The Weird Craving

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Izuku's POV
Until now I haven't really had cravings or woken up lately, since the triplets have been pretty calm. Then tonight is different, they all seem to be hungry at the same time. I wake up and look at the alarm clock "Midnight! You guys I need sleep" I said to my belly as if the triplet would respond. "Kacchan!!" I whined.

"Hm?" Kacchan responded and sat up. "What's wrong?"

"We're hungry!!!!" I whined some more.

"Ok, what do you 4 want?" Kacchan said in a tired voice while getting up.

"Umm..." I started to think. "Spicy katsudon... vanilla ice cream, a taco with only meat and a pinch of lettuce and cheese, and...pickles"

"Ok" Kacchan headed down stairs, only to come back a minute later. "Would you like to come with me. We have none of those"

"Okie" I waddled over to the closet and grabbed Kacchan's biggest and favourite huddie. "Ready!"

Kacchan sighed a little not wanting to say something and lose against me "let's go ask your brother, I sure he's awake and wants something."

We walk to Toshi's room and knock. Denki opens the door and says "Yo, what's up!"

"Want something from the store?"

"Sure. Toshi Neito, do you want anything from the store?" Denki asked.

"Chips" Toshi said.

"M&M's" Neito said.

"And could I get pop tarts?" Denki asked

"Sure!" I smiled.

We left for the store and Taco Bell. We get all the snacks and then go through the drive threw. Once we get the food we start snacking on it. "Tank you!" I said with a huge smile on my face.

"Anything for my Teddy Bear."

The Next Morning
Kacchan woke up first since he has school. Like usual once he woke he carefully got out of bed and did his morning routine, then he made breakfast and brought it to me. "Teddy Bear, time to wake up" Kacchan said.

"Mmm, no" I mumbled. "I tired!"

"You woke me up at 12 last night, it's my turn to wake you up. And if not I guess I have to eat my pancakes alone" Kacchan said knowing that would get me up, and just like he thought I immediately sat up.


"Mhm, but you are to tired so they are mine now" Kacchan said with a smirk.

End of POV
"But MY pancakes! I want pancakes" Izuku said with grabby hands wanting to be carried. With one scoop Katsuki gave into his cute mate and carried him to the dinning room.

"Ok, I have to go now Izu. You have to let go" Katsuki said.

"I want you to stay!!!" Izuku whined.

"Well didn't we decide you get to come to school for lunch time?" Katsuki said and Izuku only nods. "Ok I'll see you then, ok?"


Lunch Time
Izuku headed to Katsuki's school and waited for him where not many people could see him. To hide some of the fact that he is pregnant, Izuku decided to wear Katsuki's biggest sweaters.

"Izu!" Katsuki said while giving him a hug.

"Kacchan! I hungry!" He whined.

"Come on I have food already cooked, and a spot picked out"


They then went to the spot outside that Katsuki had picked out, and then started eating.

"How is it" asked Katsuki.

"Good, but now I kinda want some pickles and ice cream"

"Pickles and ice cream? Sounds gross"

"Maybe to you"

Little did they know was the bullies that used to try and bully Izuku had just been walking by and heard them talking. "Pickles and ice cream? Disgusting" one of the bullies said. "Deku? Your back"

"N-no I'm not" Izuku the stood up with Katsuki and hid behind him.

"Damn you got fat. Maybe it's the pickles and ice cream" a bully said laughing.

"Back off" Katsuki growled.

"Oh, the Deku has a guard dog"

"WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU CALL ME" Katsuki said with sparks coming out of his hands, which made the bullies run away. They knew being there long enough with Katsuki's quirk activated may result in an early death.

"Ice cream now?" Izuku asked.

"After school, okay?"

"Okay" Izuku said and latched onto Katsuki again.

After School
"Ice cream!" Izuku yelled running up to Katsuki, giving him a hug.

"Alright, let's go" Katsuki said and picked up Izuku.

First they headed to the store to get a small jar of pickles then headed to the ice cream store. Izuku made Katsuki try the pickles and ice cream as a dare since he made fun of Izuku for it, and trying this almost made Katsuki puke and Izuku laugh.

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