chapter twenty-five

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halleyfinn posted on their story!

shawn mendes new york city, new york———

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shawn mendes
new york city, new york

        halley and i were finally okay. after that night at her house, we went back to normal; i think she was distracted by her feelings about justin and hailey to remember what i did.

we starting talking more and hanging out while in toronto, when one day halley said she had an opportunity for me.

"so, i got you a gig," halley said, finishing the braid in her hair as we got ready to go to a bar with auston.

i raised my eyebrows, letting her continue. "the people at the fashion show were trying to find somebody to perform during the third walk, and i suggested you sing 'lost in japan'..." she said, now brushing through her eyelashes with mascara.

"really? and they said..." i dragged off, "yes, they said yes shawn!" she squealed.

a huge smile grew on my face and i engulfed her into a hug.

when we arrived at the hotel the angels and staff of the show were staying at, i went up to the receptionist desk to ask what room i was in and who i was bunking with...and they told me it was halley. awesome.

my album was coming out in three days and we were still going to be in new york when it did. i was scared for halley's reaction. but then again, she might overlook the songs and not think they're about her. i have no fucking clue.

"okay, turn off your computer...i want to go to sleep and it's gonna distract me," halley whined, throwing her phone in her bed and folding open the sheets to get in.

i shut my computer and ran into the bathroom to get changed into my pajamas. hopefully she wouldn't mind the fact that i don't sleep with a shirt on.

i turned off the bathroom light and walked back into the main bedroom, throwing my clothes on the ground beside my bag. i looked at halley and noticed that she was most definitely checking me out. "enjoying the view?" i chuckled, stopping in my tracks and looking down at my stomach.

"yeah, yeah i am," she answered, "you have fucking abs, mendes."

"thanks?" i shrugged and got into my bed. we each turned off our lights and said goodnight. but i knew i wasn't gonna sleep for a while.

about twenty minutes of me staring at the ceiling went by before i needed to readjust myself in the bed and shifted around in the sheets. "shawn, are you awake?" halley asked, hearing my movements.

"no, i'm dead asleep," i answered sarcastically, turning my body to face her bed. "what's up?"

"can't sleep," she replied, shifting in her bed, "wanna play twenty questions?"

weird request, but sure. "uh sure, you go first."

"alright...hmm, what do i really wanna know..." she mumbled, "what's your favourite colour?"

"that's what you want to know?" i laughed, a huge fucking grin on my face that she couldn't see. "uh blue? yeah, maybe a greyish blue. my turn."

"hmm...who's your favourite person in the world?" i said.

"oh, probably my sisters...same question to you."

"um, aaliyah or brian, i can't decide. okay, what's your favourite song?"

"ooh, great question...can't take my eyes off you by frankie valli," she answered. i haven't heard that song in a while.

"my turn...oh! tell me the name of a song on your album," she exclaimed quietly. take your pick.

"i'll tell you two: why and when you're ready," i answered. i loved that she had no idea they were my two favourite ones about her—out of the 7. "oh, i have a good question for you. what's your favourite song of mine?"

"fuck, uh...i don't know what it's called!" she laughed, and i could hear her hitting her face.

"sing it for me," i hummed, closing my eyes to listen to her.

" judging," she said, "it goes like 'oh i been shaking, da-da-da-da, da-da, you take all my inhi-da-da, baby," she sang, not knowing the lyrics at all.

"there's nothing holdin me back," i told her, "so you only like my radio songs? fake fan!" i said sarcastically, looking at the clock. we had to be up in four hours to go to rehearsal for the show.

"as much fun as this is...we gotta sleep," i sighed, sitting up to fix my pillow position, "night, hall."

"goodnight, love you."

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liked by halleyfinn, taylorswift, and others shawnmendes 2 days till album release!! here's a peek at the track list 👀 i know you guys are gonna love it, see you soon <33tagged: taylorswift, thegr8khalid, juliamichaels

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liked by halleyfinn, taylorswift, and others
shawnmendes 2 days till album release!! here's a peek at the track list 👀 i know you guys are gonna love it, see you soon <33
tagged: taylorswift, thegr8khalid, juliamichaels

juliamichaels so very excited :))
shawnmendes liked this comment!

halleyfinn oh this is about to HIT
user8 halley which songs have you heard?
halleyfinn literally just in my blood and lost in japan, shawn won't show me anything!!!
shawnmendes don't want you leaking my shit

user236 collab of the year grammy??
user13 don't even

thegr8khalid 🤍🤍
shawnmendes liked this comment!

haileybaldwin very happy for you shawnie
shawnmendes thanks hail

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i just found out that this
book is #3 under the tag
shawnmendes! thank you!

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