chapter four

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halley finn
toronto, ontario

        the game had finished with a score of 3-2 toronto after a huge (and intense) overtime. i continued talking to shawn during the game and i felt hailey tap my arm every single time that i did.

we were now all waiting upstairs in the vip section for auston to come hang out with us. i basically forced him to...i missed him so much. he texted me that he was walking up, so i left the room to go wait for him in the hall.

he approached me, decked out in his maple leafs sweatshirt and pink drew beanie—sure to please justin. "okay, now you can hug me," i smiled and he engulfed me in an embrace. "good game out there."

we walked back into the room and justin immediately spotted him. "halley, you are an angel! i was meaning to meet you tonight," he said as they shook hands and dapped each other up. "you guys played amazing out there."

"thanks man, i'm a huge fan," auston smiled and grabbed his shoulder. i watched as they continued their interaction—they were basically fan-boying over each other.

"and matty, this is best friend and justin's girlfriend," i spoke up to introduce hails.

justin looked around the room and spotted shawn, still sitting with his sister, laughing. the two looked adorable together; like pure sibling goals. "mendes? you wanna meet a maple leaf?" justin exclaimed and shawn looked back, confused.

he spotted auston and quickly stood up, walking over to shake his hand and exchange a quick greeting. shawn moved back beside me and the five of us were now arranged in a circle. "do you guys wanna go out? i know a great club that i could get us a private room in," justin spoke up.

i turned to hailey and auston who both looked like they were down. then shawn said, "i'm gonna have to pass, got my sister."

i had a thought and turned towards him. "is your apartment near here?" i asked, remembering him telling me about his condo with the great view of toronto. "yeah, it's not far."

"okay, so if it's fine with aaliyah i'll walk her home with you and then we can join them later," i suggested. i really wanted the poor guy to come out and have fun. he looked exhausted from everything going on in his life.

he walked over to aaliyah and i watched them have a quick conversation before she nodded yes. he looked back at me, nodding that he could come. "look, so you guys go ahead, i'm gonna walk shawn's sister back to his apartment with him and then we'll come."

auston, hailey, and justin nodded, and i honestly felt like my worlds were colliding and i had no idea how to feel. my best friend in the whole world with my new favourite people—it was weird!

shawn grabbed aaliyah and the three of us made our way to the door. i turned and waved at hailey, who looked at me, eyebrows raised flirty.

———IMESSAGE!halley finn and hailey baldwin

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halley finn and hailey baldwin

hails 🫶
we're going to club 340
attached address

hall 🐬
why thank you mom

hails 🫶
but if you guys don't
want to come, you can
stay home...and do...

hall 🐬
hailey fuck off

hails 🫶
lmao i love you

hall 🐬
bye we just got to
his apartment

hall 🐬bye we just got tohis apartment

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shawn mendes
toronto, ontario

        i fidgeted around in my pocket as i looked for my key to open up my condo door. halley was glued to her phone and i couldn't help but feel bad that i was dragging her along to bring my sister home.

i honestly didn't want to go out, so i was hoping that having aaliyah, a seventeen year old, with me would eliminate any possibility of that. when i was back home, all i wanted to do was hang out with my friends and family. partying was for new york and la.

a cold piece of metal finally hit my hand and i pulled the key out of my pocket. i unlocked the door and saw halley put her phone away.

the three of us walked in and i pulled off my jacket, throwing it down on the counter. "just stay here, i'm just gonna set up my tv for her," i said to halley and pulled aaliyah into my room.

"if you want me to stay, i can," i said to my sister as i turned on the tv and put in my netflix password.

she was quick to retaliate. "shawn, are you fucking joking? you're going out. you're so boring and i know you have a crush on go out with her."

one thing to know about aaliyah is that she never really swore in front of anyone but periodically me. i, on the other hand, swore honestly way too much. but when aaliyah swore i knew she was only using the word because she truly meant what she was saying.

i sighed, threw the remote to her on my bed, and opened my closet to change my pants. "fine, but don't tell mom i'm leaving you here to go out."

she smiled at me and started scrolling through the tv. "i won't. now go have some fun."

hi i'm currently updating this
at work bc i'm so bored and
don't wanna do anything

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