chapter fourteen

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halleyfinn posted on their story!

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shawn mendes
los angeles, california

        i kicked the door of halley's house open, struggling to keep ahold of the bags of groceries in my arms.

"hello! i'm here!" i shouted through the foyer, walking deeper into the home. it was beautiful. i knew halley was a successful woman, but i didn't know she could afford to have this large and stunning of a house. i guess that was just a poor assumption.

"okay, hail, i gotta go, i'll see you tomorrow," i heard her whisper as she peeked out of a room and walked towards me. "hey! oh my god, let me help you! what the fuck did you buy?" she noticed my bags and ran towards me.

she pulled two from my arms and held them by her sides as she led me to the kitchen. "your house is so beautiful, halley," i complimented the space and slammed my bags onto her marble countertops.

"did you buy the entire italian section?" she chuckled, pulling out tomatoes, balsamic vinegar, mozzarella cheese, basil and bruschetta bread. i sheepishly grinned back, helping unpack more stuff.

"sorry, i didn't know what you had i just bought everything," i mumbled as i unpacked goods that she probably had on hand.

"i just can't believe you went grocery shopping...doesn't seem like a shawn thing," she thought out loud.

"anything for you, ms finn," i partially joked. i honestly would do anything for her.

"so...are you gonna tell me what we're cooking or am i just gonna be surprised?" she asked, finishing unpacking the last bag. all the food sat on the counter and i realized i bought way to much stuff.

"i don't even know myself," i said honestly, "i told my mom i was cooking dinner for you and she gave me a recipe, but i forgot it."

"you told your mom about me?" she said, her voice cracking adorably. yes, yes i did halley, and now she and aaliyah won't leave me alone. "umm...yeah, you're my friend." i said, trying to not make her feel uncomfortable.

silence waved over us and we caught each other's glances for a quick second before she walked into the other room. a few minutes later she returned with a bottle of wine and two glasses. "thought we'd get the party started while you cook," she cracked open the cork, poured me a glass, and sat on the bar stool.

"so, how many people texted you today to tell you how awesome 'lost in japan' is?" she asked, sipping her wine.

"tons, and i'm so grateful. i got one from john mayer, taylor, khalid, julia, and even justin," i listed out a few celebrities that she would recognize.

"bieber? bieber listened to your song? i'm gonna have to make fun of him about that," she chuckled at the last name.

"what's that supposed to mean?" i smirked, shoving a piece of the cheese i was cutting into my mouth.

𝐎𝐋𝐈𝐕𝐈𝐀, shawn mendesWhere stories live. Discover now