She So Gone

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Justin's POV
Last night A'Lissa actually talked. I mean she been talking but not that much. She talked to almost everyone. She seem still scared though. Her song was wow. It seems to be more to her story then i thought. It could be about her past. Thats the trouble right there. She still wont tell me. I haven't asked her about it but i want and need to know. Shes my angel. I cant loose her. Maybe i can just talk to her about it and make sure she know i love her and that I'm here for her. I made my way out my room to she hers. I opened her door to see her still sleeping. It would be mean to wake her up but again, its after 10 and she do need to eat breakfast. I tiptoed to her bed and slightly set down next to her. She was laying on her side cuddling her blanket. Awww this is too cute. Her back was facing me so i pulled her arm up and started to poke her sides and ribs. I dont know if shes ticklish or not but the way shes starting to giggle and get away, i assume she is. I put a harder grip on her arm,  enough to hold it over her head,  but not to hurt her and started to tickle her. She begin to slowly laugh hysterically, slowly opening her eyes. "Stop please. I'm up," she said between laughs. I stopped and just looked at her. "Good Morning sweetheart.", i said kissing her cheek. "Good Morning" she said sitting up. "How are you feeling", i asked. "Fine, yourself", she said looking at me with those beautiful eyes of hers. "I'm fine. A'Lissa i need to talk to you about", i manage to say before the doorbell rung. "Ill be right back", i said getting up. I went downstairs, opened the door and saw a blonde young lady, maybe 15 or 16. "Ummm hi, can i help you", i said. This girl looked very familiar. "Hi, im Meredith Mike, one of A'Lissa's friends at the orphanage. Sorry to come barging to your house like this. Its just i really, really miss her and i wanted to see her. So i got the address from our caretaker when she was out.", she said looking sad. "No, its OK. I know A'Lissa will be happy to see you", i said inviting her in. A huge smile went across her face. "Why don't you go up to her room. Second door on the left. Ill make some breakfast and we all can get to know each other.", i said closing the door and walking in the kitchen. "Thank you so much.", she said going upstairs. Theirs something about that girl i don't like. She looks so familiar. I seen her somewhere, but where.
A'Lissa POV
I was playing a game on my phone when i was interrupted by a familiar voice. "Nice to see you again, miss me?", a girl said. I turned around and saw Meredith Mike. The girl who beat me everyday since i went to the orphanage. "What are you doing here", i said getting up looking at her. "Oh, just thought ill visit a old friend you know." She said looking around my room. "Wow this a nice room." She said with a disgusted face. "It would be better if it belong to me", she said picking up a photo of my mom. She looked sad but held it in. "Why are you here? Why cant you just leave me alone?", said. "Why would i do that. Look at you. You dont deserve this. Your worthless. " she said. "Girls breakfast is ready.", Justin yelled. "Come on bestie, lets go eat.", she said taking my hand and pulling me. What is she up to.
Meredith POV
~Hours later ~
This have been a great day. To be honest, this is the only great i have ever had. Let me introduce myself. My name is Meredith Mike. I am 15 years of age, i have blonde hair, brown, blue eyes. Me and A'Lissa have pretty much the same past. She doesn't know it. When i first came to the orphanage everyone hated me but when she came everyone loved her. I didn't like that so i started telling people that she will say things about them so that they would hate her. Eventually everyone started to love me. I turned everyone against her. I feel bad actually. She did nothing wrong. On adoption day, i really wanted to get adopted, like everyone else. When i heard it was Justin Bieber coming, i was super excited. But then, they made eye contact and i knew i had no chance, so i pushed her down the stairs. I was hoping to end her but all she did was cut her arm, great. I know, harsh but i had every right to be mad. Didn't I? Well now I'm here to try to make things right. I know your probably thinking it's a trick but it's not.  I feel bad for everything I've done. 
Right now, we are on our way to a party. Justin invited me and A'Lissa gave me some clothes, shoes, jewelry and let me use some of her makeup. I thought at first that she was gonna give me something really ugly but she didn't. We actually have the same dress on only she have a blue one and i have a white one. You know, out of all the things i have done to her, shes been nothing but nice to me. Not a lot of people would do that. I feel even worse now. We arrived at the party and their was a lot of people, i mean a lot. We all had got a table and got some drinks. Justin went off with his friends and left me and A'Lissa. A'Lissa was on her phone and i was just looking around. "Can you show me where bathroom is please?", i said. She looked up from her phone very confuse. She shrugged, got up, and signaled me to follow her. I followed her until we had reached the bathroom. I did my business and went to wash my hands.
A'Lissa's POV
When Meredith said please, that really shocked me. I was gonna question her about it bit decided not to. "Are you gonna hurt me now that we are alone.",she said washing her hands. "Why would i do that", i asked looking at her. "Because of all the the things i did to you", she said looking at me. She actually think I'm going to get revenge on her, wow! "Honey, that is the past, we are living in the present.", i said. She didn't say anything after that. "I'm not that little girl you met years ago. Shes gone. She grew up. I don't know what i did to you but whatever it is, I'm sorry. OK, I'm sorry", i said grabbing my stuff and walking out leaving Meredith there speechless. When i got out there, i saw every single kid from the orphanage there. What a nice surprise. "When can me, you and your body get together?", one of the boys that use to rape said. Oh hell no. Just walk away, walk away. "Come on babe, like old times. ", he said. OK that's it. I went up to him and slapped him. "I'm not that little girl you met that night.," i said as i went up on stage. I refuse to be a victim again, i refuse to. That little girl they seem to love so much, shes gone. "Hello everyone.", i said as people turned towards me. "I'm having a tough night, a tough day really. You see there are some people here i don't really like because when i was one of them they hurt me badly. But I'm standing here to tell them, not anymore and to say goodbye.", i said as music started playing.
In her skin
Like a puppet, a girl on a string

