Don't Mess With Mama

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    A year has passed since Izuku had the triplets and no one in the school knows that Katsuki and Izuku are married with Kids. Everything was going good, having lunch together, doing good in school, taking care of the kids, and Izuku even convince Katsuki to go hang out with just the Bakusquad. Izuku is even able to take advanced classes this year since he did amazing in 2nd year.
Everything was going to smoothly, nothing to bad other than that few attacks on class 1A. Ok so maybe it wasn't all smooth but there was something that Izuku and Katsuki didn't know and soon cause all the anger Izuku has from middle school to burst out.

   The LOV had been watching Katsuki and seeing what might encourage him to join them. It was Shigaraki's "master plan", and he thought this plan was going to be perfect.
It turns out that Shigaraki found out about Katsuki's pups and thought that if he kidnapped them nothing bad would happen...or this will be their last day before being put in jail.
"Wake up!" Shigaraki yelled to get Toga and Dabi up.

" *Groans* what? It's like 3 in the morning" Toga said with a yawned.

"Exactly we need to go now!"

   Toga and Dabi crawl out of bed still not wanting to be up at that moment. They gets changed and then go to Katsuki and Izuku's house to wait until the time it right. The wait and wait, until someone pulls up to the house. "Who is that?" Toga whispered.

"Let's just what and see!" Shigaraki said annoyed.

   Mutsuki has pulled up and walked into the house without even knocking, which surprised the 3, until they put the pieces together realising that it was Katsuki's mother. A few minutes later 5 people walked out and Mitsuki stood at the door waving and saying goodbye.

"God, how many people live there?!" Toga said.

"Well they are a group of teenagers, so it makes sense that they have a bunch of people living there" Dabi implied.

    They waited about an hour or so before deciding to go inside. Mitsuki was upstairs when they all started to file in, one by one they searched every room in the house until finally they found the room Mitsuki was reading to the triplets in. "KUROGIRI!!!" Shigaraki yelled and a portal appeared.

"What do you want with us" Mitsuki yelled back trying to keep the triplets away from the LOV.

"Take them!" Shigaraki said.

"NO! You don't know who you are messing with!" Mitsuki protested.

Twice, Dabi, and Toga each took one of the babies from Mitsuki after knocking her out. They then went back to the base and set them down.

"Maybe she was right, I mean that Bakugo kid is pretty scary" Twice started with. "Are you kidding me! A kid doesn't stand a chance against us!"

"Exactly! In the end my plan is going to work!" Shigaraki said proudly.

    About an hour later Mitsuki woke up and immediately noticed that the kids were gone and called Katsuki with tears in her eyes. Once Katsuki picked up.
"I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry" she repeated.

Confused about what Mitsuki was going on about, Katsuki said "why are you sorry?"

"The kids..." Mitsuki said choking on her own words.

"What about them?"

"They are...gone"

"What do you mean gone?! Like taken or...dead" Katsuki said his heart dropping on the last word hoping that wasn't it.


"BY WHO?!" Katsuki yelled which got the attention of Izuku.

Izuku's POV
     I was just sitting at my desk doing my work like dad had told us to do, when Kacchan's phone rang. I think it that it was mom, because he picked up. Not paying much mind to it I continued doing my work...that was until I noticed Kacchan getting worried. I heard that he was talking about something being gone. And then he yelled "by who", that got my attention and I looked at Kacchan worried.

"What is happening?" I asked.

"They were kidnapped!" Kacchan said.

"Who was kidnapped?" 

"The pups"

"What are you guys talking about?" Mina asked setting down her food.

"Shit!" I said forgetting that everyone thought I couldn't swear.

"Hag said it was the LOV"

I stand up and look at Mina "tell my dad niether me or Kacchan will be here"

"Where are you going?!"

"To kill some bitches" I said and draged Kacchan out.

      We knew exactly where their hide out is because they were to stupid to switch locations after they kidnapped Kacchan. Bunch of fucking idiots. But on the other hand I think that they were counting on that, since Kacchan said that they wanted him to join their stupid little group.

   We headed straight to their hide out. Kacchan went in first since he was the one they wanted. I watched from the outside. "Ah you finally arrived" Shigaraki said in that horrible scratchy voice.

"Give me my kids" Kacchan said.

"Join us"


"You will, you have no choice. We have your kids!" Dabi added.

"You don't know who you are messing with" Kacchan said with a laugh.

"You! What are you going to do?! Explode us?" Shigaraki said.

"Oh no, not me dipshits. You messed with their mother!" Kacchan said and started backing up. That's showed me he was almost ready to tell me to come in.

"Their mother?! You mean that sweet innocent bean" Toga said with a bit of disbelief.

"NOW!" Kacchan yell confusing them.

"What the hell are you going on ab-" Dabi said before I dropped in. He started laughing.

I look at my 3 terrified children and I walk over to them "Are you ok?!"

"Back it up" Shigaraki said with a treating tone.

      I glared at him and just stood there like I ment nothing. I didn't dare walk closer either because there was no way that I would take a chance if it ment they might hurt my babies. I looked back at Kacchan who was standing at the back of the room and nodded at me. You would think that Kacchan was nodding to let me know he has it covered, but in reality it was a "do your worst" nod.

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