That Just Happened

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I wrote this before Louis and El broke up so she's in here. jut wanted to let you know, starting Niall's today. fangirl on, x.

**Riley's pov**

I put on a little black dress that was sparkly and lacy in the back. I found it funny that the dress I wanted was a little black dress. I smiled at the thought. I came out. Harry smiled. "I love it." Maya came out in a red dress. "Maya, you look beautiful."

I said. Maya really did look beautiful. "Thanks Riles." Louis smiled at both of us. So did Harry. "These are the ones." I said as I smiled. We went to check out. The cashier smiled at us. "Ah. Harry Styles. And his date. Riley Walker is it?"

"Uh... Yeah. How'd you know who I am?"

"There's this thing called twitter. And you and Harry are all over the fangirls accounts." She smirked at me. I bit my lip and looked at Harry. "They're going to find out someday. Why not today." Harry said as he shrugged his shoulders. I gave the cashier one of the hundred dollar bills Liam gave me. The dress was $99. "Who gave you that wad of cash?" Louis said as he pointed to my money. "Liam." He nodded his head. "I knew I wasn't the biggest spender..." Then Louis laughed. I already knew that Liam spent the most money out the band. Known fact.

On the way back to the hotel we were talking about the AMA'S. "Where are we sitting?" I wanted to know. I wasn't tall. But I wasn't short either. I was I guess just right. "In the front row like last year." Harry said. "I think I have the seating chart on my phone." THANK YOU LOUIS. Louis went on his phone. "Riles your in between Harry and Liam. Then it's me and next to me is Eleanor and then Maya." In between Harry and Liam. IM LIVING EVERY FANGIRLS DREAM. AH. "Wait. So I'm on the end. Who am I next to!?"

"You Maya are next to... Taylor Swift." Louis started laughing after he said it. Maya mouth dropped open. "Are you serious?" I knew Maya liked Taylor Swift. "Yup."

"OH MY GOD. HOW MANY FAMOUS PEOPLE AM I GOING TO MEET?" She was practically jumping out of her seat belt. I could tell she was fangirling so much in her head right now. "Just wait until the after party." Harry said with a laugh. After party. AFTER PARTY. I WAS GOING TO MEET MY BIGGEST IDOLS. OH MY GOD. HOW DO I BREATHE? Both me and Maya were fangirling. Out loud now. "Oh my god. Oh my god. Oh my god." Maya was swing her arms around like crazy. "IM GOING TO SCREAM IM SO EXCITED." I was. I could just let it all out. "You can. Once we're outside. There's already a bunch of other girls out there screaming."

"THANKS HARRY!" I practically yelled. I gave him a kiss on the cheek. Then burst out the door. I almost forgot I had crutches. So that means I was close to falling on my face. I got out and screamed. After I was done I yelled "I LOVE YOU GUYS! DIRECTIONER FOR LIFE." I held up my fist. So did the many other fangirls there. I got in the hotel as fast as I could. I was still full of energy. Harry, Louis, and Maya burst in the doors. "Riley your crazy!"

"I know Harry. What did you expect? I'm a Directioner." I moved my eyes brows up and down. They laughed. Liam came down to the lobby. "Riley! Your crazy! I love it!" Liam started cracking up after his comment. "I know I'm crazy. Crazy in a lot of ways. What was it for this time?" He showed me a video of what I just did outside to the fans. Wow. Somebody already posted it. I started laughing. "WOH!" I said as I ran, well hopped, to the elevator. "SEE YA SUCKERS." I yelled at them  waving my crutch. I pressed a button for my floor. I was still waving my crutch when the doors closed. They opened again and I yelled "OOPSY." Then I went up.

I was in my room reading. Reading. Reading a One Direction book. I got a knock on my door. It started cracking open. "WAIT. Don't come in I'm naked."

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