⋆ ghostface ²

401 12 11

gore, deaths, violence!

WARNINGSgore, deaths, violence!

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part ²

"NO NOO STEVE NOOO!!" She continued to shout over the loud music around them. The redheaded pulled her away from the body, pulling a broken y/n towards her, out of the chamber with great force.

Tears were blurring her vision really bad but in the distance, she noticed someone that didn't have to be here. He was downstairs, standing there, right in her kitchen, waving his hand with a bloody knife.

"W-WHAT THE HELL" Y/n shouted
and got away from Max's arms, running to her brother's room and turning the music off. Silence fell on the dark manor.
She ran back to the start of the stairs and looked down. "Of course.." she mumbled, tears in her eyes and cheeks and turned around facing her friends for a second and leaned on the upstairs balustrade, running her hands over her livid face.

The silence was too big to handle. "Y/n if it's a big ass joke tell us now it's really not funny!" Whispered Dustin, his curls hiding his wet eyes. Everyone nodded, looking at their friend for an explanation. At these words, she raised her head but still a fixed gaze on the floor.

"I swear this was never planned.. please trust me I- OH LORD I JUST LOST MY BROTHER." Y/n ended up screaming and running back to Steve's bedroom but max closed the door just before she can enter and took the girl into her arms, hugging her tightly. "Y/n i trust you.. shhh.." Max softly shushed. The girl let herself fall to the ground, dragging her friend with her, hardly taking deep breaths.

"What do we fucking do?! Is there a
killer or what?!" Lucas whispered-yelled to the group, waiting for a normal reaction from someone. Mike sighed and turned to the girl crying on Max's shoulder. "Y/n did you see something?" He tries, walking slowly towards her and kneeled down with them.

"I think some stupid teenager became obsessed with the Scream movies.." he thinks he heard from the low voice of the younger Harrington. But the whole party heard that clear as well and shot their heads up immediately. "What did you just say?" Asked Will for the others. Y/n got off Max and sniffed, wiping away her tears.
"We can't stay here.." she replied.

She looked down the stairs again after getting up, if she can distinguish anything like this ghostface she saw five minutes ago. "Well.. we have to speed to the front door." She explains and leads her friends downstairs. They all quickly took the stairs and rush behind Y/n.

Nobody dared to say a word. They were looking around them every seconds.

Y/n grabbed the keys and urges to unlock the door, her fresh tears always blurring her vision. "God no we're not in a fucking movie.." she mumbled to herself. "I can't see anything" she whispered-yelled to the closest friend beside her. Mike helped her and of course, the key broke in the lock.

"How is that even possible?!" Mike panicked the lower he can. As they turned around to warn the rest of the group that they would have to take another way out, Y/n and Mike got surprised to face the killer that was behind the band. Their ghostface mask with a line of recent blood and the whole black clothes. Their friends weren't able to see but with the scream coming from the two, they understood.

The knife crashed against Will's head.
an explosion of blood came out and he instantly fell, lifeless. "WILL!!" yelled Dustin, his broken voice screaming in agony. he received all Will's blood on him and tried to go down on the ground to help his friend but Lucas took him by the shirt and forced him to run away with
the others.

"No NO THERE'S STILL WILL!" Tried Dustin to fight back. "WILL IS DEAD" Cried Max in the distance. "He's dead Dustin, he's dead..." said Lucas pushing him further ahead, masking his pain.

Y/n reached the back door, leaving on
the garden and the swimming pool to the left. "Come on" she called everyone as they all run outside and stopped to catch their breath. "What the fuck is happening.." whispered Mike shaking. they were really scared and confused.  "Oh Will.." sobbed Y/n, putting her hand on her mouth to stop the sound.

This time, Psycho Killer by Talking Heads was lit from Steve's room, causing some to scream in surprise. They all look up from outside the house to see the light of the room of the teenager flickering a lot, until all turned off. Black.

"Psycho killer.. qu'est-ce que c'est?
Fa-fa-fa-fa, fa-fa-fa-fa-fa-far better.."

Y/n looked back down and to her left,
seeing the body of their poor friend still inside the house. Why them? Why us?
"Time to go" she took directions and walked away. "Where do you wanna go? We clearly lost your brother and our friend!" Reminded Lucas as if it was necessary.

"Wanna stay here and fucking die? You choose. But I'm not following" y/n harshly answered dangerously close to the boy.

"Run, run, run, run, run, run, run away, oh-oh-oh.."

Lucas gulped and nodded, knowing she was right. "Now we have to do it quick.. Mike your house is the closest, we try?" she asked but already walking to the
Wheeler's residence. "I don't wanna bring a killer in my house" he whispered-yelled, running beside the girl to stop her.

"Hey! We can't go to Will's house, Joyce is at Hopper's cabin so we can't enter, they were having a night with eleven for halloween, it's unconscious to be alone in this situation, plus, we should really run right now 'cause this fucking shit is surely after us so we don't have time for that!"
y/n said out of breath for talking that fast, she then urged the band to run out of the forest. for sure, they really weren't in
the good place when there's a killer around.

The crunch of the leaves under their feet made their race echo through the woods. Their respirations were very loud. It was too dark, maybe they didn't know where to go and were lost. Or only.. one of them.

"Guys? Y/n?" Called Dustin after no longer hearing the crackling of the leaves, everything had become distant. The curly boy then stopped running and focused on the sounds he can hear. That was easy, nothing could be heard.

"Oh no no no.." he ran his trembling hands in his curls, gasping for air. A crack appeared from behind him and he froze in his spot, eyes wide open.

Then he knew, it was his end.

As they were running for their lives, Mike slowed down, trying to distinguish something behind him as well as he continued to run. "Wait wait, where's Dustin? He was just next to me a minute ago." The black-haired boy spoke. "What? no Dustin's here—" Max looked around as well but couldn't find
the boy.

And then, another shrill cry interrupted them.

(it would be the last one)

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