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The engagement was a blast. After some more feasting and mingling it was time for the goodbyes. I was standing near the balcony in Kaira and Kartavya's room getting them ready for bed.

"Good night Kaira" I pecked her forehead and tucked her in her bed. "Good night Kartavya" I did the same for him. "I love you both so much" I said smiling at them.

"I love you Mumma" Kartavya said.

"I love you Mumma" Kaira said. They both glared each each other. I know what's next.

"No I love mumma more." Both shouted at the other. "Hey I am older than you I came first so I love her more than you." Came Kartavya's cheeky reply.

"What !? How doesh that mean you love her more. I love her more." Kaira announced.

"What's going on guys who loves who ?" Kartik asked confused by their bickering.

"Kartavya says he loves Mumma more shince he came first. Dad why did you bling him first. You should've brought me instead of him. "Kaira complained.

We chuckled to her complain. "We brought you both on the same day now if Kartavya was more excited to meet his Mumma and Dad then you, what can we do ? You took your oh so lovely time to come." I said amusingly.

Kartavya and Kartik giggled while Kaira pouted and said 'OK '. We both patted them till they slept. I don't know how but it became a habit that this two needs to be patted for sleeping.

I switched on the star light and shut the door while Kartik was waiting in our room.

We both came to our room and settled on the bed with me sitting between Kartik's legs. And my back facing him. We switched on the TV to watch movie. Something romantic.

But we decided to watch the movie 365 days. When the movie was halfway through I poked Kartik on his arm and paused the movie.

"What happened Fiore? You wanna go to sleep ." He asked.

"No I just want to share a secret to you." I told him sheepishly. He narrowed his eyes at me with a stern look at his face.

"What did you do this time ? Why can't you stay away from trouble? Huh it's like you have trouble magnet installed in you that wherever you go you attract trouble." He accused me.

Mmph ! How dare he !

Sometimes I forget his dominating aura. It's just around family where he is lot calm.

"No..no I didn't do anything. Why do you always think that I did something wrong 😕 " I asked accusing.

He scoffs but nods at me to continue. "It's quite personal. But you have to promise me that you will agree to me only if you are comfortable. And you won't be disgusted by it or by me." I said looking at my lap. I can't see the disgust in his eyes for me. He's the person with whom I want to share everything my dreams, my life, my fantasies, my tears, my happiness all.

"Hey.. hey.. hey Fiore. You know I can never be disgusted by you. OK. Look at me." He ordered I looked at him he cups my face pecking my head.

"Have I ever been disgusted by anything related to you or you?" He asks. I shake my head in negative.

"Then. Naira you are my wife and even before that you are the love of my life, my Fiore, my Sherni, my best friend, the mother of two amazing kids. Now tell me what's that you want to say." He comforts me.

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