In This Together

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     After Izuku's appointment, Izuku made Hizashi bring him back to the company since he still had lots of paperwork to finish. The only way that he could stay at work is if he took breaks and didn't stress himself out. Izuku's assistant was ordered to keep an eye on him making sure that he does overwork himself AGAIN.

    Now that the day is over Izuku had to tell Katsuki about his pregnancy, he is so nervous that Katsuki would hate him or leave him. At that moment the anxiety that he was feeling could have killed him.

Izuku's POV
   I arrived at Kacchan's go house since I promised that I would visit him after work. Knowing Kacchan, he is probably worried since I am like an hour late.
After knocking on the door,  aunt Mitsuki opened the door.  "IZUKU" Mitsuki yelled and gave me a hug.

"Hey, Aunty. Kacchan in his room?"

"Like always" she said well chuckling.

I went up to his room and knocked on the door.

"WHAT DO YOU WANT HAG?!" You could hear Kacchan yelling from the other side of the door.

*opens the door* "Stop calling her hag or old hag"

"Zuzu!" Kacchan yelled and ran scooping me up in his arms. "Don't worry me like that"

"Sorry Kacchan, I was held up...oh by the way I have something to tell you"

"Ok" Kacchan said and sat back down on the bed and pulled me with him. "What is it?"

"So I went to the doctor because I threw up, right. And she told me I'm..." I paused. "Pregnant"

Kacchan looked at me with what looked like shock and happiness. "Really? Imma be a dad?"

*giggles* "yes you will be, Kacchan" I say with a smile.

   The thought of becoming parents with Kacchan is the best, and the fact that Kacchan is so excited to be a father is so heart warming. I wonder if now that Kacchan knows that I  pregnant, that he is going to be way more protective then he already is. Don't get me wrong I love my Kacchan but sometimes he gets a little to jealous.

    Thinking about having a future with Kacchan and this new baby on the way is probably one of the best things that is going to happen.

Katsuki's POV
    I have been thinking about asking Izu when he wanted to move onto the next step of our relationship, even if it is going to be years into our future. With the baby it is on the way, maybe I might take the opportunity to propose to him. I'll plan it all out, having a dinner at a fancy restaurant and then proposing right there.

Out it POV
"Hey izu?" Katsuki asked.

"Yes? What's up?"

"Wanna go out on Saturday?

"Sure" Izuku said giving Katsuki a bright smile.

   The very next day, after school Katsuki went to a jewelry store to pick out the perfect ring. At the same time many thoughts were rushing through his head.

Some of Katsuki's thoughts
•Maybe we are way to young for this
•Will he even say yes?
•What if something goes wrong?
      ▪︎The waiter spilling water or something all over us
      ▪︎Someone kills the special moment
      ▪︎I say something wrong
•What if he doesn't like the ring?

Back with Katsuki
      With the amount of thoughts that were rushing through Katsuki's head, made is visible that he was super nervous about something. But  Katsuki being Katsuki was to good to admit that he was feeling nervous. He just went in and bough this amazing orange and green diamond ring.

 He just went in and bough this amazing orange and green diamond ring

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[The ring Katsuki picked put for Izuku]

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