I Knew You Had A Heart Attack

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Samantha's POV

"You have the feathers and whip cream"' i asked A'Lissa. She nodded yes . I bet your wondering whats going on. Well we are hungry and Justin doesn't allow us to cook because he thinks were gonna burn down the kitchen. We tried to wake him but he refused. So we have to do it another way. We went in his room and we got on either side of his bed. We first put whip cream all over him, making sure we got everything. (Not everything but everything.) I took a feather and tickled his nose with it. He started to move until he smashed a hand of whip cream in his face. "What the.." he said before Lissa threw all the feathers on him. Making sure the feathers stuck to him."I am gonna kill you two", he said getting up. Me and Lissa ran out the room and downstairs. We hid under the table. After about 10 minutes of being under the table Justin finally came with clean clothes on. We came from under the table and look at him. "You know im gonna kill you two right." he said. We nodded yes and pointed to the kitchen. He rolled his eyes and went in. "What you guys what for breakfast", he asked looking in the refrigerator. We looked at eachother and smiled. "We want bacon,eggs, toast", i said. "Oatmeal, sausage and orange juice. Sunny D, to be specific.", Lissa said. He looked at us like we were crazy. "We love you", i said. He rolled his eyes and started cooking. Once he finish he gave us our food and got on his phone. A few minutes later Za came in with rope in his hands. I looked at Lissa and she looked scared. I really dont know whats going on. He sat next to Justin and whispered to him. Me and Lissa put our plate in the sink and went upstaires with them following behind. We went in Lissa's room, locked the door, and went in the closet and hid behind the clothes. "They are gonna kill us", Lissa said. "What are they gonna do to us". "Well, they gonna catch us because they know we are gonna run. it will take them about 10 minutes to do that. Then they will carry us on their shoulders to the room with the biggest bed, which is the guest room downstairs. They will throw us down on the bed, get on top of us, pin us down and the tie us down. From their they will proceed on tickling us until we cant breathe or we pee on ourselves.". I looked at her like she was crazy. "You have been through this". She nodded yes. We heard the closet door open and footsteps entering. How do they get in? "A'Lissa, Samantha come out come out where ever you are. We won't hurt you, we just wanna talk thats all.", Justin said. "Check under the clothes", Za said. They started moving clothes around searching every part of the closet. Now im really scared. A'Lissa grabbed my hand and we ran out closet with them behind us. We ran downstairs and just as we was about to turn a corner, they grabbed us. I think you can guess what happened next.
-2 hours later-
A'Lisa's POV
A whole hour of nothing but torture. Nonstop. Here is some advice, never prank Justin. If you do make sure you have a great hiding place and a backup plan. Za had left after he help Justin calm us down. Anyway, im writing a new song. I dont know what im gonna call it yet but its coming along, I think. Justin said Scooter should be coming soon to talk about the label and stuff like that. Im really excited about it. I get to do something i love and plus my new sister is gonna be with me plus Justin ofcourse. "Lissa, Scooter is here", Justin yelled. I put my journal down and went downstairs. Once i was down there, Justin was talking to him. "Hello", i said walking to them. "Hello, Ms. A'Lissa.", he said hugging me. "Where's Sam?", Justin asked. "Right here", she said jumpping on his back. "Ok, we can play this game", he said spinning around. Once he stopped he set her down and they both felled. Me and Scooter started laughing. Once we all calmed down and Justin and Sam got up we got to business. "OK girls, you do want to be signed to his label, correct?", Scooter asked. We both nodded yes and he continued. "OK, so you guys sign this and Justin, you sign this", he said giving us papers. After we finish, we gave it back to him and he looked over them. "OK, first things first, you guys need to new song and you have today to do it.", he said. We looked at him like he was crazy. "They have to right a song by tonight", Justin asked. Scooter nodded yes. "Your label wants to see what they are really made of.", Scooter said. After about 10 minutes of more talking me and S went upstairs to work on our song. Sam got her things and she came to work in my room with me. "So any ideas ", I asked. She nodded no and I sighed.
Justin's POV
"How do they expect them to write a song by tonight", i asked Scooter. "I dont know man, all i know it has to be good.", he said. "What do they mean, "they want to see what they are made of", people have seen them perform before.", i said. "Not on national tv", he said. I looked at him with wide eyes. "They are gonna freak", I said. "I know, just make sure,they have something done.", he said getting up. I nodded and he left out. Great, how am I gonna tell them this.
Andrew's POV
"Her should we call them", Marcus asked. "I don't know", I said. We been wanting to call them all day so we could hang out and stuff. "Let's call them", I said. "You sure man", he asked. I nodded yes and dial the number. Their were a few rings before someone picked up. (L-A'Lissa, S-Samantha, A-Andrew, M-Marcus)
A-hey, it's Andrew and Marcus
M-how are you guys?
L- we are great, and you.
M- we are awesome now that we are talking to you guys.
L,S- awwwww
A- what are you guys doing?
S- we are writing songs. We just got signed to Justin 's label and they want us to write one by tonight. You guys should come over.
M- really?!?!
L- yeah, just let me ask Justin to make sure its ok.
We waited for about five kintues then A'lissa said "he said its fine but if we are not done with our song by time you guys get here, you have to stay downstairs with him until we finish."
A- ok, we will be right over. See ya.
S- see ya.
We hung up the phone and got ourselves ready. After we was done, we headed out to her house. "You think Justin will like us." Marcus asked. "I hope so, i really do.", i said.
Justin's POV
So the boys are coming over. They better make a great impression if they want to have anything to do with my daughters. I was about to sit down when their was a knock on the door. I went to the door and opened it and saw two boys looking... decent. "Hello Mr.Bieber, my name is Andrew Jackson and this is Marcus Moore. Your daughters invited us over but before we go talk to them we was wondering if we could all get to know each other.", he said. "Hi, and yeah, sure. Come on in. They came in and just stood there looking around. "Big, huh", i said sitting down. They both nodded yes and continued to look around. "Why dont you guys sit, and we can talk", i said pointing to the couch. They nodded and sitted. "So. .". "Is that a Sigul S6 Entourage Acoustic Guitar!", Andrew said going towards. "You know your guitars, you play.", i said. He nodded yes and showed it to Marcus. "Why dont you guys play something", i said. (Billionaire by Bruno Mars)

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