU" I said, pointing at the guy. "WATCH YOUR BACK! I SWEAR, IF YOU CAME AFTER ME I WILL END ANY CHANCES THAT YOU MIGHT HAVE TO HAVE A GOOD CAREER! Kacchan, food"

" *Smirks since Izuku just left the guy dumbfounded* alright let's go then"

Both Kacchan and I go to a restaurant, leaving the guy speechless.

Time skip: 2 weeks later in school (out of POV)
    Katsuki and Izuku decided to eat in the cafeteria for the first time in a long time. Aizawa and Mitsuki thought that it would be a good idea for them to socialize a bit more. They both tried to get out or it but their parents hearts were set on making new friends.

"Broccoli!!" Shinso yelled from across the room.

"Oh! Kacchan, let's go!" Izuku said, and pulled Katsuki. They sat down with shinso and his friends.

"Hey you 2" a boy with yellow hair with a lightning bolt said

"This is Denki and Monoma" Shinso said.

"Hi! I'm Izuku Aizawa and this is Kacchan"

"Katsuki, Katsuki Bakugo"

"Now maybe dad's with leave you alone for not having no friends other than you beloved Kacchan" Shinso teased.

"Hey, you don't get to fucking call me that! I don't care if you are mocking Izuku, but that is not your right to call me Kacchan!" Katsuki yelled at Shinso.

"Don't yell at my boyfriend like that!" Monoma yelled back.

"Ya!" Denki agreed.

"Boyfriends?" Izuku said looking at Shinso with confusion. "Why didn't I know about this?"

"I don't know" he shrugged.

"How long have you 3 been together?" Izuku asked while hugging a pouting Katsuki.

"A year, by next month" Denki said happily.

"Well it may be late, but congratulations!" Izuku said while hugging them.

    The 5 started hanging out often, like going on double dates, going to movies, going on walks, etc.  Denki and Izuku got along great, they both loved giving hugs and got what it was like to be an omega; Monoma may be an omega, but he just didn't blend in with other omegas. Katsuki would never admit it but Monoma and Katsuki got along great...in their own way. Although the 5 we're close Denki and Monoma had no idea about the baby that Izuku was carrying.

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