2k special!!

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I am really surprised we got here this fast! Thank you all that have been reading my book! Now what to do.. oh! I know!

July 5, 1930 12:00 pm

Dream was sitting on the edge of the castle he just built his wide wings open behind him. "Sire" his accountant said from behind him. Dream turned around to look at her. "Yes Mrs rose?" He asked and she looked down. "Your mother and father are saying to get a partner by the end of the month.." she said.

Dream knew this was coming so he stood up and folded his wings in. "Tell them I am not ready yet. I still have 1 more year till I am crowned" he said looking out his window hands behind his back. "I have tried.. the purple rose ball will be held tonight" she said and walked out.

Dream sighed knowing just like ever year before he wasn't going to be picked and end up disappointing his parents. Dream walked to his closet and started taking out the necessary clothing for the ball that night. On the bed laid out a beautiful green dress, a small mask, and his dark green cape.

Dream walked down the stairs to the main hall ways. All the lady's-in-waiting or the maid bowed when he passed. At the end of the hall he turned around and bowed to them before walking to the kitchen where the chef was cooking or showing his apprentice how to cook the main meals.

Dream bowed as he approached and they bowed back. "Welcome prince" the lead cook said and asked him what he would like to eat. "Oh I just came down here to wish you a happy birthday" dream said and smiled. The lead chef who's name was bad thanked his with a smile.

"Bad? Who's that?" His apprentice who's name was skeppy asked. "This is prince dream. One of the bed princes I've ever met" bad said and smiled. Skeppy bowed once more and dream bowed back before walking to the thrown room.

"My son" his mother said waiting for him in her chair said. He father was already walking down the stairs to meet him. Dream bowed before his father who slapped him across the face making a loud sound echo through the room.

Dream stood his back straight. "You shall not wear the dress you have set out. You shall wear the suit we have picked out." His father said bluntly. Dream looked down "but this is a ball where we can be ourselves" the prince said quietly. "You are a prince! Not a princess!" His father yelled at him.

Dreams eyes pricked with tears as he fought to run out of the room. "Dear look at me" his mother said and dream glanced up at her earning another slap from his father. Dream looked up at her the correct way.

"You shall listen to your father" she said and dream nodded at that looking back down. "You are dismissed" the king said going back to his chair. Dream walked out of the thrown room and back down the hall. One of the maids stopped him and bandaged his face.

Dream bowed and the main did the same. Dream continued to his room opening the large spruce door and walking in. Dream looked at the dress he sat out the bed and picked it up putting it on.

He spun in the mirror. He thought he looked beautiful. He took the dress off and folded it up before putting it in a bag followed by his cape, mask, and accessories. Dream took off his royal clothing and put it in the bag along with his crown.

He took one look around his room before he opened his window and jumped out. He had a lime green hoodie on and bound his wings to his back and his tail as well. He hopped on his horse nightmare was her name and rode off into the forest.

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