Runaway Girls Part 1

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6 Months later

A'Lissa's POV

Tour was over and we was all back home. Everything went great. Having to see all the fans and perform for them was amazing. But im glad to be back home now. I get to sleep in my comfy bed. Andrew went to New York for a convention. He will be back in about a week time. Were doing great by the way. He asked me to be his girlfriend on our fourth date. We were in Florida. We went to the beach and he asked me at sunset. It was amazing. One more thing though; Justin has a girlfriend. We're meeting her today. We are so excited. We are finally gonna have a girl in the house that we can go shopping with and have girl days out.

We were sitting in the couch working on new songs. We have both brought out 3 singles and have performed in a lot of places, including MSG, The Staples Center and etc. We have also brought out a album. Mines is called Rockstar and Sammy's is called Moonlight. Were not doing a tour until Summer starts because of school. Were homeschooled by the way. Justin just don't want to much on our hands all at one time. Anyway, both of our albums are at the top of the charts. While writing we heard a car pull up in the driveway. We quickly went outside and saw Justin getting out the car. We quickly ran up to him and hugged him. He quickly hugged back. "Hey girlies. Come meat her.", he said taking us to the passenger side. "This is Eden Scott, my girlfriend.", he said as a girl got out. She had a little too much makeup on but she's decent looking. She smiled at us and came and gave us a hug. We hugged her back. "Eden, these are my daughters, A'Lissa and Samantha.", Justin said pointing to us as he said our names. "OMG, he talks about you guys nonstop. I cant believe I finally get to meet you guys.", she said hugging us again. We went in the house and Justin went to go cook dinner. "Ok, look here you little brats. I dont like you and i sure as hell dont care about you. Justin is mine and sooner or later, he will forget all about you two. So stay the hell out the way.", she said walking into the kitchen. Me and Sammy looked at each other like what the hell. "Girls, dinner is ready", Justin said walking into the living room. We got up and went to go eat. Dinner was pretty quiet. "So girls I thought you guys could go with Eden tomorrow and shop around while I go to the studio and record a few songs. Then we could all meet up after everything is done.". "Why cant we go with you or stay home." I asked. "Because you guys hate going to the studio because its boring and you guys been in the house too much. You need to get out.", he said. "Then we'll go to the movies or something. We don't want to go shopping." Sammy said. "Why, you guys love shopping", Justin said. "Well, were tire of it. We just want to relax,", I said. Just was about to say something when Eden said "Its ok babe, ill go alone. im use to it.". Me and Sammy got up and took our plates to the sink and cleaned up a bit. Once we were done, we went upstairs to bed with Justin right behind us. We went in my room and got in the bed. We each have our own room but we like sleeping in the same room when we don't want to sleep alone. Justin came in looking quite upset. He sat on the end of the bed and looked at us. "Someone wants to explain to me what's going on". He said. "What do you mean", Sammy said. "Don't play dumb with me. You guys have never treated anyone like that. You were always open to getting to know people. What's going on", he said standing up. "We just don't want to go", I said. "Why", He asked coming closer to us. "Does their have to be a reason why", I asked. "Yes", he said. We stayed silent. He sighed and came closer to us. "Look I love you guys. You guys are my number one no mater what happens. No one and i mean no one can replace you. Okay?", he said hugging us. "Okay", we both said. "Now, will you guys please go. Just get to know her. She's really sweet. You guys will love her.", he said. We looked at each other and sighed. "Fine", we said. He smiled and hugged us. We said our good nights and he left. "I really dont want to go", Sammy said. "Same but lets do this for him. Lets just give her a chance.", i said closing my eyes.
-Next day at the mall-
"Hurry up you little twits. Theirs a sale at Total Chic (Just made something up.) and I dont want to miss it.", Eden yelled. She is making us carry all her shopping bags. Give her a chance, he said. You will like her, he said. Yeah, id like to see her walk off a cliff.
-at home-
Samantha's POV
We were finally able to come home. Ugh, i just want to sleep. Justin is home but him and Eden are in the kitchen talking and stuff. A'Lissa had went upstairs. BTW, we did no shopping for ourselves, it was all about her.
