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After inquiring about Abhi with the police I went to my room and was shocked to see the sight in front of me.

My sherni. My love. My life. My Fiore.

Naira was sleeping but was continuously turning and tossing and pleading someone tears running down her face

"Please leave me let me go please help" she said unconsciously.

I got to her side of the bed, sat beside her and gently caressed her hairs.

As if she knew she was safe she stopped tossing around.

She instantly felt relieved and cuddled into him. While I am still bit baffled about her condition

"Naira still gets those nightmares. I have to do something to make sure he doesn't harm her and once I find him I'll kill him." I thought griting my teeth.

I laid down beside her and carefully settled her head on my chest as she likes. And cuddled her to sleep. Because I knew today she needed this the most.

Next morning.

I woke up only to find Naira squirming in her sleep and was murmuring something.

I tried to figure out what is she saying and then it strikes me that she is suffering from fever.

I got up and brought a thermometer and checked her and I was startled to see the reading showed on the thermometer.

Just as I was going to bring some medicines for her kids came sprinting into the room as soon as I opened the door of the room.

"Good morning Papa. Good morn... the kids wished me and Naira.

"Papa why is Mumma shtill sleeping she is awake by this time ?" Kartavya asked his father looking at his mom. He is such a mumma's boy.

**(small kids)**

"Hmm.. yes dad is shomething wrong you seem to tenshed." Kiara also asked noticing what her brother asked.

"Good morning kiddos your mumma has fever. Arey... Can you call Ishika to bring some medicine from the kitchen cabinet and call your Chachu also." They both ran out of the room hearing my first statement only.

after 5 min...

Ishika was the first one to come. Laksh and kids also came immediately.

"What happened bhai ? Is everything alright ?"

"Yes bro Naira is having fever look..."I pointed out the thermometer to him.

"Bhai it's 101. We need to check on her wait I'll check and tell you." He rushed to bring his bag.

After checking her he went to the kitchen and got some breakfast and medicine for her. I was so worried about her she must've caught the fever because of her anxiety.

As far as I remember she was this ill when she was pregnant. She has never been this ill after that. And this Anxiety attacks hmm.. it's been ages since she has suffered from one.

What's happening to you Sherni?




omeone whose face is covered in a black mask is coming close to me. I'm tied on a chair and their is a cloth gagging my mouth. I'm squirming on the chair trying to get out of the ropes tied on my arms but i still can't do anything.


"Bhai, wake her up, feed her breakfast, and then give her the medicine. She should be fine by evening. Till then, Ishika and I will get the kids ready," Laksh said, assuring me. Kaira and Kartavya came to me and hugged me. I picked them up and placed them next to Naira. They both kissed her forehead and cheeks, telling her, "We love you, Mumma. Get well soon." All of them left the room.

I woke her up and propped a pillow behind her to provide support.

"Good morning, Fiore. How are you feeling?" She replied, "Umh... Good morning, Mendhak. I am still sleepy; let me sleep," showing her reluctance to wake up. I knew she would react this way.

"No, no, no, come on, get up. Here, take this," I said, handing her the toothbrush. I assisted her to the bathroom, and she returned after a while. I carried her back to the bed.

"Now, let's feed you some soup," I said, bringing a spoon near her mouth. However, Naira, true to her nature, couldn't resist a little banter.

"Yuck, I don't want to drink this soup. Come on, Kartik, you know I want to sleep," she protested, attempting to lie down on the bed.

"I understand you want to sleep, and food is the last thing on your mind right now, but you need to have at least something before taking the medicine. Now, finish this bowl of soup, and after that, take the medicine, and then you can rest," I encouraged her. This time, she complied without further complaints.

It seemed that her sleepiness was getting the best of her. I administered the medicine and water and allowed her to peacefully drift off to sleep. She was out like a light as soon as her head touched the pillow.

 She was out like a light as soon as her head touched the pillow

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And that's it who do you think caused so much tension for Naira

What will happen next

Till then stay safe


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