⋆ life has been hard , wolfhard

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writing something i would gladly
need right now..

LIFE LATELY HAS BEEN HARD, like really hard. A sudden break down from
Y/n's side, and still hiding it well from Finn. She already knows how he would react if he finds out that she had been keeping all for herself.

"What is my role then if you can't even tell your own husband that you're not doing well?!" He would shout at her face.

But now, time went by and it's been too long since she wasn't good mentally. He would scream at her so she prefered to keep it to herself to not turning it harder that it already was.

Finn worked a lot. Even in night. The two had a pretty big house but like I said, life lately has been hard and so including money. Finn was exhausted, but he doesn't say a word to Y/n as well. Funny to blame something you do yourself.

That night, Y/n was in their shared bed, the tv was diffusing a silly show in the room, being the only source of light. It was just there in the background, keeping Y/n awake until Finn returned home. It didn't work. The woman was fast asleep on his cold pillow.

On the other hand, Finn was parking his car in front of their quiet house. As the engine stopped, he lets himself sigh and closing his eyes for a second. Three in the morning and he just finished work. Y/n was working too of course but Finn didn't allow her to work during the night, so he took that option instead. Her protests never changed his mind.

He entered the house tiredly, met with a dark atmosphere. Only the blueish light from the moon was apparent here. As he walked towards the stairs, Finn took off his shoes leaving them mindlessly at the bottom of the stairs and he slowly made his way upstairs.

Why is it so hard?

Opening the door of their bedroom, he chuckled half asleep at the sight of his wife sleeping peacefully, crashed against his pillow that won't be cold anymore.

He knelt beside the bed by her side, running his hand on her hair and cheek soothingly. "Hey baby you're taking my place..." Finn whispered softly not really wanting to wake her up. Y/n groaned and turned around, leaving his pillow for him.
He undressed himself quickly and went under the warm blankets. She didn't turn away. Maybe she wasn't fully awake.

Sighing, he rolled on his right side, he wrapped his arms around her belly, nuzzling his face into her messy hair. Her clothed back was against his boiling naked chest, she was able to feel his loud heartbeat through his skin.

"Love?" He called in a whisper, looking at any signs of her that would signal him she could be awake. Y/n moved a bit, replacing her words. "Can we cuddle? I need it right now..." Finn sighed, fearing her answer. Without a reply, the woman lazily turned around and pulled his body against hers. Her head was under his chin, hidden in his neck. They stayed like this for a moment in complete silence.

"What's wrong?" At this, Finn shrugged. To be honest, he didn't really know what was the matter, he just didn't feel good lately. "I don't know it's... complicated, I can't even figure it out myself."

"Life had been hard mmh?" She mumbled, more asleep than awake. "Exactly." He nodded against her head.

But he needed her body on him. He needed a little attention from her. Only this was enough. She needed him to come back and lay next to her. She needed his presence and it was enough.

During the night, they woke up and sat on the bed. The two started talking about life and stuff about it. Joking around and gossiping about their friends. It felt like they were back into their teenager's days.

It felt amazing.

Him. Her. Matching each others perfectly. And unfortunately, it always takes too much time to come to the realisation of this fact. Finn watched her talking happily, not even listening to what she was saying. His eyes could be in heart shapes at this moment. Suddenly, he grabbed her and pulled her between his legs leaving her speechless.

"Depression is something that catches you very easily. There is no medicine and yet, I found mine." His lips spoke on her skin through wet kisses.

The best way to say 'I love you'.

i hate this :D

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