I made my way upstairs to check on A'Lissa. She would usually be back down by now. I went in her room and saw her looking at her arm. "Lissa, what happened?"i asked sitting next to her on the bed. She has a big blue and purple bruise on her left arm. "When you went to the restroom, she went to another store. When she came out she gave me the bags. It was to much for me to carry but i still tried but failed. I dropped to bag that she had just gave me and it broke. She got mad so she had pushed me and i fell and my arm hit the corner of a wall.", she said. I couldn't say anything. "We have to tell Justin", i said. "No, he cant.", she said. "Why not", i said. "Because he would be heart broken. And even if we did, he most likely wouldn't believe us.", she said. She was right. I started to make my way out the door when Lissa said "where are you going"? "I have to get you some ice so the swelling can go down.", i said going out the door. I went downstairs an got some ice. Once i got down there, they stopped talking. Justin seemed really mad about something, but once he saw me grab the ice, his face expression changed completely.
"Honey, whats wrong", he asked. I just ignored him and ran back upstairs to the room with him close behind. Once i got back in the room and slightly out the ice on her arm. I can tell it hurt a lot but she attempted to stay strong and not cry, even though tears were forming on her eyes. "A'Lissa what happened", Justin said coming and bending down in front of her. She looked at me and i looked at her. "Hello, what happened?", he said getting a first aid kit. "I was just carrying to many bags on this arm.",she said. He sighed and started bandaging her arm. Tears managed to escape her eyes. He knows she's lying but most likely he will take care of it later. Once he was done, he gave her some pain medicine and then told her to lay down and rest. I went out the room to let her sleep.
Now I don't know what to do. Usually when A'Lissa is sleep, we and Justin play game or watch tv and go outside and even go to sleep but since their is company we cant do anything. Great just great. I went downstairs and sat down on the couch. I closed eyes and went into deep thought until i fell asleep.
-1 hour later-
I was awoken by a door closing. I quickly set up to see Justin locking the front door. "Hey sweetie", he said sitting next to me and putting his arm around me. "So you know the one thing that i hate people do, especially the ones i love to death and will do anything for", he said pulling me closer to him. "Umm lying", i said know what this is about. This is true. Justin hates when we lie. While on tour, me and Lissa lied to him about where we were going and ended up getting lost. He went to the place to pick us up but we weren't there. Yeah, we got grounded for for 2 months. He was really mad at us.
Anyway, i was about to say something when A'Lissa came downstairs. "Come on over here baby girl, lets talk.", he said patting a spot next to him. She slowly came and sat down. Once she sat, he put his arm around her and pulled her closer.
Justin's POV
Eden said that A'Lissa had attacked her while Sam was i the bathroom. She also said that she had to defend herself so she pushed her and she hit the wall. That would explain the bruise on her arm. I know A'Lissa, she wouldn't just attack someone but again neither one of them didn't even want t go today, they probably planned the whole thing. "So, what really happened today?", he asked looking at them both"I told you Justin, i was carrying", she managed to say before i cut her off. "Sam, go to your room", i said. She got up and went upstairs. When i know she was in there i turned to A'Lissa. "Don't give me that crap. Eden comes to me crying saying you attacked her and that she pushed which would explain that damn bruise on your arm. Is that true? Did you attack her?", i asked getting quite angry right now. "No, i would never do that.", she said. "Then why did she tell me that", i asked standing up. "She doesn't like us. She told us the day we met that your all hers and that we need to stay out the way.", she said crying. "Please! Are you serious right now. That's all you guys are. Why cant i have i have a girlfriend? Why cant i be happy for once? You know what, in gonna deal wit this right now, go to your room and don't come out.", u said walking away to my own room and slamming the door. I layed on my bed and dial a number. It ringed a few tines before until someone picked up. "Hey, i think you should go ahead and bring those papers with you."

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