Stay With Me

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Before we get into the chapter i want to take the time to thank each and every one of you for reading this story. It is now at 6.31k. Thank you so much for not only reading but sharing and voting for it. I love ❤ each and everyone of you. Thank you again.
Heres the chapter you all have been waiting for. Enjoy!!!
Justin's POV
2 weeks later
This is all i hear all day, everyday. They were able to revive them. Luckily the mattress saved them from serious damage but they are both in a coma. They were put on life support and breating machines and stuff like that. Doctors say they aren't going to make it, but i refuse to believe that. I cant make it without them. I cant imagine my life without them. For the past two weeks i have been here. No concerts, no interviews, no conversations with the outside world. No one knows whats really going on well except close family members and friends but everyone else, they have no idea. Everyone is confuse. Well they will just have to wait but they deserve to know something. Ill think about that later.
Doctors were nice enough to put them in the same room together so i wouldn't have to go back and forth to each room. I haven't eaten much, nor showered. I haven't did much of anything really. I'm afraid if i leave I will loose them forever. So here i am in the middle of the room waiting for them to wake up. Why did i have to get a girlfriend? Why did i have to say those horrible things to them? Why am i such a horrible father?
"Your not a horrible father", someone said coming in. I said that out loud? I turned around and saw Andrew. I looked down. I cant tell him what really happened. He would hate me, just like everyone else. He came to the motel about 5 minutes after the explosion. The boy broke down. He was freaking out. They ended up having to put him to sleep to calm him down. He woke up a few hours later in this hospital confused about what was going on. "How are you doing?", i asked. "Im okay", he said putting a chair next to me. We sat there in silence for a while. I guess neither one of us knew exactly what to say. I know i didn't. We just sat there, hoping for the best.
Andrew's POV
Every time i close my eyes, i see everything that happened.
I was in the the cab, so excited to finally see her. Im in love with her. As soon as all this mess blows off, i was gonna give her a promise ring to let her know, shes mines and no one elses. Im going to take care her. Love her, cherish her forever. Shes everything to me. My life, my othet half. My everything. I cant imagine living my life without her. Anyway so eager to know what all happened. Of course shes gonna have questions about how i found her and i will eventually answer those questions but later in time.
As we pulled up, i saw smoke, a lot of smoke and i saw a girl in a red car drive by. She looked like Eden. Whats going on? Once we pulled up i saw Justin's car, firemen, police, etc. I looked at Justin's and he had that worried look on his face. I quickly ran to him demanded to know what happened. He was quite surprised to see me but quickly got over it. Before Justin could speak, a fireman shouted "i found them". He lifted up a mattress and their layed Samantha and the love of my life. I ran towards them but was stopped by the police. I did everything could to get away but the more i struggled the more came. I started to freak out. I cant do this without her. I started swinging from left to right.
I have to get to her. I wont loose her. And then i felt a pain in my neck and everything went black. I woke up a few hours later. Hoping it was just a dream, a doctor came in and i realized it wasn't. He released me and i went to find Justin. He was in the waiting room pacing around. Once he saw me, he stopped and looked down. We both sat down and didnt say a word. "What happened?", I asked. He stayed silent. "Please tell me something", i said as my voice cracked. He still didnt say anything. He just got up and walked away. It cant be that bad, can it? After sitting there for a few more minutes, i got up and asked someone for the room number. Once i had it, i went to it and opened the door. Right when i was opening it up i heard him say "why am i such a horrible father". Why he be a horrible father. "Your not a horrible father", i said as i came in. He turned around and looked down. What happened? "How are you doing", he asked. "Im okay", i said pulling up a chair. "You". "Im okay", he said. After that we both just sat there in sillence. I guess both trying to get evrything together.
Samantha's POV
Everything is dark. I dont like this. Im scared. I tried sitting up, but i cant. And whats that beeping. Its annoying. What happened?... oh wait, i remember. We ran away, Eden found us, we got blowed up and im now, i dont know. "Hey babygirl, look im sorry. I never meant to hurt you or A'Lissa for the matter. I left you guys and for that im sorry. I made a huge mistake. I want to make this right but you have to wake up. I cant do this without you guys. Please, i love you.", he said taking my hand. I tried opening my eyes but i couldnt. Why cant they open. I dont want to be here anymore. Come on girl, wake up. Just wake up. I tried so hard but i couldnt, i just couldnt.
Justin's POV
I have to tell everyone whats going on. They deserve to know. I pulled out my phone and went to younow. After getting everything ready on there i sent a link to twitter and soon millions of people where on you now waiting for me. I took a deep breath and began. "Soo umm. Alot of you are confused. And i cant blame you. You haven't heard from any of us. So im here to tell you whats going on. Ummm A'Lissa and Samantha are both in comas, both on life support. Doctors dont think they will make it." Comments were pouring in fast. For the ones i could see consist of "what happened", "dont give up", "whats going on". "I made a mistake you guys. A huge one. I umm lost my focus. Not on my carreer but on my daughters. I put girlfriend before them. I didnt believe them. So they ran away. Then something bad happened. Now its a chance could loose them forever." Tears were falling from eyes. "I wish i could take it all back. I wish none of this wouldn't have happened." "Please pray that they make it. I cant do this without them." I looked at A'Lissa then at Samantha. Something was different though.

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