Fireworks Are Cool

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Riley's pov

I was lying in a long chair on the beach next to Rebecca and Hailey. "Mind if I join, ladies?" I jumped at the voice. It was Megan. "OH MY FREAKING GOSH DON'T DO THAT TO ME. Yes you can." I replied. Everyone laughed. Life was good. I wouldn't have thought, when I lived in Michigan, before I moved to London, that I would be lying out on a beach with some one of my best friends and my friends who, I'm guessing, would be my best friends by the end of this all... I would have never said I would be dating Liam Payne. I would have never said I had dated Harry Styles, knew the boys, gotten... My life goals achieved. This is the craziest thing. How? I ask myself everyday how? How did this happen? How was it me? What would have happened if my dad weren't transferred to London? What if I didn't go for that walk in the park? What if I didn't fall? Would I've just let Liam and Niall walk past me? There were so many ifs and I was so scared I would screw it all up; I mean what if I do? There's another if. How could life be this good? Without something bad happening? I'm eighteen, not going to collage. That makes me wonder too, why did they pick me right after I got out of high school? Maybe I'm just very lucky. And I wont screw it up. Hopefully.

"Ladies..." Three guys walked up to us.

"Gu-, wait they're guys right?" I was being mean, but I was being funny. The three rolled their eyes at me.

"There's some fireworks tonight... Want a date beautiful?" This guy stood in front of me. He looked about as tall as Hazza. He had short hair. And he was talking to me.

"I'm sorry, you must have the wrong girl. My names Riley, not beautiful." The girls laughed.

"Well, Riley want a date tonight?"

"Sorry, I'm taking Becca." I pointed at Rebecca.

"Yep. Sorry guys." She was laughing.

"Are you serious?"

"Yes. She's my best friend. I didn't even know about the fireworks tonight. So thanks for telling me and Becc's."

"Come on. You can bring your best friend along."

"Bro, I have a boyfriend."

"Well, he's not here is he?"

"He's not, I wish he was but, he's not."

"So! Just come on!"

"Bro!" Another guy came running up behind this guy who was trying so hard and not getting anywhere.

"What?" He sounded pissed.

"Stop bugging the soccer players. One of them is gonna beat your ass!"

"Oh! So you all are soccer players?" He asked.

"Yes, we are. Now get out of here, or we will beat you ass." I sassed.

"If Riley here won't go with you, I will." Rebecca jumped in.

"No! Rebecca! YOU'RE MY DATE!" I yelled, and then started cracking up.

"Hey, you seem alright and if it means you'll leave sassy ass over here alone, then I will go with you."

"Alright. I will see you at nine." Then he walked away.


"What are you going to do, sassy ass? Eat that chicken nugget?" Megan asked, laughing.

"I MIGHT JUST DO THAT." I yelled. All of my friends were laughing and strangers were just looking at me like I was crazy. I didn't give a crap. Maybe I was a little crazy.

I threw on a pair of black Nike shorts and a Liam's batman shirt, but in this case it wasn't Liam's shirt, I had ordered it online two years ago. It still fit. A muscle tee, with the batman symbol on it, was all the shirt was.

Rebecca and Hailey were meeting up at Megan and me's room. Rebecca would have to drag her date and his friends along. We brought blankets and chairs. Bringing food too, obviously. A radio too. We decided at the beach that we were going to be those people who blast all the good songs at the fireworks. Well, I've kind of always been that person. Hah.

I want you to

Rock me, rock me, rock me... yeah!

I want you to

Rock me, rock me, rock me... yeah!

I want you to

Hit the pedal heavy metal show me you care

I want you to

Rock me, rock me, rock me... yeah!

We were playing Rock Me. By guess who? One Direction! Who could have guessed!? The sky lit up with lights from the fireworks. They looked like the stars were exploding. Yeah, I said that. You were all thinking it.

Hailey was using her camera again she was recording the fireworks, us. Us laughing, us having a good time. Then after a big explosion of a firework, everything and everyone got quiet. The girls smiled at me. They were always one step ahead of me. Always knowing more than me. At the weirdest times, too. For example on the plane... What now? Rebecca and Megan had their phones out now too. Rebecca and Hailey were recording and Megan had the camera ready to take a picture.

"Ok, what's going on now?" I asked.

"Just watch the fireworks!" Megan yelled.

"Well ok then, miss bossy." I sassed. Megan rolled her eyes.


The fireworks read. Hey that's me. WAIT THAT'S MY NAME.

I'm sorry I can't be there


I love you.

-Liam Payne

"NO FOOKING WAY." I screamed. Everyone on the beach had cameras going. They were clapping and awing. I was blushing.

"LIAM FOOKING JAMES PAYNE I LOVE YOU TOO. HOW... I MISS YOU BABE!" I screamed into Hailey's camera. I called Liam. He was performing, so I don't think he'll pick- "Hello?" He answered. In the middle of a show? Leave it up to Liam to bring his phone on stage.

"Liam! I thought you were on stage?"

"I am. You're on speaker. The whole stadium can hear you."

"WELL HELLO THERE FAM." I screamed. People on the beach gave me looks; they didn't know I was talking to a stadium. I could hear the screaming fans.

"Ok, calm down, buddy."

"Babe, not to be rude, but what do you want in the middle of the show?" Liam laughed.

"Well, I'm at the fireworks-"

"OH! Did you like it?"

"I didn't like it... I love it! You are so sweet. I love you Liam Payne!" The crowd screamed. I think I head Liam say he loved me too.

"Get back to you fans. Bye love!" I hung up. My phone bounced back and fourth between my hands as I bit my lip. This was so sweet of him. How could he pull this off when he was either on the way to his show or getting ready for his show?

"Somebody's blushing." Rebecca coo'd.

"Aw, shut it. Like you've never blushed." I couldn't stop thinking about Liam now. Can I please just hug him?


Chicken Nugget.😏

-eve, fangirl on, x.

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