⋆ the school play , spengler

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TREVOR AND Y/N WENT OUT OF THEIR CAR, slamming the doors shut behind them as they made their way together, hand in hand and well-dressed, towards the primary school gymnasium.

It was past eight o'clock, the sky was then dark. It was the children's end of the year show. Mabel, Trevor and Y/n's daughter, had a role in the class play, the classical 'Romeo and Juliet' and she won the character of Juliet.

Mabel told her parents that her whole class chose her to play the role of Juliet and they were so proud. But the truth is that the little girl got the role after a game of a simple rock paper scissors. She preferred to keep this version for herself. 

Meanwhile the parents and family members of the children took place in the gymnasium that had been turned into a theater for the occasion. The young kids were preparing themselves or practicing their characters with each others. Mabel has her make-up done by her teacher who was wearing a dress in brown shades sticking with the Shakespeare's play and its timeline.

The little Spengler also wore a dress but in a more white color with a light blue jacket of hers that she will have to remove before going on stage. Mabel had her eyes closed, feeling the brush her teacher was holding, giggling her eyelids. Unconsciously, her legs were shaking up and down from anxiety.

"Sweetheart, all's going to be fine." Reassured the brune woman, stopping her makeup to take a second to look at her. "You're the star of the play tonight, and don't forget we're here for fun, there's no need to stress about it, okay?" She kindly patted her hair, getting up from her knelt down position, going to other kids around to check and verify.

Mabel then admired her in the large mirror in front of her, surrounded by small spotlights. Sighing, she nodded with a determined look. "I'm the star."

"Sorry.. sorry." Apologised Y/n, trying to reach her seat by walking carefully in the tight alley of chairs, people already sat trying to squeeze in to let her pass. All of this with a grumpy Trevor behind her, arguing over the late time to organise this kind of show.

That was true, Trevor has the old people habits, for example, he likes to go to bed early. Not necessarily to sleep but simply to be in bed with his wife *wink wink*.
And tonight was one of these nights he wanted, same if he was excited to discover his daughter in an important role, he also wanted his bed. "Why did they have to do it at almost nine pm?" He continued to groan.

Y/n just rolled her eyes, ignoring his whims. As they finally reach their places, they sat down together, Trevor still finding negatives points about the show date and hours choices with Y/n reading the flyer that had been placed on every chair next to him.

Announcements were made into a mic by the principal, the first classes showing their dances or songs, and finally the last and best class for the end was their daughter's. Y/n clapped after the performance of the group of kids as they leave the stage. Beside her, the woman could hear soft snores coming from her husband.

She shook her head, annoyed by the sleepy man before her eyes met his face. The low colorful lights showed his soft features and with enough light to notice his wide open mouth. His head was practically falling on her shoulder as the volume of the clapping sounds in the room went down.

Y/n discretely slapped him, hard enough to immediately wake him up but not that loud to not hear it that much. "Ouch!" Trevor cried, this time louder, some concerned faces turned to them as he rubbed his cheek to calm down the pain.

"Sorry but it wasn't the best time for a nap." Y/n excused herself. Trevor groaned, a little touched by her act.
She obviously noticed it. "Trev I'm sorry baby.." Y/n awed at his pouting face, pressing her warm lips on his red cheek.
This time, the pain flew away directly.

"Come on, that's Mabel's time." She urged, quickly regaining herself, focusing on the empty stage, patiently waiting for their daughter's entrance.

A few seconds later, a little curly head appeared from behind the burgundy curtains. Y/n gushed as she grabbed her phone, recording her first lines. Maybe she was overreacting but seeing her and Trevor's mini mix, up on this stage, was bringing her tears at the side of her eyes.

Trevor radically switched to another type of person after his little girl arrival. He was clearly fangirling. Y/n and Trevor were the only ones in the crowd to be suddenly agitated.

A good hour had passed. It was the famous part where the two characters would soon die. Trevor was now crying, it was even surprising Y/n since he almost made a scandal because Mabel had to share a kiss with her classmate that played Romeo.

As the two kids exchanged a few last words, their lips met each others in a quick peck. "WHAT THE FUCK?!" Trevor yelled. Everyone turned to the two adults with big eyes, even Mabel and the boy holding their hands, ready to continue the next lines they had properly learnt. The little girl sighed after she recognised who was capable of reacting like this. Only her father was.

The scene resumed. Y/n was hiding herself behind her hands while Trevor was red from embarrassment and didn't dare to move after what had just happened. "I hate you." Y/n judged. "Our daughter just had her first kiss, in front of hundreds of people!" Trevor whispered yelled, going into high tones dramatically. "It's a play!" Y/n threw her hand towards the show, mentioning it wasn't for real.

"It's not a reason, don't tell me you were prepared for this!" He accused in the same way. "Maybe I didn't think they would made them kiss but I knew it was possible, now let it go." She shushed him but the man wasn't finished yet.

"Imma have a word with the principal, how can we accept that?!" He got up from his chair, his voice speaking louder. Trevor searched around him in the dark atmosphere. Only the stage was brightly lit during the play. As he almost started to walk for the end of the alley, bothering people that was quietly listening to the kids, an arm grabbed him, pushing him back down on his seat.

"Stop your bullshit, what 'talking to the principal' will change in what is already done?" Y/n whispered in his ear.
"Well, so I'll beat the face of this kid at the exit." He mumbled, crossing his arms over his torso annoyingly. "What are you? A child killer scum?" She huffed, not taking him seriously anyway.


"They were too perfect for each other, perfect couples never last long.." Trevor sniffled, admiring the two children enlacing each others as the end comes. "Except us of course, perfect and still in a healthy relationship mmh? Forget the 'still' it wasn't needed." He spoke, placing his left arm around her shoulders romantically, smirking.

"Need a tissue?" She bent down, searching in her purse. Trevor desperately frowned as he then groaned. "You ruined the moment.."

"What would have happened? You would have jumped on me here, two seconds after you cried over the deaths of two acting kids and in a crowded room?" Y/n mocked, crossing her arms. "And why not?" He furiously nodded. "You don't believe me capable of it?!"

The parents clapped, meaning it was the end of the play. "With your bullshit we've missed it." Y/n also clapped, following the moves, enjoying her view on her beautiful daughter who greeted the public.

"Yeah yeah change the subject, you're scared of what a beast of sex like me can cause.."


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