Broke away
Learned to fly
If you want her back, gotta let her shine

So it looks like the joke's on you
'Cause the girl that you thought you knew

She's so gone
That's so over now
She's so gone
You won't find her around
You can look but you won't see
The girl I used to be
'Cause she's
She's so gone

Here I am
This is me
And I'm stronger than you ever thought I'd be

Are you shocked?
Are you mad?
That you're missing out on who I really am

Now it looks like the joke's on you
'Cause the girl that you thought you knew

She's so gone
That's so over now
She's so gone
You won't find her around
You can look but you won't see
The girl I used to be
'Cause she's
She's so gone away
Like history
She's so gone
Baby, this is me, yeah

She's so gone
That's so over now
She's so gone
You won't find her around
You can look but you won't see
The girl I used to be
'Cause she's
She's so gone
(That's so over now)
She's so gone
(You won't find her around)

You can look but you won't see
The girl I used to be
'Cause she's
She's so gone

So long
She's so gone, she's so gone... gone, gone, gone." I sung.
I looked out at the audience to see everyone clapping and cheering, even the kids. I went off stage and was greeted with a hug from Justin. "Please tell me whats going on" he said in my ear. Should i tell him. All I did was nod.
~1 hour later ~
Meredith POV
All the kids went to A'Lissa and apologized. I guess its my turn. "Hey, A'Lissa, can we talk.", i asked sitting next to her. After about a good 20 minutes we were hugging and crying. "Im so sorry for everything i did to you", i said still crying. "Its OK, i forgive you", she said hugging me again. "Hi Meredith, my name is Stacy Jones and this is my husband Jake Jones . I was wondering if you would allow us to adopt you", my eyes went wide. They actually want to adopt me. Oh my god. "Yes, yes, of course", i said hugging them. "We'll go get the papers signed", Jake said. I nodded and faced A'Lissa. "Your gonna have a mommy and daddy", she said. "Thank you for everything you have done.", i said hugging her one last time. I started to walk away when i turned around. "Some advice to you, tell him. He loves you Ms. A'Lissa Bieber.", i said smiling. "I will and here take my number. Keep in contact with me", she said handing me a paper. I nodded and walked to my new family.
A'Lissa POV
We got home about a hour about ago. I was sitting on the roof looking at the stars. Justin had someone build a ramp up here so I could shot up here.  I must have fallen asleep because i felt Justin picking me up and laying me in my bed. "Goodnight baby girl. I'm here for you and i love you, please know and remember that.", he said kissing my forehead and going out closing the door behind him. I have to tell him. I have to let it go.

Hello everyone! First thank you all for reading. Second i need more characters so if you want to be in it, comment character information and i will put you in it. Third, the songs in the book, do not belong to me and im giving all credit to the writers. Thank you again and love you. Dont forget to comment a character you want added!

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