Warnings, LA Birthday's OTRA, and Valentines

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**Riley's pov**

January 30th was the day I got my brace taken off. The day I got to play sports again, well I hope. Practice started today, for indoor. Today just so happens to be January 30th. The boys were scattered all over the globe this time. So none were coming with me today.

Lacy was coming with me to get my brace taken off for good. But, of course, I had to wear a brace when I played sports. How fun, right? No, no, not really.

Lacy and I sat in the back seat with our arms around each other, scream singing to the song 'Thinking Out Loud' by Ed Sherran. Ed Sherran was now my top bestie. Well, besides Lacy... and Rebecca... and Marie... and the boys... then El and Perrie... Ok, maybe I have a lot of top besties. "IM THINKING OUT LOUD. BABY WE FOUND LOVE RIGHT WHERE WE ARE!" Lacy and I sang off key. We gave each other fangirl looks about the words 'where we are'. If you're a Directioner, you know what it means... if your not... it was One Direction's last tour in 2014.

'Thinking Out Loud' was stuck in my head as we walked into the doctor's office. I was tempted to yell the lyrics. But I made a bet with my mom. The bet was, if I can go a whole day with acting like a normal person in public, then she'd give me a hundred dollar bill. I wanted it and needed it. With my moving so much, I can never get a steady job. Oh well. My goal is to win this bet.

"Ready for this Riley?" Dr. Ray asked after he had taken my brace off. I stepped down like I normally would. Nothing. Not even the slightest amount of pain. The surgeons did a very good job. I started walking like I normally would. Scared, I walked to Lacy and my mom. I little sting of pain came to my knee. Stopping, I gave a pleading look to the doctor. "The slight pain is normal." I nodded and kept walking. "Now, Riley, your doing incredibly well, but I don't think you should start practice until next month." Dr. Ray told me. UGH. NO. I WANT TO PRACTICE BEFORE GAMES. The games started in about five weeks, which gave me time. One week to practice and then... GAME TIME. I wasn't too happy about this but I said, "Fine... As long as I get to play my first game miss-" I was cut off by Mom giving me a look. Our bet. Missy is what I was about to call the doctor. But that is under the 'embarrassing my mom' category. So I looked down and didn't say anything else. Lacy was trying not to laugh, but not doing a very good job on it.  

We drove to practice. Snow lay on the ground. We were practicing in our school's gym. Not the best place for soccer, but it worked. I'd just be watching. Helping the coach, well, coach.

"Ok ladies." Our coach told us as we sat on the bleachers in our gym. "This is a warning... But first, I must ask, how many of you want to keep your soccer career going?" My hand shot up into the air first. Other girls joined in after me. "Well, scouts are going to be come to our last game of whole season. This meaning, the last game of your outdoor season. Plenty of time to get more practice, it's just a warning. I think some of you could really have a future in professional soccer." I could have sworn she was looking at me. My face turned red. Professional soccer player? Yes! I have decided what I want to do. And at the last game... I would try the best I've ever tried.

Girl's whispering came to a hush when coach said, "We have a shot at this years championship game, and so we work hard. Hardest on our last game, championship or not." We nodded. I tapped my knee thinking heal faster. I would be fine by then. "Let's get to practice!" I yelled. Coach smiled and nodded at me. 


Am I the only? Only believer? Yeah! There's something happening here... I hope you feeling what I'm feeling too! My alarm rang. Time for school. Wait a second... Today was Saturday! Why had my alarm been set!? I'm so stupid. Now I'm not going to get back to sleep. Great.

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