Laxus VS Umbridge

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When Levy and Lucy left Laxus teleported in. "Yo pink b*tch!" Laxus shouted.

Umbridge turned around in anger. "Don't call me that!"

"Don't abuse your students!" He roared.

"I'm not. I'm just enforcing rules." She said defensively.

"By hitting them. Using spells as punishment and scar quills."

"They were spreading rumors." She glaring at Harry.

"Lighting dragon roar!"

"Expellamus!" She shouted. He didn't move. "Wh-"

"You magic doesn't work on us." He smirked. "But ours effects you! See... Lighting strike(new spell)!"

If hits her. "Raaah!" She screamed in pain.

"Dumba$$ stop!" Lucy came running in shouting.

"Lighting dragon punch!"

"Laxus stop!" She yelled running closer.

Laxus was overprotective of Freed. And the dates here are the dragon mating season dates. "You think I would let you get away with what you do!?"

"Laxus-Nii!" Lucy shouted wrapping her arms around him from behind.

He awoken from his rage. "Blonde b*tch?"

"Yeah it's me Dumb a**hole. I'll get Plue to fix like this go and calm down." Lucy said sternly.

"Finnnnneeee." He said and zapped out of there.

"Open Gate Of The Canis Minor: Nickolas!" The little snowman appeared. It turned to a five year old boy.

"Laxus doofus?" The boy said looking around.

"Yup. Plue I promise to get some candy. They have these things called chocolate frogs."

"Okie dokie." The boy raised his hands and his too  big sleeves fell. "Restore!" The damage was fixed. "Forget!" Now only Fairy Tail Academy of Rare and Unusual Magic Students and Teachers will remember.

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