Warm Hugs

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Tricia had to rush to the hospital after an emergency occured with one of her patients. She had no choice but to leave despite being exhausted with yesterday's shift.

I can't help but miss her. She's been busy these days. I'm also amazed by her, she manages her time so well.

Right now, I'm busy scrolling through social media, while I've been sneezing non-stop. I have a feeling that I'll be sick anytime soon.

It's most likely because of the weather. Araw-araw kasing umuulan, the rainy season has begun.

I decided to sit up and think of something to eat, 'yung may sabaw. I'm craving for some hot soup on a cold rainy evening.

I went out of the room and searched the kitchen cabinets to find something to cook. I found a few packs of ramen so I brought them out.

Nagbukas na rin ako ng fridge, I feel like the ramen would taste better with some garnishes and such, so I took out whatever I could add as an extra topping.

Medyo papuntang cooking show na tayo, 'no?

After cooking the noodles, nilagay ko na ito sa isang bowl then added the cooked toppings on top. Tada! Papasa kaya akong chef nito?

Niligpit ko naman agad 'yung pinagkainan at 'yung pinaglutuan ko pagkatapos kong kumain.

I settled on the couch and read the book that I left on the coffee table in front of me.

Where was I again? Oh, here, page 148.

I read and read for God knows how long, until I fell asleep.

Nagising na lang ako ulit when I felt a pair of arms encircling my waist, and someone nuzzling their head on my neck. It was Tricia.

"Loveyyy, I'm so tired," I heard her spoke, exhaustion evident in her voice.

Idinilat ko naman ang mga mata ko and reciprocated the warm embrace. Ah, just how good this feels to hug someone you love.

"I know." I replied, caressing her hair.

"Continue what you're doing with my hair, it feels so relaxing.."


It did not take long until she actually fell asleep. I gently kissed her temple and whispered, "Sleep well, my love."

(art by saintjackson; do not repost !)

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(art by saintjackson; do not repost !)


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