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"n-no there's no need!" Dream stammered and tried to walk away. "Please I insist" the brunette Mr soot said and grabbed the blondes hand. "F-fine.." the blonde said and they all started walking to the blonds house.

The pinkette Mr Minecraft knocked on the door and a small woman answered the door. "Oh dream! Welcome home!" She said in a kind voice. Well what seemed to be kind.. he knew that this was a cover up for the hated she felt towards him. "Who's at the door!?" Someone yelled from the kitchen. "Dream, Mr soot, and Mr Minecraft!" She yelled back and a blonde male showed up behind the black haired female. He spotted Mr soots hand holding dreams and did his best to hide how much hate he had for the blonde. "We'll be going now" the British brunette said and him and the pinkette started walking to there house. The male pulled dream into the house and shoved him against the wall. "WHAT DID I SAY ABOUT DATING BOYS OTHER THAN THE ONES I PICK!?" His father yelled in his face making him try and cover his sensitive ears. "Love grab the whip" he said and dream froze. "Yes hon" she said with a devilish smile across her face. She ran off and came back with a whip, a gag, and a ring of some sort.

Dream was curled up the best he can despite his arms and legs tied up. He tried spitting the gag out of his mouth failing miserably. His father walked in with a short black dress, fish nets, a choker, and a pallet of make up. He laid them on the bed and untied dream in the most hurtful way possible. "Drista put these on and meet us down stairs" he said and walked off. Dream got the gag out of his mouth and put the dress on taking his binder off. He walked to the bathroom and used the make up to hide scars, open cuts, black patches, and scabbed over cuts. He grabbed the knife that he had hidden in the kit and drug it along his wrist watching the blood drip down into the sink. He quickly cleaned them then covered them in make up before doing the same to the whip lashes on his back, chest, arms, and legs.

Dream walked down the stairs and stood at the foot of the steps seeing his 'father' in a suit and his 'mother' in a fancy dress. "We're going to meet the two most important people for dinner tonight. Do NOT embarrass us or tell about what happened in this house. Got it!?" He said and yelled the last few words. "Y-yes father.." dream said heightening his voice to sound like a female. "Good how let's go" the woman said and they all walked to the car.

The pinkette sat next to his father and Infront of his boyfriend Mr soot. "I wonder who were going to meet today" Mr soot said and techno nodded. "Sorry we're late our daughter was being.. uncooperative" the male said and techno realized who he was. "You don't have a daughter.. you have a son we're is he?" Techno said trying not to sound monotone and actually succeed. Dream walked up and bowed to the four at the table. "oh Drista welcome" the father of Mr soot said and stood up to bow to dream. "this is my son techno and his son Wilbur" the blonde male said and gestured to the pinkette then the brunette. "We go to the same school" dream said and smiled softly. "I don't remember seeing you there" Wilbur said and looked at him confused. Dream kept making the signal for help where his father couldn't see him. The older blonde stood up and took dreams hand seeing the signal. "I think her make up needs touching up I'll go help her" he said and took him the the men's room.

"Are you ok?" He asked and let go of the blondes hand. Dream shook his head and soaked his face in water getting rid of the make up. He did the same to his legs and arms. "my name is Phil and I'll be helping you get out of this mess" Phil said and took dreams hands once more. Dream nodded and Phil pulled out his phone calling a number. "hello what's your emergency?" A woman said on the other line. "Yes I want to report a case of child abuse" Phil said and the lady started typing on the other end. "what's the kids name, age, gender, and height?" She asked and Phil looked at dream. "dream, he is 14, he is a male, and about 5'8." Phil said watching the blondes eyes light up slightly. 'thank you' he mouthed and Phil nodded. "Ok we need the address so we can send someone" the lady said and Phil looked up in thought. "(Your choice for the restaurant) on fifty first street." Phil said. "Alright someone's on the way" she said and Phil hung up. "They're on the way" Phil said and helped the blonde up. "Thank you Mr Phil.." dream said and let go of his hand putting the make up back on and fixing his face mask. "I'm coming in!" Dream dad said and opened the bathroom door. "what are you doing in here young lady!?" He yelled and dream scampered out and back to the table. His father and Phil soon joined and dream was ripping the extensions out of his hair. "Put those extensions back in!" His mother yelled and dream kept pulling them out. Soon the door burst open. "Dream we need to you come here." One said and dreams mother shot out of her chair. Dream stood up and tried to walk to the police man. His mother grabbed his arm and dream started crying making the make up run showing all the marks on his face. "Ma'am let him go" he said and pointed his taser at her. "No this is my daughter!" She yelled and pulled him to her. Techno shot up and pulled dream away from the lady holding him close. "We need dream to come with us" a taller police man said with a blush in his face and a smirk. "No you pervert" Wilbur said kicking the guy in the balls making him fall over. "Sorry about him!" A female said and drug him off. "But he does need to come with us-" a blonde female said and stood there confused. "So can the other two!" The brunette girl yelled from outside. Dreams father was trying to get dream back and got punched in the head by Phil.

Dream walked out of the hospital with bandages around where the open wounds were. He also set a appointment for the top surgery. He had the bottom one done a few years ago. Dream walked to the park and sat down under a shaded tree playing with his tail. He stopped to pull out a pair of scissors out of his pocket. He held it close to his sensitive feathers and cut the tape holding his wings down. He knew his wings wear stiff and he used the scissors to cut holes in the shirt he was wearing for his wings. He pushed his wings through the small holes and begune to stretch them out. He looked out over the Cristal clear lake at the sunset. He used his enderman teleportation and teleported his sketchbook and pencil to him. He took his mask off and began to draw the beautiful sight in front of him.

Dream sat his book down and got up securing his mask in place before walking to Phil's house sketchbook in hand.

"I'm back..!" Dream said a bit loudly as he walked into the house carefully. Someone grabbed his hand and pulled him to a bedroom. "L-let me g-go..!" Dream stuttered and tried pulling his hand back. Then the lights came on. Dream looked around momentarily blinded by the sudden light. He looked around his eyes now adjusted and saw a pillow fort, lights, and Wilbur sitting on the floor in a pink pig like pajama onesie. Dream looked over and sat techno in a green one with goat ears on the top instead. Techno handed dream one that was brown and had wolf ears. "Thank y-you.." dream said his voice breaking. Techno sat him next to Wilbur and sat on the other side of the blonde.

Dream was asleep with Wilbur curled up around him from behind and techno in front holding his hands. Wilbur was asleep leaving techno to face his worst fear alone. He hated the voices in his head and the dark. So to combat one of the two he turned on the dim over head lights and held dreams hands close to his face. "I-i love you t-two.." dream mumbled in his sleep and nuzzled close to Wilbur.

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