chapter eleven

540 17 0

shawn mendes
toronto, ontario

        i propped my phone up on my window as i waited for teddy to answer my facetime call. since i was on a bit of a hiatus until the next leg of the tour started, teddy was in LA with some other artists while i was living the life in toronto.

my label has been pushing me to finish the album and pick the two songs to be released as singles. right now, all i have is four songs, but i know that the first single should be 'in my blood'.

after i heard that rhythm in the gym and then tried playing it in front of halley, i knew that it would need to be the single right after 'in my blood' so that my fans wouldn't think i'm not okay.

i was meeting with teddy today to show her where i had gotten with 'lost in japan' and to discuss when i'd be able to release 'in my blood'.

"hey teddy," i grinned as the screen changed and i saw her in the studio. "thanks for making the time for this call."

"no problem," she retorted back and i saw her look up at the computer screen. "so, you said you were toying around with 'lost in japan'?"

i nodded and pulled my guitar off my bedroom floor, settling it on my crossed legs. "this is obviously just gonna be the base guitar stuff, but i think it should be played on both bass and acoustic guitar..." i prefaced what i was about to sing.

i started strumming the base melody, singing the first verse and chorus once through before i got to the second verse that teddy had never heard. "i can feel the tension, we could cut it with a knife, i know it's more than just a friendship, i can hear you think i'm right..." and then i finished the song.

"oh, yeah! i love that second verse way more than what we originally had...great job," she praised my newest work. i was never going to admit it to myself, but i wrote that verse the day after the leafs game; and i knew it was about her.

we ran through a couple synth beats that could be layered onto the base melody, but didn't really get anywhere because i couldn't hear much over facetime. i agreed to come to LA next week so that we could fully produce the song and have at least something to show the label.

"oh, and i talked to andrew, he said that we'll release 'in my blood' in three weeks, so you can start promoting it and stuff..." teddy added as we finished up our call. i smiled surprised, i was absolutely ecstatic to be releasing this song.

we said our goodbyes and i hung up the call. i pulled out my writing journal and started jotting down all of the tracks i had written—a shocking 4 out of 14.

i had 'in my blood', 'lost in japan', 'nervous', and 'like to be you' featuring my good friend julia michaels. i really needed to get a move on this album.

i decided that for the rest of the day i'd stay in my condo and try to bust out at least one song. i had all this inspiration, but i wasn't sure if good enough words were gonna pour out of me.

a couple hours had passed and i was fidgeting around with some melodies on my computer. i had tried so hard to come up with some sort of song, but literally nothing was coming to me.

maybe when i get to LA it'll be different.

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liked by halleyfinn, dovecameron, and others shawnmendes 'in my blood' out february 17!! i'm very excited to share this song with all of you

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liked by halleyfinn, dovecameron, and others
shawnmendes 'in my blood' out february 17!!
i'm very excited to share this song with all of you

teddygeiger gonna be #1
shawnmendes that's what i like to hear!!

dovecameron oh i'm ready

halleyfinn new music???? and you didn't show me??? i thought we were friends mendes
shawnmendes you're gonna have to wait like everyone else
halleyfinn oh really

user2 shawn where's the album
user87 ^^^

_aaliyahmaria send demo now mister
shawnmendes okayy

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———iMESSAGE!shawn mendes and halley finn

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shawn mendes and halley finn

arizona ☀️
don't make me
beg for the demo
of in my blood

canada 🥶
hello to you
too halley

arizona ☀️
sorry hi <3
can i please please
please hear like at
least part of it??

canada 🥶
it's only a three
week wait

arizona ☀️
but the point of
being your friend is
that i can hear it early

canada 🥶
so you're using me?

arizona ☀️
lol no i'm not i swear

canada 🥶
how about this
i'll play it to you on
thursday when i come
down to LA

arizona ☀️
you're coming here?!

canada 🥶
gotta work on the album
and all my writers are there

arizona ☀️
oh my gosh im excited
i gotta go shoot though

canada 🥶
ill talk to you later

good morning besties
i did write this at 2am but
fell asleep while i was
formatting it 😭😭

𝐎𝐋𝐈𝐕𝐈𝐀, shawn mendesWhere stories live. Discover now