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*Riley's pov*

"Riley... I have something to tell you." My dad said. I knew what was coming next. Either we were moving or getting a dog. My mom is allergic to dogs. So we're moving. "Wait, we're getting a dog!? Oh never mind."

"We have to move." I didn't even bother to sigh. "Where to?" I asked casually. "London." My dad replied. London England!? That's like half way across the world! But I understood. "Riley I..." My dad tried to comfort me every time but I had gotten used to it. "Hey. It's fine I get it." It's not like I had anything to stay for... Well I did have an amazing boyfriend and a best friend that I would never forget. My boyfriends name is Tyler. Tyler started out as my best friend. But then we got together. Every girl was jealous because I guess everyone liked him.

I was walking to school when I saw Tyler talking to the Savanna. She was really pretty. Much prettier than me. I got worried for a second then remember what Tyler told me. No matter how much I move we would stay together. But with me in England and Tyler in Michigan... I don't know how we would do it. I went up to Tyler and Savanna. "Hey guys vas happening!?" People say I had sense of humor. I guess I do in a way. I also quote One Direction. A lot. I'm a huge Directioner. "Hey babe." Tyler kissed my on the top of my head. Savanna gave a little glare. "I gotta go but see you at soccer tryouts Riley?" I wanted to try out so bad. But I knew I couldn't because I was moving in two months and would be able to start practicing with them. "I can't tryout..." Savanna perked up "Oh!!! So sorry to hear!! Moving again!? Must you leave so soon!?"

"Yeah..." Then Savanna left without another word. It seems to me like she skipped away like he, oops meant she, was happy about me leaving. Tyler was totally quite. "You're leaving..."



"London." The first bell rang. "I gotta go." And Tyler left me standing all alone. I decided not to worry about it.

My first class was history. Ugh. Why does history have to do with my future? My iPhone buzzed in my pocket. I pulled it out. It was a text from my mom. Wow. I'm so popular. The text read "Hey Hun! I know your not supposed to have your phone in class but I need you to come home and pack! Dad's work needs him. We leave in two days. Today you pack tomorrow you say goodbye to your friends. I'm coming to pick you up. Love you."

"Miss Walker! Are you on your phone?" This time I had to have a good excuse. Last time I got caught texting Tyler. "My mom texted. I have to leave class. My dad's job requires us to go to London. They said two months... But they need him sooner so two days. Today I pack. And tomorrow since it's Saturday I hang out with all of my friends and say goodbyes."

"Alright. But you have to stay until the end of class."

"Ok let me text my mom and tell her." As the bell rang you decided to go to the lunchroom and tell my friends. Maya came up to me hugged me. I hugged her back. She was my best friend. I would miss her and Tyler the most out of all my friends. "Word gets around fast huh?"

"You can't move to London!!!"

"I don't want to either. You're coming over tomorrow. Then when I'm settled in London, I'm buying you a plane ticket to come and you can come see me." She laughed but I didn't mean it as a joke I was serious. As I was walking away I turned my head back I said "See you tomorrow Maya!" Then I bumped into someone. Well two people kissing.


Hey loves! First fanfic! It's about Liam, but you already know that! I'll have four others coming. Yes, I'll still be doing Zayn if your up to it. Thanks loves. :)

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