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Katsuki took Izuku home and made him sit down on the couch, and proceeded to consistently check if he was ok and what his temperature was. Although, the strange thing is, is that every time Katsuki checked Izuku's temperature it came back normal. What was happening? Izuku thought about it for a minute and then it hit him, his heat was here. That explains why everytime Katsuki, he gets hotter.

"Kanchan! I know what it is now!"


"It's my heat!" Izuku got out before a wave hit him, a stronger wave then before.

Kitsuki then kissed Izuku, which made Izuku's omega want to take over even more. He then straddled Katsuki making the kiss deeper, but then Katsuki broke the kiss and said "Are you sure your ready Izu?"

"Yes, please help me get rid of the pain!" Izuku said while releasing lots of pheromones which got Katsuki into a rut.

      As the two take things to the next level things started to get heated pretty fast, clothes wear being taken off and preparing to take thing to the last level.

    The night went on and in the end Izuku fell asleep on Katsuki's chest from being exhausted from their 2 hour activity. Katsuki sat there stroking Izuku's hair and thinking about things and what might change between them. It was like that for 45 minutes then Katsuki fell asleep cuddling with his boyfriend.
Since Mitsuki and Masaru were on a business trip for about 2 days and about 6 months more, Katsuki wanted to spend this time alone with Izuku. He never wanted to admit anything, but he felt lonely being left alone in a house with no one around him. His house was much to big for him alone; as a 10 bedroom house, 10 bath, and has a movie room, a big kitchen, dinning room, and living room is all to big for a 14 year old.

The Next Morning
       Izuku woke up first with the feeling of something heavy wrapped around his waist. He turns over to see his pomeranian of a boyfriend sleeping peacefully, he reaches over him and grabs his phone then returns to his original position but Katsuki has a tighter grip. Izuku then looks at the time to see that is is only 8 am. "Go back to sleep nerd" Katsuki mumbled in his morning voice.

"Sorry Kacchan" Izuku says as he puts down the phone and snuggles more into Katsuki's chest.

    Just as he puts the phone down his phone goes off.
[Morning Izuku, how was your sleep?] Hizashi texted.

[It was good, how about yours Papa?]

[It was alright] hizashi started with. [After the amount of sleepovers you have had with Katsuki, you would think your father would be ok]

[?] Izuku was confused at what Hizashi was trying to say.

[You father still paces thinking something bad will happen or you and Katsuki will have some alpha/omega urges]

[Oh] Izuku replied while remembering what happened the previous night and how one of Shota's fears actually came to life.
There was no way that Izuku could tell that he had a boyfriend (who is a loud blonde), that he had his heat (and didn't come home after knowing he was in heat), and that he also bent to the urged both him and his boyfriend had.

     Izuku then turns off his phone and snuggles into Katsuki's chest and falls back asleep almost instantly.

Time Skip About A Month Later

      The two have been together for almost a full month now and the Aizawa family has no idea that this is the only secrete that Izuku has hid from them. Their actions comes off as just being  friends infront of them. Although Izuku's family doesn't know, the Bakugo family knows and fully supports them (especially since they know Izuku won't let Katsuki be a brat).

    Izuku is sitting in his desk trying to get through all the paperwork that he missed for the week. He took the day off school so that he can get caught up on his work, the stacks of work, the employee's he has working for him. It is true that izuku is only 10, but when his mother passed away Izuku got control over the company. It wasn't that hard since he had his dad there and he was super smart; the only reason that Shota didn't take the company over is because he was busy with hero work and being a teacher at UA.

"Mr. Midoriya, your father dropped off your lunch and said to take a break and eat. Even if it is only 5 minutes" one of his assistants said.

"Ya ok, let me finish this first"

"Of course, boss"

   Like Izuku said he finished up the paper he was on, put it aside, and the started eating. Not even a few bits in he had the sudden urge to throw up. He immediately put his hand over his mouth and ran to the bathroom right outside his office. 'What? I never get sick, so why am I throwing up?'
Thinking it was nothing he brushed it off and went back to eating, and it happening again. Now knowing something was wrong he called Hizashi to come pick him up so they can go for a check up.

     When they got to the clinic they sat in the waiting room for about 30 minutes just waiting for their turn. When the doctor came out and call for them "Midoriya Izuku?"

Both Hizashi and Izuku stand up and follow he doctor to a private room.

"So what brings you in today?" The doctor said.

"My son seems to be getting sick and we wanted to get him a check up"

The doctor then ran tests on Izuku to see what exactly Izuku caught. They sat there for a while not thinking that anything big was going to come out of the tests. Finally the doctor came back with a clip board and a smile. "Dr? What is going on with my son?" Hizashi asked.

"Well it's nothing bad, its actually normal for him"

"But it isnt normal for me to throw up after eating" Izuku said.

"Congratulations!" She said the Izuku and Hizashi making then more confused. "Your pregnant. I know you are pretty young but I believe you and your alpha are going to make great parents"
The doctor then started telling them what to expect in the next 8 months, as Izuku is already a month into his pregnancy. Izuku being the kind hearted boy he opted to keep the baby.

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