New Generation for UA

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      It's been a few years since class 1A graduated from UA. The triplets all decided that they would be hero's like Katsuki and Izuku, who were the number 1 and 2 hero's and named the Wonder Duo. Hitoshi did get Denki pregnant; they agreed to have Denki have their first pup and once the pup was old enough, Nieto would carry the second. They were all happy with each other and finally got their own houses, since they weren't in high school anymore.

   The triplets did get into UA on recommendationd from both Katsuki and Izuku, but if we're honest here, they didn't need them. They are Katsuki and Izuku Bakugos children after all, they are strong and smart enough to get in easily. Plus Izuku now owns UA so he can choose who to accept into UA and who is just not UA material.


KiriMina: had a girl, Enid Kirishima
ShinMonKami: has 1 girl and 1 boy, Kimi Shinso and Himino Shinso
TokoTsu: 1 boy
SeroTodo: 2 girl
TogaOcha: 1 girl
IidaMei: 1 boy 1 girl
JiroMomo: 2 girls 1 boy
Dabihawks: 2 boys 2 girls
BakuDeku: had 1 more girl (2 years younger then the triplets), they named her Inko after Izuku's mother.

    In-between missions Katsuki became the hero studies teacher since he was the number 1 hero and surprisingly good with kids. He may have a temper, but the classes he taught were more well behaved then his class. Izuku occasionally taught but he was usually busy with hero work and running his company.

    On the first day of school, the triplets had to make a big entrance into school. Laughing and being very loud, they even pulled a Katsuki and put their feet on their desks once they sat in their desks.

"Get those fucking feet off the tables" Katsuki demanded.

"You shouldn't swear at your students" Someone else said.

"I'll talk to my children the way I want" Katsuki said glaring at the whole class. "Now get your feet off the desk unless you want your mother to find out"

"I don't get the problem, Uncle Denki said you did that!" Tsuki protested.

"Yeah, well you aren't me" Katsuki said. "Now attendance" Katsuki said and looked at his class list. He started reading off the names of everyone in the class.

     Eveyone was so excited to have a class with the number one hero and his children, they waited until break to go and try to be friends with the triplets. The class didn't know they were triplets, even if they looked similar.

"We should go see Kimi after school" Natsumi suggested.

"Sure, maybe this time Himino won't be following her around" Tsuki said.

"He looks up to Kimi, so he follows her around. It's like what Inko does to us" Nikkō added.

"What are you guys talking about?" A girl from their class asked.

"We're deciding on whether or no we should go visit or cousin" Natsumi said.

"Who's your cousin?"

"Kimi Shinso" Tsuki said annoyed. He didn't like people butting into their conversations.


"Yup, Kimi is a year and a half younger than us" Nikkō said with a smile.

"How old are you guys"

"15" they said in unison.

"All the same age huh? I'm 16"

"We're triplets after all" Natsumi said.

"Really?! I've never met a set of triplets"

"Well we aren't on display" Tsuki said before walking away annoyed.

"Sorry about him" Nikkō apologized.

"It's ok" the girl said.

     It was easy to say that Tsuki got Katsuki's temper, Natsumi was a mix of both personality, and Nikkō is like Izuku. Even with their differences in personalities, they don't usually fight with each other; if they do it's over food or a show to watch.

" *Looks up from his work* yes?" Izuku said.

"You have a call from the school" Izuku's assistant said.

"Okay, and why did you have to come and tell me? I have this for a reason" Izuku said and motioned to the phone.

"I'm deeply sorry, I'll remember that next time. I'll take my leave" they said and left, shutting the door behind them.

" *Sighs and picks up the call* Izuku Bakugo speaking"

"Your husband had to leave early for an emergency mission, and Tsuki Bakugo is acting up" One of the teachers said.

"You've got to be kidding me, it's the first day of school" Izuku sounded annoyed.

"Yes, I'm sorry Mr. Bakugo. If you could come in, we'll explain everything"

"Alright" Izuku said and hung up.

    When Izuku got to the school, he went start to the office assuming that was where Tsuki would be. Natsumi and Nikkō were walking to their next class and saw him. "Mom, what are you doing here?" Natsumi asked confused.

"Your brother obviously. He just had to be like Kacchan" he mumbled the last part to himself. He started walking to the office again.

"He's so grounded" Natsumi whispered to Nikkō as they continued walking to class.

"Shh, don't be too loud. You know mom has incredible hearing" Nikkō warned.

"Oh right"

    When Izuku got to the office, Tsuki was sitting in one of the chairs waiting, he looked super annoyed. Mumbling to himself. "Mr. Bakugo, glad you could make it so quick" the teacher said.

"Oh shit" Tsuki said under his breath.

"I heard that" Izuku said.

"Let's go into my office and I'll fill you in on what happened"


     Tsuki stood up and followed them into the teachers office. It turns out that Tsuki got into a fight with another student over the last bowl of Katsudon. That made Izuku a little proud, but it didn't excuse the bad behaviour. Tsuki was only grounded for 2 days.

   It wasn't long before all the former 1A's children attended UA, and cause their own batch of trouble for the teachers, just like their parents. Aizawa would come in once in a while and sit in Katsuki's class watching how he felt with everything. He thought of it as karma for all the stress Katsuki's year caused him. He would snicker everytime the class would go crazy, because it reminded him of how their parents would be. Even though they were crazy and Katsuki was always short tempered, the class was always on top of everything. School games, the UA festival, academic scores, or even most strategized class. 

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